Legislation Summary
This page provides a short summary of legislation of particular relevance to staff and students. A full list of legislation relevant to the University is available here.
1. The Higher Education Authority Act 2022
The purpose of the legislation is to reform the legislative framework for the higher education system enabling improved oversight and regulation of higher education institutions.
The legislation repeals the Higher Education Authority Act, 1971 and provides a legal basis for the functions of An tÚdarás Um Ard-Oideachas, (the Higher Education Authority, (HEA)) and the role of the Minister.
The core objectives of the HEA Act are to:
- promote and support higher education institutions in achieving excellence in teaching, learning and research in higher education
- promote and safeguard the interests of students
- advance equality, diversity and inclusion in higher education
- provide a comprehensive governance and accountability framework to safeguard Exchequer investment in the sector and ensure accountability by higher education institutions for that funding
- maximise the contributions of higher education to social, economic, cultural, Irish language and environmental development and sustainability
- maintain and enhance the reputation of the higher education sector, including international reputation.
The overall aim is to provide a high quality, student focused system with appropriate oversight and accountability to underpin public confidence of stakeholders, students and the public.
See https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/0da13-higher-education-authority-bill-your-questions-answered/ for further information.
A new Supplemental Charter was created to deal with the Trinity-specific parts of the 2022 Act approved by the Board on 7th October 2022 and recognised by the Government on 15th November 2022 and has formally become part of Trinity’s Charters.
The 2022 Act has resulted in changes to the composition of the Trinity Board.
2. The Ethics in Public Office Acts, 1995 and 2001
The Focus of the Ethics in Public Office Acts is to provide for disclosure of interests that could materially influence a designated person in relation to the performance of their functions. The persons covered by the Acts include Members of the Oireachtas, senior civil servants, designated directorships and designated positions of employment in public bodies. Persons holding designated directorships or occupying designated positions are required to furnish a statement of registrable interests to an officer of the body (for designated directors) or to the relevant authority for the position. Designated directors are also required to furnish a copy of any statement to the Standards in Public Office Commission. The Standards in Public Office Commission supervises the Ethics in Public Office Acts.
3. The Freedom of Information Act 2014 (PDF 782kB)
The Freedom of Information Act 2014 provides that every person has the following legal rights:- the right to access official records held by public bodies prescribed under the Act (FOI bodies);
- the right to have personal information held on them corrected or updated where such information is incomplete, incorrect or misleading; and
- the right to be given reasons for decisions taken by FOI bodies that affect them.
Any person may make an FOI Request under the Act, and the public body in question must normally respond within 4 weeks after acknowledging the request. In the case of large and/or complex requests this timeframe may be extended by a further 4 weeks. In Trinity the processing of FOI requests will be facilitated by Trinity's Information Compliance Office and will be dealt with by a Decision Maker in the relevant area of Trinity to which the request relates, e.g. if a requester is seeking details about their personal employments record this request will be assigned to a Decision Maker within Human Resources.
Following retrieval and examination of the requested records the Decision Maker may grant full access to the information requested, or may refuse access to some or all of the information requested based on specific grounds detailed within the Act.
Under the Act, the person who has requested the information has the right to appeal an FOI body's decision - firstly to a more senior staff member within the FOI body than the staff member who made the original decision (referred to as an Internal Reviewer), and then to the Office of the Information Commissioner if the decision is still not satisfactory. The Information Commissioner's decision in this instance is binding.
Further information on the Act can be found at www.tcd.ie/info_compliance/foi/legislation/.
4. Data Protection Act 2018
The Data Protection Act 2018, which was signed into law on 24 May 2018, changes the previous data protection framework, established under the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 (pdf). Its provisions include:
- Establishing a new Data Protection Commission as the State’s data protection authority
- Transposing the law enforcement Directive into national law
- Giving further effect to the GDPR in areas where member states have flexibility (for example, the digital age of consent)
Further information is available at www.tcd.ie/info_compliance/data-protection/.
5. EU General Data Protection Regulation
The EU-GDPR replaced the current EU Data Protection Directive with direct effect on 25th May 2018. It was transcribed into Irish law by the Data Protection Act 2018 which was enacted on 24 May 2018. The regulation harmonises data protection law across member states albeit with derogations permitted at the national level. The objective of the legislation is to address the challenges of an increasingly data driven society and whilst the Commission recognises the need for data to flow freely the rights of individuals must be protected in particular “where the processing may give rise to discrimination, identity theft or fraud, financial loss, damage to the reputation, loss of confidentiality of personal data protected by professional secrecy, unauthorised reversal of pseudonymisation, or any other significant economic or social disadvantage; where data subjects might be deprived of their rights and freedoms or prevented from exercising control over their personal data”.
Further requirements and legislative basis for the processing of personal data specifically for health research was set out in the Health Research Regulations 2018 S.I. No. 314 of 2018 while the forthcoming Data Sharing and Governance Bill 2018 is intended to provide a generalised legal basis for the sharing of data between public bodies while also setting out appropriate safeguards under which such sharing should take place.
Finally, an update to the e-Privacy Regulations including the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2011 will have an impact on anyone processing personal data for direct marketing purposes and other areas such as the use of cookies. This legislation is now not expected until 2020.
6. Health Research Regulations
The Health Research Regulations 2018 are formally called the Data Protection Act 2018 (Section 36(2)) (Health Research) Regulations 2018. They were made by the Minister for Health under section 36 of the Data Protection Act 2018 and came into effect on 8 August 2018.
The Health Research Regulations 2018 govern the use of personal data for health research purposes. These important new regulations outline mandatory suitable and specific measures that ensure that health research in Ireland is conducted using best practice principles of information governance in line with new GDPR requirements.
The regulations protect the rights of participants while at the same time they promote and facilitate the conduct of high quality research in the public interest.
The regulations also introduce for the first time a lawful mechanism that allows the processing of personal data for health research purposes in exceptional circumstances without the explicit consent of the individual concerned.
Further information is available at www.tcd.ie/info_compliance/data-protection/.
7. The Ombudsman (Amendment) Act 2012
The Ombudsman (Amendment) Act 2012 which was commenced on 1 May 2013 brings over 180 additional public bodies under the remit of the Ombudsman including all Universities. This means that the Ombudsman can examine complaints made by staff, students or members of the public in relation to the administrative actions of the College which occur on or after 1 May 2013 only. This mechanism exists in additional to all other existing internal and external appeal processes.
The other significant provisions in the 2012 Amendment Act are that:
- public bodies under the Ombudsman's remit are legally obliged to give reasonable assistance and guidance to members of the public in the context of their administrative actions. They are also required to deal with members of the public properly, fairly, impartially and in a timely manner
- following an investigation of a complaint, the Ombudsman may make general recommendations to public bodies under his remit even if that public body was not the focus of the complaint or investigation
- if a person fails to comply with a request from the Ombudsman to provide specified information, documents, etc. the Ombudsman may apply to the Circuit Court for an order of compliance
- the Ombudsman may refer any question of law to the High Court for determination
The College Secretary is the College’s nomination Ombudsman liaison office and any correspondence received from the Office of the Ombudsman should be sent to the Office of the College Secretary.
8. The Official Languages Act 2003 & Official Languages (Amendment) Act 2021
The aim of the Official Languages Act 2003 is to increase and improve, over a period of time, the quantity and quality of services provided by public bodies in the Irish language. The Official Languages (Amendment) Act 2021 is a strengthening of the 2003 Act and aims to make a significant contribution to the quality of services provided in Irish to the public.
The Office of an Choimisinéara Teanga is responsible for monitoring compliance with the Act.
Key legal requirements for Trinity College under the Acts
- Publications: public policy proposals, audited accounts or financial statements, annual reports and strategy statements to be published simultaneously in Irish and English.
- Incoming Communication: written correspondence received in Irish to be replied to in Irish.
- Outgoing Communication: written communication (e.g. mail shots) to provide information to the general public or a class of the general public to be bilingual.
- Signage: all signage to be bilingual. The Irish text should appear first and should not be less prominent, visible, or legible than the English text.
- Stationery: all stationery to be bilingual (notepaper, compliment slips, envelopes, fax cover sheets, file covers, labels). The Irish text should appear first and should not be less prominent, visible, or legible than the English text.
- Recorded Oral Announcements & Voicemails (for main telephone numbers): to be bilingual.
- Gaeltacht Placenames: the official placenames of Gaeltacht areas to be used.
- Reporting: A person from senior management to oversee Trinity’s compliance with the Act. This to be reported upon in Trinity’s annual report.
- Advertising: 20% of annual advertising to be in Irish, and 5% of any money spent on advertising to be spent on advertising through Irish language media.
- Language Standards: to be prescribed e.g. services to be provided in Irish. These standards will replace Trinity’s Irish language schemes.
Provisions coming into place from 31st October 2023
- Incoming Communication: written correspondence including on social media received in Irish to be replied to in Irish.
- Outgoing Communication: written communication to provide information or to do marketing to the general public or a class of the general public to be bilingual.
- Names, addresses and titles: ICT and other systems to allow names, address and titles be recorded in Irish including the use of the length accent (síneadh fada).
- Official forms: the minister may prescribe that the contents and layout of official forms are in Irish or in Irish and in English. In this case, the Irish text should appear first and should not be less prominent, visible, or legible than the English text.
- Logos: any new, altered or renewed logo to be bilingual, and the Irish text to appear first and should not be less prominent, visible, or legible than the English text.
- Names and Logos of New Statutory Bodies: any new statutory body to have an Irish name. The body’s logo to be bilingual, and the Irish text to appear first and should not be less prominent, visible, or legible than the English text.
- Public Facing Services: where a public facing service is provided a person or organisation on behalf of Trinity, the provisions above relating to signage, stationary, oral announcements, advertising, and outgoing/ingoing communication to apply to them.
9. Copyright and Related Rights Acts, 2000 to 2007
The Copyright and Related Rights Act, 2000 is the current Irish legislation covering copyright. It makes provision for a Copyright Licensing Scheme, which came into effect on 13 January 2003. The Irish Copyright Licensing Agency is recognised under this legislation as a registered body to operate a licensing scheme for reprographic copying in educational institutions. With the introduction of the licensing scheme, copying of copyright material for educational purposes is only permissible if an educational institution has obtained a licence, or has obtained permission from the Copyright holder. College has a licence agreement with the Irish Copyright Licensing Agency. Details of the extent of copying permitted under the licence, and of the limits and exclusions, are specified in the licence agreement between the ICLA and the College, which are summarised in the ICLA's User Guidelines. These documents and related information are available at www.tcd.ie/info_compliance/copyright/educational.php.
Also, please note that it is an offence under the Act to distribute copyright material without authorisation via the internet, either by publishing it on a website or by distributing it to others using file-sharing programmes. Copyright owners constantly monitor the internet, including Trinity's websites, for breaches of the Act. Where copyright infringements have occurred, legal action may be taken not only against the College but also against the individuals concerned. This is a matter which the College takes very seriously and those who distribute unauthorised material via the internet are not only in breach of the Act but also contravene the College's Code of Conduct for the use of computer resources and may have their access to the College's computer facilities withdrawn. Further information is available at www.tcd.ie/info_compliance/copyright/.
It should be noted that at present the College does not hold a licence to show films other than what is provided for in legislation. Under the Copyright Related Acts 2000 the College does not infringe the copyright in films shown for educational purposes only. This exemption is quite narrow and does not cover instances where films are shown in College for purposes other than education, this could include society events, sporting events, publicity launches etc. All instances where films are shown for purposes other than educational instruction require the acquisition of a licence from the Copyright holder and therefore it is the sole responsibility of those showing the film to acquire the requisite licence. Those requiring licences should contact the Motion Picture Licensing Company (http://www.mplc.ie), which a legitimate licensing body and are registered with the Copyright Controller (as required by the Act).
10. Defamation Act 2009
The law relating to defamation has changed significantly since the passing of the Defamation Act 2009. It abolished the old distinction between libel and slander. Instead, it provides that defamation consists of the publication, by any means, of a defamatory statement concerning a person to at least one other person, and it defines a defamatory statement as one that tends to injure a person’s reputation in the eyes of reasonable members of society.
Everyone involved in the publication of a defamatory statement is liable to be sued - including the journalist, editor or producer, owner and distributor. Repetition of a defamatory remark may give rise to separate actions, and the complainant may sue everybody who repeats the defamatory statement. In particular, those are responsible for websites can be liable for the defamatory content on the website, even if posted there by others.
The defences upon which a defendant can rely have been expanded by the new Act. Particular attention is drawn to Section 24 of the Act which provides that an apology will not constitute an express or implied admission of liability and is not relevant to the determination of liability in an action. The fact that an apology has been made will not be admissible in any civil proceedings as evidence of liability of the defendant. However, the Act provides that an offer of apology is one of the factors that the Court shall take into account in making an award of damages.
11. The Child Trafficking and Pornography Act 1998
The Child Trafficking and Pornography Act came into force in 1998. In order to take every possible precaution to ensure that our computer systems are not used to access pornographic material and to ensure that the College, and its Officers, are not open to allegations of negligence of duty under this Act, I am contacting you to remind you of the main provisions and penalties of the Act.
Under the terms of the Child Trafficking and Pornography Act 1998 it is an offence to knowingly:
(i)produce, distribute, print or publish child pornography and to knowingly import, export, sell, show or advertise child pornography
(ii)cause or facilitate, or encourage, any of these activities
(iii) be in possession of any child pornography.
The provisions of this Act cover the storing, viewing or distribution of child pornography on any computer system. Persons found guilty of any of the above offences are liable to a fine and/or prison sentence. Any staff or student member of the College found to be in breach of the provisions of this Act shall be immediately reported to the Gardaí.
12. Protected Disclosures Act 2014 and Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022
The Protected Disclosures Act 2014 as amended by the Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022 protects workers in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors from retaliation if they speak up about wrongdoing in the workplace. Workers can report wrongdoing internally to their employer or externally to a third party. Persons who make protected disclosures (sometimes referred to as “whistleblowers”) are protected by law, meaning they should not be treated unfairly or lose their job because they have made a protected disclosure.
The Act's definition of the term worker includes employees or former employees, part-time, full-time and casual workers, trainees, people working under a contract for services, independent contractors, agency workers, people on work experience, members of the Board including non-executive members, job candidates (involved in a recruitment process or in pre-contractual negotiations) and current or former volunteers.
13. Charities Act 2009
Charity law in Ireland is governed by the Charities Act 2009 and provides for the modern regulation of charities in the Republic of Ireland. The Charities Act 2009 allowed for the establishment of a charities regulator for Ireland known as the Charities Regulatory Authority. The Charites Act 2009 sets out the requirements regarding registration of charities, charitable purposes, annual reporting of charities and offences under the Charities Act 2009. The Charities Act 2009 laid the groundwork for the establishment of a Charities Regulator for Ireland, and the Charities Regulatory Authority was established on 16 October 2014. This created Ireland’s first bespoke regulatory regime for charitable organisations and was a major development in Irish charity law.
14. Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005, places responsibility for occupational health and safety on all stakeholders. The Act develops the role of employers, employees and Government in framing and implementing occupational safety and health policy in Ireland.
The 2005 Act sets out:
15. Children First Act 2015
The Children First Act 2015 places specific obligations on organisations which provide services to children and young people, including the requirement to keep children safe from harm while they are using the organisation's services.
Through the provisions of the Act, it is intended to: