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Politics and Irish Society B

Module Code: POU11022

Module Name: Politics and Irish Society B 2024-25

  • ECTS Weighting: 5
  • Semester/Term Taught: Semester 2
  • Contact Hours: 2 Hours Lecture per week; 1 fortnightly tutorial
  • Module Personnel: Ms Ailbhe Cannon
  • Module co-requisite: POU11021- Politics & Irish Society A

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to identify the core issues and debates at the heart of political discourse. Students will be able to use a variety of different theoretical and practical approaches to analysing political questions.

Module Learning Aims

The course has two core learning aims:

    1. To provide students with the tools to critically evaluate key topics in political science
    2. To enable students to engage with major political issues in Ireland today 

Module Content

There are three main sections in the course.

  • In section one, theories of international relations are introduced and the impact of globalization on the sovereignty of states is assessed. Issues such as the use of terror by sub-state actors and questions about the key cleavages in international politics are discussed.
  • Section two examines how citizens and social scientists interrogate the world around them. Is it ever possible for human beings to be completely objective? The role of the media in framing political discourse and setting agendas is explored with particular attention focusing on the media in Ireland. We also examine the claim that research by political scientists is ‘scientific’.
  • In the final part of the course we focus on Irish public policy. In particular we will look at key issues such as housing,the environment, and economic policy from a critical perspective.

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Assessment Details

Participation - 10%

Assignment 1 - 20%

Assignment 2 - 20%

Final Essay - 50%


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