College Statement on Academic Integrity
The following Statement on Integrity, approved by Council, was developed for academic staff, professional staff, and students.
- In Trinity College Dublin, we commit ourselves as staff and students to acting responsibly and ethically, embracing integrity in all our actions and interactions as members of the College community. Understanding that integrity requires honesty, transparency and accountability, we agree to:
- Strive to do what we say we will, ensuring that we are aware of our commitments and responsibilities in order to fulfil them, and abiding by College and other relevant policies and the highest standards of conduct.
- Give credit where credit is due, recognizing and acknowledging the contributions and achievements of others in scholarship, teaching, research and service.
- Tell the truth, as a community and as individuals, speaking out and listening even when it is difficult, naming problems and honestly acknowledging mistakes.
- Hold ourselves and others to account for the things for which we are each responsible.
- Use resources for the purposes for which they are intended and be above reproach in financial dealings.
- Deal fairly, consistently and transparently with others.