Amendments to Current Trinity Electives

Proposed amendments to existing approved Trinity Electives can be minor, moderate, or major in nature. The approval required depends on the type of change.

For a detailed overview of the types of changes and the corresponding approval process, please see the Programme and Curriculum Design and Approval Policy.

Major Changes

The following are considered major changes and require recommendation for approval by the Trinity Elective Sub-Committee (TESC), Undergraduate Studies Committee (USC), and approval by Council:

  • Title changes
  • Learning outcome changes
  • Mode of delivery (e.g., from online to in-person)
  • Suspension/cessation of Trinity Electives
  • Module capacity

If you are proposing any major change listed above, please contact Ellen Kampinga at for guidance on the required information to support the proposed change. To take effect in the next academic year, all major changes must be approved at the final TESC meeting of the year in February.

Moderate and Minor Changes

Proposed changes that are minor or moderate in nature, as defined in the Programme and Curriculum Design and Approval Policy, require approval at the School level and do not need subsequent TESC approval.