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Module Code: POU44502

Module Name: Topics in Political Science 9/ East Asian Politics 2024-25

  • ECTS Weighting: 5
  • Semester/Term Taught: Semester  2
  • Contact Hours: TBC
  • Module Personnel: Dr. Jiwon Baik
  • Office Hours: TBC

Learning outcomes

By the end of the semester, students are expected to be able to:

  • Identify historical and institutional foundations of East Asian politics,
  • Apply concepts and theories in comparative politics to analyze East Asian politics,
  • Describe differences and similarities in political systems and outcomes from East Asian countries.

Module learning aims

This module will introduce East Asian politics using concepts and theories from the broader comparative politics discipline. It will familiarize students with key political events, both historical and contemporary, in East Asian countries through a variety of learning materials. Students will learn about the politics of individual countries as well as how international relations, both among East Asian countries and with Western countries, have affected the development of the broader East Asian region.

Module content

This course offers an introduction to the comparative politics of East Asia, concentrating on Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, and South and North Korea. The first section covers state building in East Asia, exploring the historical origins of contemporary economic and political institutions. The second section delves into the political development, institutional structures, and leadership of individual states. The third section investigates the role of the state in fostering the region's economic development and examines broader political-economic trends. The fourth section addresses state-society relations, with an emphasis on identity politics, nationalism, civil society development, and gender politics.

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Recommended Reading List: TBA

Assessment details

Weekly reading check-ins and discussion questions  - 10%

Attendance - 5%

Midterm Essay - 30%

1 Response Paper - 15%

Final Exam- 40%

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