Academic integrity can be described as a commitment to, and compliance with: "ethical and professional principles, standards, practices and consistent system of values, that serve as guidance for making decisions and taking actions in education, research and scholarship" (NAIN Lexicon, p.3)
Academic integrity underpins all aspects of research and education at Trinity and is key to Trinity’s mission and values. Academic integrity is a core feature of Trinity’s academic culture and is the cornerstone of university life. Maintaining academic integrity involves a commitment to and demonstration of honest and moral behaviour by staff and students in the academic setting.
Academic Misconduct Flowchart
DGS Dean of Graduate Studies; DTL Director of Teaching and Learning (Undergraduate or Postgraduate); MC Module Coordinator; SL Senior Lecturer
How to
A how-to guide for recording breaches of academic integrity in SITS is available to download - see Recording decisions in SITS.
Please note this applies to all levels, including level 1.
A How-to guide is available to check:
- if a student has had a previous recorded case of academic misconduct recorded in SITS
- how many instances of recorded academic misconduct and the corresponding level of academic misconduct.
Templates for emails sent by the module coordinator
Invitation to discuss suspected infringement of Calendar Regulations on Academic Integrity
Templates for emails sent by the Director of Teaching and Learning
Invitation to Academic Integrity meeting
Forms to be completed by the Director of Teaching and Learning
Library resources - Libguide and "Ready, Steady Write"
Students who have breached academic integrity must read the LibGuide on Academic Integrity again, and then retake the Ready Steady Write plagiarism tutorial. Following this, they must submit a reflection on their learning to the module coordinator or Director of Teaching and Learning for review. The student will not receive a mark for this reflection.
Student Learning Development
The student may also be encouraged by the DUTL/DTLP to engage with Student Learning Development (SLD) on the development of their academic skills as appropriate.
SLD works to promote and support academic integrity within Trinity via workshops and the Academic Writing Centre, working proactively with students and staff to embed effective writing strategies, study skills, planning and self-management into the curriculum. Students can avail of individual appointments, bookable at the SLD website here: Students may also attend academic support workshops during the academic year, details are published here:
Topics include:
- Academic writing
- Academic integrity
- Effective study skills
- Developing critical thinking in your writing
- Presentation skills
- Academic culture in Trinity
- Groupwork
- Exam skills & preparation
Academic Writing Centre
Do your students know about the Academic Writing Centre?
The Academic Writing Centre in Trinity College Dublin is run by Student Learning Development. The Writing Centre offers a variety of writing services, including individual appointments, for all students to help them develop their academic writing skills. SLD offer advice in the areas of critical thinking, structuring & planning, thesis writing, academic integrity and referencing. Book an appointment here: To book a workshop for your students or to find out more information, drop SLD an email at Visit our webpage here: