FAQ - Information for TE Staff

Here you can find answers to common questions about developing, and managing your Trinity Electives. If you have further questions, please refer to the detailed guidelines and resources provided on the main page, or contact tesubcommittee@tcd.ie. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Schools wishing to propose a new Trinity Elective should contact tesubsommittee@tcd.ie for the proposal form. Proposals are evaluated by the Trinity Elective Sub-Committee. If successful, the proposals go forward to the Undergraduate Studies Committee and University Council for final approval. Find supporting documents and guides on Trinity Elective Life Cycle Development.

Amendments are categorised in major, moderate and minor changes, each with their own procedure for approval. 

Find more on TE Development and Amendments Process.

Once a Trinity Elective is approved, it must run for a minimum of 4 years. After this period, proposals can be made to cease or suspend a Trinity Elective.

Find more information on TE Development and Amendments Process.

Login to SITS via my.tcd.ie. The option for 'Student Lists' should appear in the bar across the top of the page. When you click on this, you will be brought to a further page where you can access 'Module Class List'.

Change of Mind can be facilitated as of 2023/24. Change of mind process is to be facilitated on Trinity Elective choices up until the end of the OME process for visiting students  The student will submit a request to change modules via the Online Module Enrolment (OME) process and this request is processed by the Schools. The Schools are to provide a point of contact to facilitate a change of mind request. 

Student lists for modules can be fluid at the start of each semester. SITS will carry the most up-to-date list of students for your Trinity Elective.

Please ensure that you are assigned to at least one teaching event for your Trinity Elective in CMIS. This can be checked with the Central Timetabling Unit.

If this is not the problem, further information and support is available from the IT Service VLE Support Page.

After the initial set-up of your Trinity Elective, the MAP should be set-up like any other module owned by your School. Please see information on Module Manager.

Annual deadlines for Semester 1 and Semester 2 MAP set-up can be found on the Calendar page from Academic Registry.

Please contact your School Assessment Manager (normally the School Admin Manager) in the first instance to ensure that you are set up as a marker for the module and that the module is open in SITS to be marked.

If the issue cannot be resolved within your School, please e-mail askexams@tcd.ie.


Trinity Electives are delivered during the following hours. Module co-ordinators may use some or all of these hours each week in the delivery of their Trinity Elective.

  • Tuesday: 9-10am & 10-11am
  • Thursday: 4-5pm & 5-6pm
  • Friday: 9-10am

Eligible students may only take one Trinity Elective in a semester, therefore, module co-ordinators may use all of the hours indicated above to schedule module activities, e.g., lectures, workshops, tutorials, term-time assessments etc.

Please contact the Central Timetabling Unit at timetabling@tcd.ie.

You can find the list of current Trinity Electives and their module codes on the Trinity Elective Website.

Please contact the Trinity Elective module co-ordinator directly.

The names of the module co-ordinators are provided in each Module Descriptor, to be found on the relevant Elective on the Trinity Electives Webpage.