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Dr. Alexander Held
Assistant Professor, Political Science

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Held, Alexander, Compulsory Voting, Turnout, and Support for Left-Wing Parties: The Case of Australia, Electoral Studies, 81, 2023, p102569 Journal Article, 2023 URL

Held, Alexander, and Pauliina Patana, Rents, Refugees, and the Populist Radical Right, Research and Politics, 10, (2), 2023, p1-9 Journal Article, 2023 URL

Held, Alexander, The Effect of Socioeconomic Policy and Competence Messages on Populist Radical Right Support: Evidence from a Pre-Election Survey Experiment, Electoral Studies, 2023, p102619 Journal Article, 2023 URL

Kam, Christopher, Anthony M. Bertelli, and Alexander Held, The Electoral System, the Party System and Accountability in Parliamentary Government, American Political Science Review, 114, (3), 2020, p744-760 Journal Article, 2020 URL

Research Expertise


Political Participation



Chair and discussant of panel on Polarization and Populism, 2021 European Political Science Association (EPSA) Annual Meeting June 2021

Journal Reviewer for American Political Science Review (x2), Journal of Politics, Political Behavior 2020 - present

Paper presenter at 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting, USA 2018 - present

Paper presenter at 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA 2018 - present

Paper presenter at 2020 (cancelled due to COVID-19), 2021 European Political Science Association (EPSA) Annual Meeting 2020 - present

Paper presentation at Yale University (2018, American Politics and Public Policy Workshop), University of Mannheim (2019, Chair of Political Sociology), Trinity College Dublin (2019, Department of Political Science), University of Oxford (2019, Nuffield College) 2018 - present

Poster presentation at the 2019 CESS Experimental Political Science Conference, New York University 2019

Awards and Honours

Enterprise Ireland ERC Support Scheme 08/04/2024

Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund, Trinity College Dublin 02/02/2024

Enterprise Ireland ERC Support Scheme 26/04/2022

Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund, Trinity College Dublin 28/01/2022

Charlemont Grant, Royal Irish Academy 16/02/2021

Arts and Social Sciences Benefactions Fund, Trinity College Dublin 30/01/2020

FAHSS Visiting Professorships Fund, Trinity College Dublin (declined due to COVID-19) 08/01/2020

Postdoctoral Fellowship, BES and Nuffield College, University of Oxford (declined) 30/01/2019

Postdoctoral Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship, ETH Zurich (declined) 31/05/2019

Fox International Fellowship, Yale University 15/04/2018

APSA Travel Award 2018, 2019

Institute for European Studies (IES) Travel Grant, University of British Columbia 15/09/2018

Faculty of Graduate Studies Research Grant, University of British Columbia 15/03/2018

Departmental Dissertation Research Fund, University of British Columbia 30/06/2018

Public Scholars Initiative (PSI) Grant, University of British Columbia 2017, 2018

Clifford, C. Clogg Scholarship, ICPSR Summer Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 15/05/2016

Four Year Doctoral Fellowship, University of British Columbia 15/02/2013

Baden-Wuerttemberg Scholarship, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany 01/06/2005

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship, Germany 01/05/2003


American Political Science Association (APSA) 01/03/2018 – present

European Political Science Association (EPSA) 01/03/2020 – present

Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) 01/01/2018 – present