Amendments to existing PGT Programmes
Amendments to existing programmes are categorised as minor, moderate or major and their approval depends on the category as laid out in Appendix 1 of the Programme and Curriculum Design and Approval Policy.
Minor and Moderate changes such as to modes of assessment and module curriculum not resulting in changes to programme learning outcomes are approved at a Programme/School level.
Major changes follow the abridged approval process illustrated below. Major changes to a programme must be approved at the latest at the last Council meeting of the year to take effect in the following academic year but some changes, especially to do with admissions, may only be implemented the year after. See key dates for 2024/25 below.
If you are considering major changes please contact Ewa Sadowska ( in Academic Affairs for advice on documentation to be submitted to GSC.
Modules and Micro-credentials
For details pertaining to approval of Major, Moderate and Minor changes impacting PGT Micro-credentials, PGT Modules, PGT Validated Programmes and Stand-alone Structured PhD Modules please refer to Appendix 1 (pages 4 to 5) of the Programme and Curriculum Design and Approval Policy (via the link below).