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Module Code: POU44423

Module Name: Topics in Political science 11/Making Sense of China 2024-25

  • ECTS Weighting: 5
  • Semester/Term Taught: Semester  1
  • Contact Hours: TBC
  • Module Personnel: Dr. Jiwon Baik
  • Office Hours: TBC

Learning outcomes

By the end of the semester, students are expected to be able to:

  • Have an understanding of key events in Chinese politics and the various political, economic, and societal reasons behind these events
  • Understand specific political and economic institutions of China.
  • Be able to independently access new events and developments in Chinese politics using concepts and material from the course

Module learning aims

The central aim of this course is to demystify the political landscape of the People's Republic of China (PRC) for future China watchers by examining its complexities as a modern state. This module will familiarize students with the multifaceted aspects of Chinese politics, using seminal political events to introduce and explore key policy debates essential for understanding contemporary Chinese politics.

Module content

This course covers the major scandals, political events, and policy debates that every China watcher needs to know. As a modern state, the People's Republic of China (PRC) continues to amaze and confound observers both inside and outside its borders. More than four decades after opening its doors to the outside world, China remains as important as it is misunderstood, especially in recent years, as it has reversed some of these fundamental trends toward reform and opening up. This course is designed to provide you with a road map to help understand the fascinating world of Chinese politics and the contemporary Chinese state by providing different perspectives on China's past achievements, its political and economic futures, and the global implications of China's rise. The course presumes no prior knowledge of China.

Recommended Reading List TBC

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Assessment details

Attendace 15%

Mid Term Assessment 35%

Final exam 50%

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