Prof. Raj Chari was born in Swift Current Saskatchewan Canada. After completing a B.A and M.A at the University of Saskatchewan, he did his PhD in Queen's University (Canada). Most of his Doctoral Thesis research and writing was performed out of the Juan March Institute in Madrid (Spain). Previous appointments include working for Vincent Wright at Nuffield College (Oxford) before joining Trinity in 1999.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
R Chari, New perspectives on lobbying regulation and reform: two generations of research, Interest Groups and Advocacy, 13, (4), 2024, p381 - 395
R Chari, Strategy Guidance Note on Lobbying Registers, 1st, United Nations, November, 2024, p1 - 27
Interest Groups and Advocacy, 13, 4, (2024), 381 - 568p, R Chari, [Guest Editor of IG&A Special Issue: New Perspectives on Lobbying Regulation and Reform (Part 1)]
Lobbying regulation in comparative context and reflections on the future in, editor(s)D Coen and A. Katsaitis , Handbook on Lobbying and Public Policy, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, 2024, pp79 - 90, [J. O'Neill and R. Chari]
Michele Crepaz and Raj Chari, Interest group access to policymaking in Ireland, Irish Political Studies, 38, (1), 2023, p60 - 91
Raj Chari, Isabel Rozas, Virus, Antivirals and Vaccines: Why Politics Matter, First, Berlin/Boston, DeGruyter, 2022, 144pp
Raj Chari, Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM): Ireland End-of-Term Report 2016-2018, Washington DC, 2019, p1 - 61
International Dynamics in Lobbying Regulation in, editor(s)D. Dialer and M. Richter , Lobbying in the European Union: Strategies, Dynamics and Trends, Switzerland, Springer, 2019, pp49 - 65, [M. Crepaz, R. Chari, J. Hogan, G. Murphy]
Raj Chari, John Hogan, Gary Murphy and Michele Crepaz, Regulating Lobbying: A Global Comparison 2nd edition, 2nd, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2019, 1 - 256pp
Michele Crepaz and Raj Chari, Assessing the validity and reliability of measurements when evaluating public policy, Journal of Public Policy, 38, (3), 2018, p275 - 304
Raj Chari, Ireland Mid-Term Report 2016-2018 (Year 1), Washington DC, 2018, p1 - 86
Raj Chari, Ireland - End of Term Report, Independent Reporting Mechanism, Open Government Partnership, Washington, Open Government Partnership, 2017, p1 - 49
Evolution of Aid in the EU: Classifying Different Types of Countries and the Financial and Economic Crisis in, editor(s)H. Hofmann and C. Micheau , State Aid Law of the EU, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2016, pp12 - 17, [R. Chari]
Raj Chari, Ireland - Mid-Term Progress Report, 2014-15, Independent Research Mechanism, Open Government Partnership, Washington DC, Open Government Partnership, 2016, p1 - 92
Raj Chari, Life After Privatization, 1st, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015, 1 - 289pp
M. Crepaz and R. Chari, The EU's Initiatives to Regulate Lobbyists: Good or Bad Administration?, Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto, 51, (1), 2014, p71 - 97
Privatized Firms and their Management Structures: Links with the State in, editor(s)L. Brennan , Enacting Globalization: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp183 - 193, [R. Chari and S. Dahlmann]
Raj Chari, Hard Questions for Democracy, 1st, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, Routledge, 2013, 1 - 194pp
Raj Chari, The Parliamentary Election in Spain, November 2011, Electoral Studies, 32, (2), 2013, p377 - 380
Patrick Bernhagen and Raj Chari, Financial and Economic Crisis: Theoretical Explanations of the Global Sunset, Irish Political Studies, 26, (4), 2011, p455 - 472
John Hogan, Raj Chari and Gary Murphy, Regulating Australia's Lobbyists: Coming Full Circle to Promote Democracy, Journal of Public Affairs, 11, (1), 2011, p35 - 48
Raj Chari, Crisis and Change in Ireland, Analysis of the Real Instituto Elcano (ARI), 79/2011 (Madrid), April, 2011
Raj Chari and Patrick Bernhagen, Financial and Economic Crisis: Explaining the Sunset over the Celtic Tiger, Irish Political Studies, 26, (4), 2011, p473 - 488
Raj Chari and Daniel O'Donovan, Lobbying the European Commission: Open or Secret?, Socialism and Democracy, 25, (2), 2011, p104 - 124
Gary Murphy, John Hogan, Raj Chari, Lobbying Regulation in Ireland, Journal of Public Affairs, 11, (2), 2011, p111 - 119
Irish Political Studies, Special Issue: Hard Questions for Democracy - Ireland and Beyond, 26, 4, (2011), 425 - 606p, Raj Chari, [ed.]
Raj Chari, Introducing Hard Question for Democracy, Irish Political Studies, 26, (4), 2011
Raj Chari, John Hogan and Gary Murphy, Regulating Lobbying: A Global Comparison, Manchester, University of Manchester Press, 2010, 1 - 192pp
The Politics of Regulating Lobbyists: Assessing the Attitudes of Actors in the World of Regulated Lobbying in, editor(s)Conor McGrath , Interest Groups and Lobbying in the US and Comparative Perspectives, Lampeter, Ceredigion, Wales, The Edwin Mellon Press, 2009, pp297 - 328, [Gary Murphy, Raj Chari and John Hogan]
Raj Chari and Paul Heywood, Analyzing the Policy Process in Democratic Spain, West European Politics, 32, (1), 2009, p26 - 54
Francesco Cavatora, Raj Chari, Sylvia Kritzinger and Arantza Gomez, EU External Policy Making and the Case of Morocco: 'Realistically' Dealing with Authoritarianism, European Foreign Affairs Review, 13, (3), 2008, p357 - 376
Raj Chari, Why Did the Irish Reject Lisbon? An Analysis of the Referendum Results, Analysis of the Real Instituto Elcano (ARI) 69/2008 , 2008
Institutions, European Integration and the Policy Process in Contemporary Spain in, editor(s)Bonnie Field and Kerstin Hamann , Democracy and Institutional Development, London, Palgrave, 2008, pp178 - 202, [Raj Chari and Paul Heywood]
Raj Chari, 2008 Spanish Election: A Balancing Game, West European Politics, 31, (5), 2008, p1068 - 1076
R Chari, Irish Referendum on the Lisbon Treaty - Will Irish Eyes be Smiling?', Memorando Opex N. 88/2008, Fundación Alternativas (Madrid), 2008
J. Hogan, G. Murphy and R. Chari, Next door they have regulation, but not here ": Assessing the opinions of actors in the opaque world of unregulated lobbying, Canadian Political Science Review, 2, (3), 2008, p125 - 151
Raj Chari, Gary Murphy, and John Hogan , Regulating Lobbyists: A Comparative Analysis of the US, Canada, Germany and the European Union, Political Quarterly, 78, (3), 2007, p422 - 438
Raj Chari, Gary Murphy, John Hogan, Regulating the Influence Game: Some Thoughts on the International Evidence, Public Affairs Ireland, 41, (September), 2007, p15 - 15
R. Chari and S. Kritzinger, Understanding EU Policy Making, 1st, London/Chicago, Pluto/University of Chicago Press, 2006, 1 - 272pp
Preference Formation and European Constitution-Building: The Spanish Perspective in, editor(s)Thomas König and Simon Hug , Preference Formation and European Constitution-building. A Comparative Study in Member States and Accession Countries, London, Routledge, 2006, pp217 - 225, [Raj S. Chari and Alfonso Egea]
Silke Trommer and Raj Chari, The Council of Europe: Interest Groups and Ideological Missions?, West European Politics, 29, (4), 2006, p665 - 686
Eric Shea and Raj Chari, Policy Formulation, Implementation and Feedback in EU Merger Control, Discussion Paper 147, Institute for International Integration Studies, Trinity College Dublin, 2006
Francesco Cavatorta, Raj Chari and Sylvia Kritzinger, The European Union and Morocco: Security Through Authoritarianism? Working Paper 110 Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna, 2006
Raj S. Chari, Why did the Spanish Communist Strategy Fail?, Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 21, (2), 2005, p296 - 301
Raj S. Chari, The 2004 Spanish Election: Terrorism as a Catalyst for Change, West European Politics, 27, (5), 2004, p954 - 963
Sylvia Kritzinger, Francesco Cavatorta and Raj S. Chari, Continuity and Change in Party Positions Towards Europe in Italian Parties: An Examination of Parties' Euro-Manifestos, Journal of European Public Policy, 11, (6), 2004, p954 - 974
Raj Chari, Alfonso Egea, Kenneth Benoit and Michael Laver, Spain and European Union Constitution Building", Working Paper No. 45/2004, Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos, Madrid, Spain, 2004
Selling Off the State and Supranational Regulation: Informal Governance in the EU in, editor(s)T.Christiansen and S.Piattoni , Informal Governance in the European Union, London, Edward Elgar, 2004, pp114 - 128, [Raj S. Chari and Hilary McMahon]
Raj S. Chari, Review of Iberian Trade Unionism Democratisation Under the Impact of the European Union, by José M. Magone , West European Politics, 27, (1), 2004, p170-171
Raj S. Chari, Suvi Iltanen, and Sylvia Kritzinger, Examining and Explaining the Northern League's 'U-Turn' From Europe, Government and Opposition, 39, (3), 2004, p423 - 450
Raj S. Chari, State Aids in the Airline Sector: A Comparative Analysis of Iberia and Aer Lingus, Dublin, The Policy Institute, 2004, 1 - 45pp
Raj S. Chari, Review of Democracy's Voices - Social Ties and the Quality of Public Life in Spain, by Robert Fishman , Democratization, 11, (5), 2004, p227-228
Raj S. Chari, Symposium: The Iraq War and Political Science - Introduction, European Political Science, 3, (1), 2003, p5 - 6
Raj S. Chari and Hilary McMahon, Reconsidering the Patterns of Organised Interests in Irish Policy-Making, Irish Political Studies, 18, (1), 2003, p27 - 50
Raj S. Chari and Francesco Cavatorta, The Iraq War: Killing Dreams of a Unified EU?, European Political Science, 3, (1), 2003, p25 - 29
Raj S.Chari and Francesco Cavatorta, "Economic Actors' Political Activity in 'Overlap Issues': Privatisations and State Aid Control,", West European Politics, Vol 25, (No 4), 2002, p119 - 142
Matthew Kerby and Raj S. Chari, Policy Scandals: A Spanish Case, Government and Opposition, 37, (3), 2002, p409 - 425
Raj S. Chari, The EU 'Dimensions' in Economic Policy-Making at the Domestic Level. Some Lessons from Labour Market Reform In Spain, South European Society and Politics, 6, (1), 2001, p51 - 73
K. Gilland and Raj S. Chari, European Integration - Enlargement Now and Then: Implications for Ireland, Irish Studies in International Affairs, 12, (1), 2001, p215 - 230
Raj S. Chari, The March 2000 Spanish Election: A 'Critical Election'?, West European Politics, 23, (3), 2000, p207 - 214
Raj S. Chari and Gustavo A. Arteca, A Leadership Selection Index for Multi-ballot Political Party Conventions in Canada, Electoral Studies, 17, (4), 1998, p505 - 522
Raj S. Chari, Spanish Socialists, Privatising the Right Way?, West European Politics, 21, (4), 1998, p163 - 179
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Raj Chari and Daniel Hillebrand O'Donovan, Lobbying the European Commission: Open or secret?, 2011
Spain, S. Pendergast and T. Pendergast, Worldmark Encyclopedia of National Economies, 1st, 1-4, Michigan, Gale Group, 2002, pp431 - 446, [Raj S. Chari and Suvi Iltanen]
Research Expertise
Public Policy Analysis; Economic Policy-Making; Social Policy-Making; Deregulation; Privatisation; Party Politics in Spain and Italy.Projects
- Title
- Life After Privatization
- Summary
- Examining and explaining what happened to firms in the UK, France, Spain, Germany and Italy after their privatization.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- Dec 19, 2011
- Date To
- March 31, 2012
- Title
- International Trends in Regulating Lobbying
- Summary
- Thus project examines how different political systems in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia have pursued lobbying rules.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- October 2008
- Date To
- October 2010
- Title
- Public Policies and Multi-Level Regulatory Structures in a Global Economy
- Summary
- Comprised of researchers in political science and economics, this team seeks to determine the role of both private parties and administrative networks in the formulation and implementation of different regulatory initiatives. While research will continue on policies studied over the last two years in the IIIS - namely agriculture, trade and merger policy - our research between 2006-7 extends this analysis to other issue areas. This includes analysis of the regulation of financial markets, regulation of anti-terrorist measures in foreign policy, and regulation of interest group lobbying activity by focusing on developments at the international, supranational, and domestic levels of governance. The research theme will undertake innovative research regarding interest representation of private parties within regulatory structures, where rules are formulated and implemented with close cooperation of administrations on the different regulatory levels. It will contribute to the literature on policy coherence between regulatory decisions in different policy domains, and it will also contribute to the literature on modelling the impact of regulatory decisions at the supranational and international levels. The policies studied are chosen for two main reasons. First, they represent regulation of activities of private, economically based actors (regulation of lobbying activity, financial regulation, mergers and agriculture) and government (financial regulation, regulation of anti-terrorist measures, agriculture and trade). This allows us to better compare and contrast developments in issue areas containing a mix both public and private actors. Secondly, the issue areas represent policies wherein regulation across different levels of governance occurs. For example, financial regulation occurs at all three levels of governance; regulation of interest group activity primarily occurs across the supranational and domestic level; agriculture and trade regulation (within the EU) is conducted at the supranational and international levels; while regulation of anti-terrorist measures, if existent, tends to occur within the national level. As a result, having different regulatory initiatives extending across different levels of governance will allow us to better understand the dynamics involved in international and regional integration, in general, and international and regional regulation in particular.
- Funding Agency
- HEA (through the IIIS)
- Date From
- January 2006
- Date To
- July 2007
- Title
- Regulating Lobbying Activity in the EU, USA, Canada and Germany
- Summary
- The aim of this research, as outlined in the tender documentation, is to establish a clear profile of formal systems for regulating lobbyists in public life in place in Germany, USA, Canada and in European Union institutions, thereby facilitating an assessment of their relevance to Irish public life. Thus the crucial question that needs to be answered is to what extent analysing the regulation of formal systems can help the Irish body politic decide whether it wants to put in place a similar system to one that currently exists, a completely new system, or no system at all. This will be achieved by providing comprehensive answers to the following three questions. 1 What are the regulations in place in the specific states and the European Union institutions? 2 How effective have these regulations been? 3 What lessons can we take to the Irish case?
- Funding Agency
- Dept. of the Environment (Govt of Ireland)
- Date From
- Fall 2005
- Date To
- Summer 2006
- Title
- International Regulation of Newly Privatised Firms
- Summary
- This project analyzed the privatisation of public enterprises in Spain, Ireland, and France. Results have been published in various sources including leading journal such as West European Politics.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- Fall 2002
- Date To
- Fall 2004
Awards and Honours
Faculty Visiting Research Fellowship (VRF), The Policy Institute