New postgraduate taught programme approval process

Submission of an expression of interest form: Proposers planning to develop a new PGT course are asked to provide high level information on the title of the proposed programme, its structure and the School(s) likely to be involved in the delivery of the programme. The form is reviewed, and Academic Affairs will meet with the proposer to discuss the proposal, timelines and will share relevant template documents.


Three-Step Approval Process of PGT course proposals

A new course proposal requires that two templates are developed in sequence starting with (i) the Proof-of-Concept and moving to (ii) the Curriculum Plan and Appendices.

  1. The Proof-of-Concept template evidences a business case for the proposed programme and addresses its sustainability and viability from resourcing, financial, market and academic perspectives. The proposer consults with a number of units indicated in the image below. At the School level, the proof-of-concept requires approval from the Director of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate), Head of Discipline and Head of School. Subsequently, a sign off is required by the Careers and Global Offices and the Faculty Dean. Once those approvals have been sourced, the course proposal moves to the second stage.
  2. The Curriculum Plan outlines the proposed curriculum. This template should be developed in consultation with Academic Practice. Academic Affairs will review the final draft of the plan to ensure regulatory alignment.
  3. The combined proposal of the Proof-of-Concept and the Curriculum Plan must be signed off by the School Executive Committee to be reviewed by the Dean of Graduate Studies. After the Dean’s approval the combined proposal is externally reviewed. Subject to addressing the recommendations from the external reviewer and feedback from the Graduate Studies Committee, the proposal is considered for approval by Council.

Contacts and supports

The proposer can contact the following professional colleagues for advice on:

  • queries relating to the development of the proposed course structure, Trinity’s regulations, timelines: Ms Ewa Sadowska ( in Academic Affairs, Trinity Teaching and Learning.
  • queries relating to the 2-stage approval process: Ms Rionnagh Sheridan ( on the PG Renewal Team.
  • how to carry out effective market research and course promotion: Mr Declan Coogan ( in Trinity Global.
  • the curriculum design: Centre for Academic Practice ( Further resources developed by the Centre of Academic Practice to assist with the curriculum plan can be found here.

Useful Resources

Market Research and Course Promotion

Market Research and Course Promotion

Declan Coogan and Elaine Chan from Trinity Global discuss support available.

Academic Practice - Curriculum Design Supports

Academic Practice - Curriculum Design Supports

Dr Caitríona Ní Shé discusses the support available from the Centre for Academic Practice.

Inclusive Curriculum Practices

Inclusive Curriculum Practices

Dr Rachel Hoare discusses insights from the Trinity Inclusive Curriculum Project.
