Stata Code: setref

version 7.0

program define setref, rclass
    global rtextnames  = "`1'"     
    local n = 1
    local Rdtot = 0
    char `1'[rscore] "`2'"
    local Rdtot = `Rdtot' + `2'
    macro shift
    macro shift
    while "`1'" ~= "" {
	global rtextnames  = "$rtextnames"  + " `1'"
	char `1'[rscore] "`2'"
        local Rdtot = `Rdtot' + `2'
        macro shift
	macro shift
	local n = `n' + 1
    global RdN = `n'                 /* set up total ref text N */
    global Rdmean = `Rdtot' / $RdN   /* mean of ref scores */

    tokenize $rtextnames	      /* now get SD of scores */
    local Rdsqdev = 0
    while "`1'" ~= "" {
	local Rdsqdev = `Rdsqdev' + (``1'[rscore]' - $Rdmean)^2
	macro shift
    global RdSD = sqrt(`Rdsqdev' / ($RdN - 1))