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MSc Graduates

The Department of Political Science has graduated several cohorts from its MSc programmes. Below you can find the student names and the titles of their research dissertation. In addition, reflections from some of our MSc alumni can be found on the graduate testimonials webpage.

2023 Graduates - MSc in International Politics


Title of Dissertation

Jack Mccoy Barker-Mill Exploring the extent to which economic, social and authoritarian values motivate the votes for centre-left political parties
Matthew William Raymond Bergh DEMOCRATIC STABILITY IN EUROPE’S PERIPHERY DURING THE INTERWAR PERIOD. An Evaluation of Democratic Breakdown in Interwar Eastern Europe
Ciara Boulman How do radical parties broaden their electoral appeal? A comparative analysis of Sinn Féin and the Front National (2002-2020)
Charlie Holmes Buckley Externalities in economic warfare: Investigating the effects of American financial sanctions on the use of China’s renminbi.
Emma Byrne An Exploration of Media Coverage of an Irish Language Act in Northern Ireland. A Comparative Content Analysis of Nationalist and Unionist Media Representations Before and After the Collapse of Power Sharing in Northern Ireland
Peyton Danielle Coel Conflict and the Beautiful Game: Xenophobia in the English Premier League 1980-2010
Dongyi Cui How religiosity matter---correlation of religiosity, traditional gender role attitudes and Muslim female political participation
Piao Deng Is Economic Growth Negatively Associated with Religiosity? A Quantitative Research on Ireland’s Declining Church Attendance from 1973 to 2014
Ingrid Edvardsen Wagner's Web: Assessing the Impact of the Wagner Group's Disinformation Campaigns on Democracy-Building in Mali
Patrick John Peter Gibbons The Impact of Military Intervention on Armed Forces Recruitment in the United Kingdom
John Goulding LGBT Voting Behavior in the 2016 US Elections: Exploring the income variation on Queen Voting Behavior
Keira Lehanna Hoeferle Wrong Place, Wrong Time? LGBT+ Rights Advocacy in a Polarised Central Europe
Clémence Jocelyne Aimée Hoet Examining the Impact of Anti-Muslim Discrimination on Ideological Radicalisation in France
Niamh Karen Anne Horgan ‘Neither’ here nor there: The changing political and religious landscape in Northern Ireland
Kirstin Huysmans Duncan War-time welfare: The impact of rebel governance on civilian confidence in state institutions during civil wars
A quantitative analysis
Emma Sophie Joynt Transitional Justice Logic as a Means of Minorities’ Recognition and Inclusion: Analysing the 2022 French Law on the Nation's Recognition of the Harkis
Kevin Kazazian Foreign Military Intervention During Conflicts: The Case of Ethnic Cleansing and Ethnic Conflicts
Marcos León Santiago Understanding the European Union’s Response to the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Contextual and Institutional Explanatory Factors
Garrett Warrington Lischke Anti-Americanism: A Pathway to a United Europe Through the Otherness
John Mc Gee I’m A Joker, I’m A Smoker, I’m A Likely Voter: The Strengths and Weaknesses of Comedians-Turned-Politicians
Lauren Mc Nulty The Impact of Global Warming on Voting Behavior: A Study on the Relationship between Natural Disasters and Electoral Choices
Raef Murphy Explaining variations in internal political efficacy: exploring the effect of the general use of social media on perceptions of political knowledge and political competence.
Grace O'Regan Explaining variation in Pro-Government Militias’ use of violence against civilians: The Case of Sudan
Margherita Pagliarini Clothing The Red Dragon: The Case of Chinese and Italian Media Engagement
Katelyn Percha Proportional Representation and The Paris Climate Agreement
Yann Rienäcker European Identity and Economic Growth
Francesco Rosso Fund Allocation and Weighted Voting Systems in Multilateral Development Banks and Bretton Woods Institutions: A Comparative Study of the IBRD and IADB on the Latin American Developing Economies
Riley Drew Sandlin The Church and the State on an Environmental Date: Examining the relationship between legislator religious affiliation and environmental policymaking within the United States Congress
Eoin Benjamin Scarlett Shifting Patterns in Alliance Burden-Sharing: Variation in defence
expenditure amongst European NATO member states since the 2022
Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Joelle Dominique Schulz Success of educational means in long-term post-conflict peace-building - A case study of Libya and a comparison with Nepal. What is the role of education provided by humanitarian organisations in the long-term success of post-conflict peace-building?
Joseph Speicher Political Games: Examining State Capacity, Public Opinion, and Sports Mega-Events
Nela Spurná Exploring Influence of National Institutions on Vaccination Behavior in EU Member States
Aaron Steinacker Trade Diversification and Conflict: An Empirical Study. Does a country’s trade diversification lead to a change in likelihood in the occurrence of conflict between countries?
Griffin Stibor “Winners” and “Losers”: The Moderating Effect of Structural Adjustment on Ethnopolitical Exclusion
Matthew Tansey What explains variation in the human rights behaviour of states in Southeast Asia?
Sunil James Vijay Thakur The role of media in politics: a study on the impact listening to grime music had on the voter turnout of young adults in the 2019 UK General Election
Bhavna Tokas Why is Islamophobia mobilization by ABVP accepted in JNU but resisted in CUTN. Analysis of Indian universities Islamophobic culture.
Matthew John Charles Welch The Business of Politics & Regulatory Enforcement. Do electoral dynamics affect the enforcement of GDPR?
Mary Frances West Courting Religion: An Analysis of the Moral Speech Usage of American Supreme Court Justices
Macie Louise White Gender and Support for Humanitarian Military Intervention: Unravelling the Complexities in a Parliamentary Context
Olivia Zoë Wölfel The Strategic Use of Emotional Appeals in the Digital 2021 German Federal Election Campaign

2022 Graduates - MSc in International Politics


Title of Dissertation

Shafi Ahmed Process Tracing Changing Attitudes of Non-State Western Actors on the Israeli Occupation of Palestine
Lauren Anderson Centralisation Of Education: How Education Reform In England Propelled Modern Conservatism
Florence-Isabella Barré The Effects of Social Globalization on the Gender Gap in Global South Countries
Elisabeth Beck The impact of islamophobia on refugee treatment: The case of the Syrian refugee crisis in Germany and Poland
Maeve Boland Exploring the Effects of COVID-19 on Terrorist Organisations with Reference to Europe, al-Qaeda, and ISIS: A Mixed Method Analysis
Otso Castrén Natural Disasters and Food Security Policies by sub-Saharan Governments
Ismail Chaudhry The problem and paradox of the nation state response to climate change – UK 2010-present as a case study
Abhiruchi Chowdhury Does policy progress in deliverability of basic needs to citizens affect voting behaviour?
Sean Coffey Interventionist Politics of Europe: The Populist Implications of European Union Economic Intervention Policy during the Great Recession
Solenne Cormier Cyber Operations: Russia is Using Cyber Warfare to Combat Western Encroachment
Tess Cramb The (Right)way Forward: How has Brexit caused a discursive shift in the Conservative Party?
Peter Devlin Does immigration drive Popular Radical Right vote share in the European Union?
Julia Donegan Social Capital, Spatial Inequality, And The Rise Of Populism In The United States - A Mixed Methods Approach To Understanding The Motivations Behind Populist Support
Eolain Downey Current carbon emissions and colonial history: climate justice?
Yuqing Fang Gender Equality and State Violence
Dalia Fleitlikh Getting ‘Paperised’ : Investigating What Influences and Shapes Change in Migration Policy Towards Undocumented Migrants Through the Irish Regularisation Scheme (2022)
Romanie Groen The Effect of Power Distance on Corruption
Marcos Imbillicieri Causes of Disparities in Poverty Reduction Amongst Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico: Would Mexico Have Been More Successful in Reducing Poverty Had it Not Joined NAFTA?
Nandana James Nationalism: A Democracy’s Nemesis - An Investigation Of The Relationship Between Nationalist Ideologies of Political Parties And Democratic Deterioration
Melissa Johnson Turkey’s open-door policy: how did the opendoor policy impact Syrian refugees?
Alex Joyce The Decade of Sinn Fein’s Re-Birth: An Analysis of the Party’s Policies and Intentions of the 1980s
John Keefe Agreements Without Accountability: A Qualitative Analysis of U.S. International Agreements in an Era of Partisan Polarization
Damian Kirwan "My state is at war with my nation": Perspectives on the future of democracy and security from an ethnically divided Israel
Daniel Koivisto Post Euro Crisis Populism - Examination into Sweden and Finland
Emmet Lawler Disparity and dispossession: The effect of ethnic economic imbalance on market dominant minorities and the cases of Kenya and Zimbabwe
Devin Lee Trust and Information after Authoritarianism
Rose Lukasiewicz The Repatriation Of Cultural Property: A Case Study On The Benin Bronzes
Niall McCabe Politics of the Belt and Road Initiative
Kailyn McCourt Looking into the Relationship Between Conflict-Related Sexual Violence and Combatant Gender Through the Ugandan Lens
Stian Berge Mikalsen Towards a greener future? Process tracing the decriminalisation of cannabis in South Africa and analysing the socio-economic-political consequences.
Vaishnavi Mohan Equality For One: How Powerful Countries Control Access To Transboundary Rivers
Tara Montgomery Exit and Voice: An investigation into the influence of migrant remittances on political protest
Johanna Murphy “Think of what happened in Ukraine;” understanding British and German attitudes towards nuclear energy in the wake of the Ukraine crisis
Leonard Mussler Dwellings, Debt and Democratic Decisions: How Homeownership and Mortgage Debt Affect Vote Choices
Mai Nguyen Choosing between Reward-based and Coercive wedging: A Comparative Case Study Research
Bryan Niazi Offensive Realism Analysis: Russia’s Policy Towards the De Facto States of Abkhazia, South Ossetia, and Transnistria
Kate O'Dwyer What Impact Have Developments in Social Media Exerted Upon How the Israel- Palestine Conflict is Reported by the Legacy Media?
Jessica O'Hanlon You Can Run but You Can’t Hide: A Comparative Analysis of the Transnational Repression Campaigns of Russia & China
Antrea Panagiotou Slavery in the Anthropocene: Why Is Modern Slavery More Prevalent in Some Countries Compared to Others?
Mahya Roudneshin The Effect Of Democracy On The Green Growth: Empirical Assessment
Chrisian Rummel Taking a Glimpse Behind the Façade: External Support to Intrastate Conflict and Disaggregated Bilateral Trade
Barbara Silva Is religion an important variable when studying women’s leadership in extra-governmental political organisations? A study of the RSS and the KNA in India
Tianxin Zhang Leviathan Born in Flame: “How did the military administrative structure during the revolution translate into the political-administrative structure of a new Communist state in China?”

2021 Graduates - MSc in International Politics


Title of Dissertation

Alina Abramenko Beyond Contentious Political Tactics: Can Systemic Racism Explain the Frequency of Civil Rights Protests across the United States of America?
Addison Adkins It’s not who you are but who you think you are: Voting Behaviour as a Function of Self-Constructions of Social Class Identity in Great Britain
Vaka Lind Birkisdóttir The Voting Behaviour of German Citizens with Turkish Backgrounds in Germany
Mirco Capone Benedetto The political budget cycle and the electoral system: how macroeconomic factors determine voting preferences
Philip Cheney Is Foreign Direct Investment Inherently Destabilizing? The Relationship of Investment and States Examined
Lucas Paulo da Silva “Liberal Labour” and Working-Class Voters in the UK: A Quantitative Analysis
Conor Finnegan Rebel With a Cause – Ideology as a Factor Influencing Rebel Security Provision
Hannah Foley News Media, Social Media, and Democracy: A comparative analysis investigating the impact of social media as a news provider in the UK
Tiffany Hamilton Acts of Terrorism and the Reelection of IncumbentLeaders in Democracies
Ruth Hannigan The Non-Religious: A Threat to Belief - Exploring the Relationship Between Non-Religious Populations and Religious Terrorism
Jack Harbison Under what conditions are authoritarian regimes more inclined to utilize institutions such as partisan legislatures? An analysis of autocratic time horizons
Elisabeth Harding A Reexamination of government intervention and firm access to credit: Evidence from China
Uroš Ilić Exploring the effects of the studying abroad on social liberalism
Naoise Kenny Deconstructing Hegemony: Analysing China’s Rise Across Three Key Dimensions in Order to Assess the Future of the International System
Grace McGinnis The Skater Community’s Impact on Black Lives Matter Protests in New York City and Los Angeles in the Summer of 2020: The Relationship between Identity and Activism
Conor McKinnon Carbon Tax Support Among U.S. Voters: Evidence from a Randomized Survey Experiment
Enya O'Connell-Hussey Investigating the global risk factors of peatland drainage and governance
Honor O'Donnell Loftus Orientalist Characterisations and American Media Representations of Iranians during the Nuclear Deal Renegotiations
Matthew O'Kelly Decentralization in Africa: The Effect of Ethnic Federalism and Devolution on the Strength of National versus Ethnic Identities
Sara Pecchinotti The Effect of Vertical and Horizontal Trust on the Concern-Support Gap for Climate Change: Evidence from 23 European Countries
Luiza Evaristo Porfirio An Extension of Neorealist Theory: the Case of the Arctic Security Dilemma
Kilian Prendergast Covid-19, Regime Type,and the US:A Mixed Methods Approach
Caitlin Reder Fast or Slow? Speed of Crisis Response in the European Union, a case study of the Euro Crisis 2009 and the European Refugee Crisis 2015
Méabh Smyth A Qualitative Analysis of Two Social Movements in Ireland: Why did the opposition to water charges succeed where the anti-bin tax movement failed?
Shannon Staley A Call to Tare the Scales of Justice: Relations between States Formed Under Unjust and Inegalitarian Structural Conditions
Lia Stefanovich Does Monitoring Matter?: Fiscal Transparency, Good Governance, and Aid Composition
Christopher Sweeney From Isolationism to Neo-Ottomanism - Exploring Turkey’s Middle East Foreign Policy in the 21st Century
Zoé Thouvenot An attempt to understand the economic nationalist populist agenda through the prism of wellbeing
Camille Toussaint Tibet’s Annexation: Religious factionalism Is Theocracy Susceptible to Being Affected by Religious Factionalism?

2020 Graduates - MSc in International Politics


Title of Dissertation

Spencer Collins The Impact of U.S. Intervention in Latin America on Rates of Undocumented Immigration: A mixed method study of the effects of covert economic and political destabilization
Joe Corcoran Paradiplomacy and Chechen Autonomy
Conor Cotton Twitter isn’t real life: An examination of the effects of Internet and social media consumption on campaign volatility in the 2017 Austrian legislative election
Federica Delvecchio LEGA NORD: a qualitative analysis of leaders’ speeches. Variations across 29 years associated with the repositioning of the Italian party from regionalist to national/populist alternative
Zorana Foley A Quantitative Analysis into the Relationship Between Austerity and the Brexit Vote: The case of the United Kingdom
Alexander Gilbertson Faith in Political Institutions: An examination of the relationship between misinformation, internet use and political trust in the UK
Dominic Guilding Resource Politics in the Post-Neoliberal Era: the impact of the commodities boom and foreign direct investment on labour-relations in non-rentier states in Latin America
Meryem Merve Kahya The effect of politicization on the EU's bargaining power in trade negotiations: CETA vs. South Korea FTA
Patrick Kavanagh Taking the Initiative: Is the Belt and Road Increasing China’s Influence? A Quantitative Study Using Difference-in-Differences Regression Estimation
Kavya Kothiyal Effects Of Trade Conflict On Interest Group Mobilization
Jingjing Liu The influence of political cost-benefit calculation on recent national pandemic responses (with case studies of the recent responses of China and Russia to Covid 19)
Ava Lorenz Cyberwarfare and foreign policy: A case study of China and Russia
Georgia MacNeill A Quantitative Analysis into the Relationship Between Race and Attitudes towards US Military Expenditure
Anna Mulligan Domestic political trends and European bargaining: The effect of electoral fractionalisation and populist success on the EU budget
Samuel O'Brient A Qualitative Content Analysis of Variations in Media Coverage of the Trade War
Lorenza Paolella Ridolfi Asylum Requests: The role of documentation in the asylum procedures
Naoimh Poucher A quantitative investigation into the impact of an educational system on the identity formation of “Peace Babies”. A Case study of Northern Ireland
Adelaide Sargent Democratization after Dictatorship: Examining the Role of Strategic Nonviolent Activism in the Overthrows of Slobodan Milošević and Hosni Mubarak
Halil Burak Serin Hybrid donors of the international development taxonomy: Exploring the development cooperation models of Turkey, Israel, and Russia
Matthew Wigler Linking Outcomes in Peace Referendums to Political Inclusivity in Peace Negotiations: A Comparative Case Study of Northern Ireland and Colombia
Nathan Wilson Is Populist Rhetoric Contagious? Evidence from the UK Parliament
Timothy Wilson “Workers of the World Unite!”: A Study of Transnational Diffusion of Protest Between Countries With Similar Levels of Civil Society Robustness

2019 Graduates - MSc in International Politics


Title of Dissertation

Lara Alagha Nonviolent Campaigns Vs National Reputation: A Qualitative Analysis of Israel’s Response to the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Campaign (BDS)
Nicholas Ryan Bittner Political Systems and Risk Factors of Democratic Backsliding
Sarah Elizabeth Callaway A House (and Senate) Divided: Foreign Policy Implications of U.S. Congressional Polarization
Cian Cooney Not Going Down Without a Fight: A Study of the Relationship between War Initiation, War Duration and Outcome
Billy David Cronin Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad: An Analysis of the Radical Animal and Environmental Rights Movement 2003 - 2018
Sarah Ann Dil The Reaching Hand of the Arms Industry in the Bundestag: Voting Behaviour on Motions Calling for Arms Export Restrictions
Jana Ida Döhla Gender Quotas and High Levels of Female Representation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mehak Preetinder Dugal Analyzing the root cause of the accelerated Uyghur suppression in Xinjiang
Catherine Edwards Climate Change: Fact or Fiction? Contrarian Climate Change Information Dissemination in Corporate America
Elizabeth Elsie Fraser Explaining Variation in the Effectiveness of Terrorism
Amelie Magdalena Freiberg Resources and Rape: Patterns of wartime rape in activist insurgencies
Lucie Marie Leïla Guibert Voting Participation: Do Doctrinal Differences Matter?
Manami Harada

Macron, Social Cohesion, and Conscription: Military Service and Individuals’ Attitudes

Connor Hennessey-Niland The Impact of Inequality on Violence During Authoritarian Regime Changes
Tingting Huang Influence Mechanisms of Think Tanks in British Foreign Policymaking
Anson James Liski

Like, Share and Repress: The Effect of Social Media Proliferation on Levels of Repression in Autocracies

Elizabeth Anandi Lisowski Keep Your Friends Close, Your Enemies Closer, and the Military Far, Far Away: Military Participation in Government and Coup Propensity
Andrew Paul Martin One for All: The Likelihood of Unilateral Ceasefires in Civil War
Schuyler Mckenzie Miller Technical Guidance and Anti-Corruption Reform: Exploring the Relationship between International Organization Recommendations and Financial Disclosure Reforms
Jennifer Anne Colette Moynihan Is the effect of education on voting absolute, relative or pre-social?
Niamh O'Carroll Double Sided Mirror – A look at the Gendered Media Framing of Terrorists
Clare O'Donohoe Under the Influence: Explaining the Enactment of the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill 2018
Clare Parkhouse Investigating the Effect of Government Involvement in Religion on Public Attitudes Towards International Institutions and Integration
Matteo Poli Economic Downturns and Electoral Swings: An Analysis of Democratic Countries
Hayri Can Savaş Understanding Causes of Differences in Immigration Policies of the EU Member State
Redmond Scales First aid, then stability. Explaining variation in the stability of authoritarian regimes: The impact of foreign aid
Christoph Maximilian Schmid Rainbow Nation or Tribe? Testing Post-Apartheid Nation Building Policies in South Africa on an Individual Level
Gillian Mary Anne Shanahan Do Western Media Echo the Propagandist Messages of ISIS? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Polarising Narratives in Western Media
Conor Shearman Friend or Foe? The impact of Chinese and World Bank development projects on local support for democracy in Africa
Luke James Joseph Tully Commons-Based Polycentric Governance for Climate Change: Utilizing the commons for institutional provision
Sofiya Volvakova A Dis(Uniting) Force: The Ambiguous Role of Religion in the Current Refugee Crisis

2018 Graduates - MSc in International Politics


Title of Dissertation

Anouk Anne Baake Who Dominates Cyberspace? Explaining State-Initiated Cyber Conflict Through Cyberpower
Lisa Nicole Bunnenburg The Impact of Public Opinion on Climate Policy Performance in European Countries
Miceal Canavan Hungry for war: Analysing the impact of food availability on intrastate conflict
Elizabeth Caramante The effects of immigration policy on human trafficking in European countries
Brigid Eileen Francis-Devine Too Many Small Slices? The Effect of Aid Fragmentation on Development Outcomes
Rebecca Ann Franklin What Explains Promotion to Cabinet: The Case of Labour Women, 1997
Lara Hand The effect of harmonisation and partisan politics on tax-structure in the European Union
Cheston Heldman To Will the Means: An Analysis of the Sources of Cohesion and Disharmony in NATO
Nga Hoang Studying in China and Vietnamese student’s national identity
Samuel Alexander Thomas Johnston Render Unto Whom? The Modern Cosmopolis and Expanding Spheres of Moral Obligation
Sarah-Nicole Leflore Understanding the Policy Formulation and Positioning of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation
Sukriti Mathur Management of Conflict: A Comparative Study of SAARC and ASEAN
Leia Angelica Mantenegro Fernandez

Environmental Policy Innovation Analysis: An Alternative Framework

Tom Josef O'Byrne The Institutional Leash: How are the strategies and outcomes of asymmetric-warfare contingent to the domestic institutions of policy-types
Brooke Taylor Yiannopoulos vs. The Students: An iterative case study of student protest strategies against Milo Yiannopoulos on US university campuses from 2016-2017
Vincent Trometter

Tipping the Scale: Unconnected PAC Contributions and Polarization

Marypaz Ventura-Arrieta The Politics of Give and Take: A Look at the Disparity in Financial and Asylum Contributions to the Refugee Regime

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2018 Graduates - MSc in Politics and Public Policy


Title of Dissertation

Shane Collins Do Political Parties Favour Different Types of Citizenship Education? A Comparative Case Study of England and the Republic of Ireland 1988-2017

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2017 Graduates - MSc in International Politics


Title of Dissertation

Trey Charles Hines Bringing peace or drawing fire? an analysis of the effect of UN troops and observers on civilian fatalities in Sierra Leone (1991-2001)
David Hugh Moore The rise of US populism: an analysis of the role of economic inequality and trade displacement in the election of Donald Trump
Louise Josephine Banable Irish neutrality and a common European security and defence policy: how can Irish public opinion support both?
Žymantas Baranauskas Why others look better? The great recession in the European Union and varieties of capitalism
Olivia Broghan Barry A tale of two countries: gendered unemployment in post-Communist Poland and Hungary
Michael James Robert Barty An assessment of grafting in Russian disinformation, from the Cold War to now
Alexander Thomas Camden Bassett Contested development: explaining variation in African attitudes toward the US and China
Lea Daulan The influence of local green incentives on environmental bills in Congress: a quantitative analysis
Maria Salome Leal De Oliveira Fernandes Hate speech: cutting the chain of transmission
Pierre Joseph Geis Chinese island (s)hopping: an analysis of the disparity in Chinese territorial action in the South and East China seas
Paul Glynn American democracy assistance versus conflict and security issues in target states: stasis or success?
Hannah Laura Kavanagh Trading compromise for justice: redressing rape as a weapon of war
Connor Patrick Mc Ginn The United Kingdom? Explaining the vote for Brexit
Jane Moncrief

The role of economic self-interest, ideology, and sociotropic politics in U.S. Immigration Policy

Ronan Thomas Mullin Ecological civilisation and performance legitimacy 'clean' energy as a technological substitute for effective regulation in China
Mauro Pajola The causes of Civil War recurrence. How does the presence of rich and easily extractable natural resources affect the risk of recurrence for civil conflicts?
Michaela Sawicki

The next challenge for weak states: climate change and civil conflict

Giulia Saydon Rents and evictions: the political cost of defeat
Thomas Swan Double legitimation battles and backfire in the Arab Spring
Emmalee Sheila Lorraine Taylor 911 for peacekeepers: how the permanent-five United Nations Security Council members' national interests affect the United Nations' response to genocide and ethnic cleansing

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2016 Graduates - MSc in International Politics


Title of Dissertation

Gordon Bond The people's Armies: considering the effectiveness of strategic violence against civilians
Erin Caitleen Desetti Desegregation and achievement: how the ending of desegregation orders impacts black students' learning
Mariia Elovikova The influence of public opinion on climate change politics: evidence from the Paris Agreement
Jennifer Feeley Dictators and disasters: the impact of authoritarian regime type on earthquake mitigation policy
Julie Guerette Russia's influence on the civil liberties in post-Communist States
Alison Kelly Private certification regimes and government protection of labour rights: the case of fairtrade
Meera Bhadresh Nayak Greed versus need: the insurgency in Kashmir
Alpaslan Oguz Politics of humanitarian intervention in Europe: Britain, France, Germany, and intervention in Libya
Oguzhan Turkoglu Civil wars and refugees: why do some civil wars generate more refugees than others?
Natalia Julia Weiss Peace at last? Strong state leaders and the durability of interstate cease-fire agreements
Todor Ogianov Zlatev Post-Communist States and the re-emergence of the radical right in Central and Eastern Europe

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2016 Graduates - MSc in Politics and Public Policy


Title of Dissertation

Quentin Damien Pascal Billard Media effects on the executive public approval rate
David Brown At a time of rising inequality in the distribution of income why is Ireland an outlier amongst countries with similar models of political economy and approaches to welfare provisions?
Michael Daniel Currivan The coalition question: examining the effect of coalition partner status on electoral fate
Alan Michael Dempsey Human rights, arms exports, and the arms trade treaty: war sells, but who's buying?
Rebecca Tamara Florisson Immigration, unions and welfare provision in fifteen Western European countries: a mixed methods approach
Rachael Kirsty Graham The representation of women in budget debates in the United Kingdom: do more female members of parliament make a difference?
Rima Lablaili Contentious politics, social movements and traditional media: the influence of the Egyptian social realism film movement on the development of a collective action frame for the Egyptian uprising of 2011
Michael Lucas McGregor-Paas To what extent did voters' constitutional preferences impact the 2010 and 2015 Westminster election results in Scotland?
Stephen Moloney Exploring the role of candidate sexuality in voter behaviour in Ireland: an experimental pilot study
Adam Richard Monaghan Sub-state nationalist parties and the EU: a quantitative analysis
John James Peoples Internal variation in electoral systems and its impact on right-wing populism
Kelsi Power-Spirlet Sure I voted for his father... The dynastic advantage in Irish electoral politics
Claire Scott How farming effects and political engagement impact welfare policy preferences: an experimental study
Eamonn Fahey Media effects on the executive public approval rate

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2015 Graduates - MSc in International Politics


Title of Dissertation

Roman Brenne Domestic Institutions and Environmental Commitment: The Impact of Democratization and Veto Points on the Joining and Implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
Valerio Caruso EU Trade Policies at the Age of Transatlantic Negotiations: the Role of Business Interests
David Cooney International Environmental Treaty Signatures: The Influence of the United States of America on International Environmental Treaty Signature Rates
Marika Di Biase Women, Quotas and Natural Resources. A Cross-Country Analysis in the Variation of Adoption of Quotas for Women
Shona Dunne An Assessment of the Relationship between Left-Right Politics and Levels of State Militarism
Jamie Marie Fraser What motivates membership in OPEC
Alexandra Frances Greiwe Examining the nexus between youth unemployment, foreign occupation, and suicide terrorist attacks: A cross country analysis
Paula Higgins Investigating the relationship between American national attachment and the tolerance of torture
Kristin Karlsson The impact of decentralisation on democratic consolidation: A comparative study of Peru and and Ecuador
Elisabeth Cecilia Kirwan Exploring the Influence of Corruption on Levels of Domestic Terrorism
Chloé Laskar Commitment to international human rights treaties and domestic levels of human rights: The Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women
Catherine Lee What Explains Variation in Irish Asylum Policy? An Examination of Variation in Levels of Restrictiveness across Irish Asylum Policies
David Patrick Maher An examination of variation in levels of government control of the internet around the world
Thomas Mitchell "Pick and Mix Politics": Evaluating the Ambiguity of Party Attitudes Towards Irish Neutrality within a Post-Liberal International System
Cillian Moore Peacekeeping interventions: Road to economic peacebuilding?
Katherine Katie Perkowski To Pay or Not to Pay: What Influences How a Western Government Reacts to a Hostage Taking (Kidnapping) for Ransom Terrorist Attack?
Samantha Spurlock Erupting chaos: the effect of disaster aid on domestic instability

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2015 Graduates - MSc in Politics and Public Policy


Title of Dissertation

Dunia Alameddine Distributing Corruption in the Legislative? An Analysis of the Effects of Seat Allocation Methods on Political Corruption in Developing Countries
Kaitlin Rachael Alper Partisanship and the Politics of Parental Leave Policy
Paul Michael Bambrick What Factors Can Explain the Sudden Rise of Support for the Democratic Unionist Party and Sinn Fein After the Signing of the Good Friday Agreement of 1998
Donika Bujari Business bias in the European Parliament: Examining the the diversity and density of interest groups with access to the European Parliament
Mariana De Paula Lima Determinants of Legislative output in new democracies: a case study of Brazil
Etienne Thierry Marie Fabre World hunger and moral obligations
Alexander Frind Government partisanship and active labour market policy: The impact of new electoral constituencies on the left party behaviour
Patrick Gunning The effect of the economic downturn on the fulfilment of tax pledges
Janet Patricia Horner Assessing the Impact of Social Capital in Multilateral Climate Change Cooperation
Ciara Patricia McDermott Investigating Incentives for Implementation and Enforcement: A case study of education policy in India
Timothy James Morrow A comparative case study of university tuition fees in the United Kingdom and Ireland
Stefan Müller Patterns of decision-making: Government-Opposition and Left-Right voting in Norway under Majority and Minority Governments
Daniel Strunk What makes state constitutions last? An enquiry into Sub-National Constitutional longevity
James David Travers States of the Nation: Understanding the growth in US incarceration rates through examination of between-state variation in ideology
Tornike Zurabashvili Explaining Intra-Executive conflicts in semi-Presidential countries: the case of Georgia

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2014 Graduates - MSc in International Politics


Title of Dissertation

Sarah Caitlin Cavanaugh The Role of Diversified FDI on Infrastructure Levels in the Developing World
Martina Di Chiro Does Political Instability Stop the Implementation of Lobbying Regulation?
Sally Anne Gaynor The Beijing Brand of Development: More Effective? Human development outcomes in Sub Saharan Africa: a quantitative comparison of China, traditional bilateral donors and multilateral agencies
Torlach Grant Coercive Diplomacy & Target State Domestic Politics
Helen Kania A Comparative Study of French and British Agricultural Policy and Public Opinions Concerning Genetically Modified Organisms
Stephanie Kelly (Neo)Con Man: The Impact of Presidential Speech on Islamophobia in American Society
Ryan Kenny Three Exit, Three Voice and Reform: A Modified EVL Framework Tested against the 2000American National Election Study
Federica Yuka Kumasaka Crickmar International Investment and Environmental Protection: Bridging the Gap Through Treaty Convergence
Min Jung Lee The Effect of a Country's Political Rights Record on the Food Aid it Receives from the European Union
Caspar Lilburn ICT, Democratisation, and Regime-Type: A Comparative Survey of Democratisation in Asia
Christopher Maxey Reconciling Democratic Theory Deliberative and Agonistic Democracy in a Dialectical Framework
Rebecca McHugh The Effect of the Repeal of Compulsory Voting on Left-wing parties in the Netherlands
James Thomas Nugent Does Foreign Aid Volatility Contribute to Civil War Onset?
Colm O'Mahony Credible Commitment and Transitional Justice: A case study of South African Transition
Mihail Papamichail Logic of Consequences or Logic of Appropriateness? Testing Rational and Normative Explanations for Nuclear Arms Reductions
Nadja Popova A study on the effect of international poverty reduction mechanisms and policies on domestic welfare reform for vulnerable children in Russia 2005-2010
Eric Shadowens Variation in Military Innovation Related to Civilian Technology in France, the United Kingdom and the United States: The Cases of Radio and Information Technology
Brian Michael Sowyrda The Varying Relationship between the Nonprofit Sector & National Governments
Elena Stocchiero The Normative Power of The European Union: The Failure of The Democratisation Process

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2014 Graduates - MSc in Politics and Public Policy


Title of Dissertation

Alison Connolly Litigant v Government, Round I: Policy Change After Public Interest Litigation in Ireland
Paul Valentin Hoehner Assessing the Effectiveness of Foreign Aid in Post-Conflict Situations: Peace-Stabilizer or Security Threat?
Thomas-John McGrath-Daly Determinants Public Healthcare Expenditure - Economic, Political and Lifestyle Factors
Derrie Murray The Extreme Right and Restrictions on the Free Movement of Workers after Enlargement in the EU
Caitriona Sweeney The Impact of the European Union on Domestic Healthcare Policies in Member States

2014 Graduate - MSc in Political Science


Title of Dissertation

Christopher Oonan Local Government in the United Kingdom: Has the creation of a directly elected mayor system of local government led to a greater partisan effect on policy outputs?

2013 Graduate - MSc in Comparative European Politics


Title of Dissertation

Fotoula Kyrkoudi Policy Implementation in the Greek and Irish Bureaucracies: The Case of the IMF/EU programme

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2013 Graduates - MSc in International Politics


Title of Dissertation

Paul Barry Diploma Candidate
Marie Florence Berset Explaining Dictatorships' Commitment to the Convention Against Torture: The Impact of International Pressure on States' Decisions
Stephen Buckley Re-examining Content and Complexity in Policy Diffusion: Gay and Transgender-Inclusive Laws against Discrimination
Rachel Ragnhild Carlson Decentralization and Domestic Conflict: Tax Strategies for Confronting the Resource Curse
David Cichon Globalisation, Development and Trade Unionism - A comparative case study of El Salvador and Nepal
Yasmine Maimuna Colijn The African Baby Formula: Why NGOs use new media to perpetuate old stereotypes about development
Renaud Contini "Palestinian and Kosovar Statehood: A Realist Analysis"
Neil Evans International Crisis and State Behaviour: Shifting Relations between Turkey and Russia 1997-2013: A Case Study
Louise Fitzgerald Explaining Variation in Ratification of International Environmental Treaties: The Influence of Flexibility
Eleanor Friel DEFENDER, NOT PROMOTER: The Limits to the African Union's Pursuit of Democratic Consolidation
Eluned Griffith-Jones Applying Broken Windows Theory to International Compliance: the Effect of Reporting Requirements
Sally Hayden When do Rebel Victories Lead to Sustainable Peace? A Comparative Study of Rwanda and Liberia
Emma Hett Understanding TRIPS Safeguards; Why Do Some Governments Enact TRIPS Safeguards While Others Do Not?
Sofia Hoehn "Generous towards Everybody - The Welfare State and Foreign Aid"
Hae Rin Kang Effects of Aid-Dependent NGOs on Empowerment in Developing Countries
Robert Kearns Can Private Aid Giving Solve World Hunger? Examining the differential impacts of public and private foreign aid programmes with respect to food security issues in Africa's Least Developed Countries
Liam Kneafsey Political Finance Regulations, the Politics of Organised Combat and Left Preferences
David Maher Liberal Demands for Justice and Cultural Sensitivity: An Inevitable Conflict, and the Moral Primacy of Liberalism
Samuel Nathan Mealy Inequality and financialisation: rising incomes and risk-taking in the OECD, 1975-2009
Ashley Mully Arab Spring: Conditions for a Social Movement Revealed
Sara Murray Black Sheep on our flag: The question of immigration and how it impacts voting for the SVP
John O'Donnell How effective is US governmental lobbying? :A case study of US involvement in the REACH Directive
Edward Anthony O'Leary National Role Conceptions in Euro-Mediterranean Relations: France, Spain and the Union for the Mediterranean
Conor Anthony O'Neill Spiralling out of Control: Drone Technology, Targeted Killing, and the Socialization of Human Rights Norms
Padraic B. Ryan Pacific Rim: Deterrence and Geopolitics in the Southeast Asian-Pacific
Geri Felipe Andrea Testini More Money to the Armed Forces: Whose Call? Analysis of the Increased Military Budgets in Latin America
Henk Van Zuilen Cross-national panel data analysis of fiscal reliance on natural resources and corruption
Amy Weiner The Cost of Conservation: Applying Liberal IR Theory to Environmental Regime Variation

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2013 Graduates - MSc in Political Science


Title of Dissertation

Anna Maria Christofides The Rise of Right-Wing Extremism Athens (2010-2013): A Historical-Ethnographic Approach
Olga Cronin Can Advocacy groups compete with business interest groups and unions when it comes to influencing policies regarding the marginalised in Ireland? Case Study: Asylum seekers and the right to work
Devin Frank Citizens' Confidence in the European Union: Cognitive Mobilization and a Postfunctionalist Theory of European Integration
Maxence Salendre What strategy for European development aid? An analysis of European unity through the European development aid platform: cohesion or dispersion?

2013 Graduate - MSc in Comparative European Politics


Title of Dissertation

Fotoula Kyrkoudi Policy Implementation in the Greek and Irish Bureaucracies: The Case of the IMF/EU programme

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2012 Graduates – MSc in International Politics


Title of Dissertation

Breffney Kate Cogan Lobbying Regulation in Ireland: Delays and Incentives 1999-2012
George Colley The Effect of Military Structure on Regime Survival in The Middle East
Thomas Edward Corcoran Restraining the TRIPS Agreement; Protecting Health Rights in the developing world
Elif Dibek System Structure and State Behaviour: Turkey's Middle Eastern Activism in the 21st Century
Heather Dunbar Live and Learn: Measuring the Effects Learning has on Target Response to Challenges
Jane Dundon Strategy Choices: How Political Context Affects Human Rights Promotion: A comparative case analysis of Amnesty International's work in Kenya and Zimbabwe
Colin Gleeson Intervention in Genocide: Establishing the necessary conditions
Peter Gogarty Arming to Keep Peace? Reassessing the Determinants of Peacekeeping Deployment after Civil Wars
Kevin Groome India's Aid Policy and Economic Engagement with Sub-Saharan Africa
Justin Thomas Howell Humanitarian Intervention: Inductive Theories for Inducing Peace
Tessy Huss High Finance and High Politics: Foreign Policy Determinants of International Bank Lending to Developing Countries
Cecile Jacquet Science and Environmental Policy Shaping A quantitative assessment of the epistemic community explanation
James Johnson The Efficacy of Multiple Track Mediation in Intrastate Conflict
Joseph Kiernan Where Norms Dare to Go: Assessing the Impact of National Human Rights Institutes in the Middle East and North Africa: A Case Study of the Egyptian National Human Rights Council
Vasilia Kyriacou The influence of the internet and communication technology on the breaking out of protests and rebellions in the Arab World
Oscar Long The High Costs of International Human Rights Treaty Ratification for the United States of America
Jacob Maddaus United States Influence in post-9/11 Pakistan: Fact or Façade?
Ophelie Martin Do France and Germany rule the European Union? A case study of the 2005 and 2011 reforms of the Stability and Growth Pact and theoretical assessment of decision-making in the Council of the European Union
Daniel Murphy The Effect of Insecurity on the Process of DDR
Meadhbh Aine O'Flaherty A Framework of Decision-Making in Crisis Situations
Anne-Marie Pollock Poles Apart: Europe's Tilt to the Right

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2012 Graduates – MSc in Political Science


Title of Dissertation

Cillian Doyle From Russian with Votes: An Analysis of the Voting Behaviour of Russian Jewish Immigrants in the Israeli National Elections 1992-2009
Fionn Jenkinson Strategic Interactions between the Irish Supreme Court and Legislature: Do they Exist and to what Extent are the affected by Transparency
Martin Mannion The Political Determinants of Lottery Funded Capital Sports Grants
Catherine Power Ward Citizenship Rules: Jus Soli, Jus Sanguinis or a Combination of Both?

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2011 Graduates – MSc in International Politics


Title of Dissertation

Marzia Baldasssari The relationship between democracy and human rights revisited.
Christopher Boylan Blood Politics: The Importance of Family Ties in Dail Elections Evidence from the 2002 Election
Ciara Finlay Can the UN approval provide the legitimacy to the U.S. military intervention and make it succeed?
Emily Glen Liberal Autocracies and the Supply of Free Trade: The Ratification of Preferential Trade Agreements in Non-Democratic Regimes
Trygve Gronbekk "Domestic constraints: the European non-aligned states’ military contributions to ISAF".
James Michael Frank Hagen Explaining the Parliamentary success of Far-Right Parties in Scandinavia: A Look at Sweden in relation to Denmark and Norway.
Kathleen Clare Harris In the Spotlight: The Impact of Media Human Rights Coverage on US Development & Military Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa, 1990- 2008
Vanessa Hiry Capacity Constraints as Bargaining Advantage for Developing Countries in the WTO Dispute Settlement Process
James Michael Kilcourse Foreign Policy Directions in the Post-Soviet Space: Explaining the foreign policy behaviour of the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union
John Kreienkamp Political Freedom and the Roots of Terrorism in Latin America
Jorg Lehmann Presidential Popularity and the Use of Force
Melanie McDonald Aid for Change: An Investigation of the Effects of Democratic Aid on Regime Transition in Africa
Eimear Murphy The Criminalisation of Marital Rape: Explaining Variation in Timing across High Income OECD Countries
Alannah Nic Phaidin Action- Reaction: China and Indian's Military Capabilities in the Indian Ocean Region, 1980 -2007
David Perry Terrorism and Repression in Democratic States: The Explanatory Role of the Characteristics of Terrorist Attacks
Joana Racine The Effect of Youth Cohort Size on Transitions to Democracy
Miguel Rodriguez Marquez Political Instability and Progress of Structural Economic Reform in Latin America from 1985 to 1999
Scott Schittl Tourism Dependence and the Incidence of Democracy in Low-to-Middle Income States: The Blessing and Curse of Resource Dependence
Victoria Walshe International Compliance and the Child Soldier: The efficacy of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the child on the involvement of children in armed conflict & the Option of Issue Linkage

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2011 Graduates – MSc in Comparative European Politics


Title of Dissertation

Thomas Doyle Does Local Authority Have an Approval Affect: An Examination of Europeans’ trust in their Governments.
Emma Catherine Harte Pledge fulfilment in the 2007-2011 Fianna Fáil-Green Party-Progressive Democrats coalition government in Ireland: left-right differences, coalition performance and mandate theory.
Arayik Haryriyan Rethinking the Formation of Party Identification
Jordan Hollander Non, Merci! Nein, Danke! No, Grazie! Na, Engraziel! – Lessons from the 2009 Swiss Referendum to Ban the Construction of Minarets.
Eanna Kelly Combating the Radica Right: Explaining Variation in RR Electoral Performance with Party Strategy.
Courtney Mallon Explaining State Commitment to the UN Trafficking Protocol.
Robert O'Donoghue Creeping Secularisation: Evaluating Variance in the extent to which Irish Citizens Value Religious Beliefs in their Politicians.
Linda Oldenburg Have anti-European and far right party groups in the European Parliament become more institutionalized over time?
Nicole Pomeroy An Exploration of the Determinants of Tax Morale in the EU-15.
Clarissa Unger Examining Turnout through a Compound Lens: The Effects of Social Capital in First and Second-Order Elections.
Markus Joakim Wartiovaara State Infringement of EU Environmental Law: Can National Constituencies ‘Buy’ Compliance/Violation?

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2010 Graduates – MSc in Comparative European Politics


Title of Dissertation

Mark Canavan Geographically Targeted Allocation in Capital Health Expenditure in Ireland 1998-2004: Evidence of an Incumbent Electoral Strategy
Mark Carpenter A Comparative Study of the Effect of Teacher Union Strength on Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Across the OECD
Alisha Clancy The European Commission’s Influence on European Court of Justice Decision-making: Evidence from Article 267 TFEU Preliminary Reference Procedure
David Dancey What are the determining factors behind EU military involvement in non-European intrastate wars from 1993 to 2009?
Gillian Mary Dunne Why does a more viable language policy exist in Catalonia and the Basque Country than in Valencia?
Oliver Paul Griffiths Explaining the Variation in Voter Support for The British National Party and British ‘Mainstream Parties’: The case of the 2010 British General Election
Emily Jean Ledford Agricultural Biotechnology: Explaining the Differences between US and EU Policies
Martin James Mc Kane The Expansion of the U.S. Federation: Theories of State Admission
Ita Sarah O Sullivan Why Does Turnout At Irish Referendums Regarding The European Union Vary?’
Edwina Love Pledge Fulfilment in Ireland from 2007 to 2010 with emphasis on an Environmental Party and the effects of Economic Crisis.
Kash Alexander Pontarolo Economic Determinants of Net Migration in Ireland: 1968-2008
William Quill The effect of transfers in elections and on the political culture in Ireland
Diego Scarabelli Does economic integration lead to political integration? A comparative study of the Zollverein and the EEC
Laura Maria Schwirz Reassessing the impact of information on voting behaviour – Counter-hypothesising Lupia's argument on voter competence: How more information led to a vote change at the second Irish referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon
Niall Patrick Sherry Green Party Support and Success Across Europe: An Analysis of National- and Policy-Level Factors
Josephine Amelia Shister When David Picks a Fight with Goliath: Why Developing and Least Developed Countries Initiate Disputes with the United States and the European Union Within the WTO
Ruairi Brian Vallely Retrospective application of the d'Hondt divisor method of sequential portfolio allocation to the coalition executives of the Republic of Ireland, 1948-2007

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2009 Graduates – MSc in Comparative European Politics


Title of Dissertation

Patrick Bourke Does the ethnic outbidding model adequately account for the shift in electoral support that occurred in Northern Ireland following the Good Friday Agreement of 1998?
Carl Dodd Common Security and Defence Policy (Military) Peace-Support Operations – What Best Explains the Variation in Participation by European Union Member States in these Operations?
Brian Doyle Do Multiple Tier Systems increase the number of parties?
Benjamin Alexander Hammer Parliamentary Behaviour of German Members of the European Parliament.
Brendan Hood Electoral Geography and Public Spending: Explaining Regional Variations in the Distribution of the EU’s Structural Funds."
Emmet Mac Raghnaill Does the Green Party have any effect on government policy: A study of the fulfilment of election pledges on environmental policy in Germany, 2002-2005.
Nicholas Mann Political Institutions and Development Aid: The Determinants of Tied Aid.
Meghan McBride Merger Control by the European Commission: Technocratic or Political?
Fiona McKeown Does a Green Party Minister bring about better compliance with EU Environmental Directives?
Natalie Marie Novick Do Campaigns Matter? The Contribution of European Union Referendum Campaigns towards Broad Political Knowledge.
Oliver-Lew Nikita The Role of Information in European Referendums
Kali Peterson Religious Identity and Church-Government Interaction in Post-Communist Europe.
Alice Marie Odile Powell British foreign policy in the Maghreb in the 21st century, influenced by EU policy?
Kelly Presley What influences post-Cold War Security Council elections in Europe: membership to international organizations, state-based resources or past election history?
Daniel Schultz Strategic Voter Learning: An empirical analysis of the influence of institutional constraints on strategic voting
Julian Zabkowski Privatisation Abandonment in Poland: Problems and Perspectives for the Macroeconomics of the State.

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Graduates of M.Phil in Political Science


Title of Dissertation

Tarjinder Gill New Labour and devolution in Scotland and Wales, 1994–1997 (2003)
Ronan Murphy

Public funding for Irish political parties: cartelisation or competition? (2005)

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