Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Kneafsey, Liam, Duggan, Alan and Michele Crepaz., Going negative when spoilt for choice? Experimental evidence on negative campaigning in multiparty systems with multimember districts, Political Research Exchange, 6, (1), 2024
Kneafsey, Liam and Stefan Müller, Evidence for the Irrelevance of Irrelevant Events, Political Science Research and Methods, 11, (2), 2023, p311 - 327
Crepaz, Michele and Liam Kneafsey, Use and perceptions of government transparency portals: An examination of journalists' use in Ireland, Public Administration, 2022, p978 - 998
Kneafsey, Liam and Aidan Regan, The role of the media in shaping attitudes toward corporate tax avoidance in Europe: experimental evidence from Ireland, Review of International Political Economy, 29, (1), 2022, p281 - 306
Kneafsey, Liam and Stefan Müller, Assessing the Influence of Neutral Grounds on Match Outcomes., International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 18, (6), 2018, p892 - 905
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
Kneafsey, Liam and Miceal Canavan, Explaining Irish Attitudes to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 2024
Kneafsey, Liam, Michele Crepaz and Alan Duggan, Incivility effects in Irish online election campaigning, 2024
Kneafsey, Liam and Aidan Regan, Understanding collective bargaining coordination: a network relational approach. The case of Ireland, 2020
Kneafsey, Liam, Media Ownership, Differential Coverage, and Effects on Public Attitudes : The Case of News Coverage of Labour Unions, Trinity College, the University of Dublin, 2018
Kneafsey, Liam, Michele Crepaz and Alan Duggan, Irish Election Leaflet Project: Building a data source of campaign communications
Research Expertise
- Title
- PolAds Ireland Lab: Experiments on political advertisements in Ireland
- Summary
- This project uses the newly available archive of Facebook political ads to inform a survey experiment design that will test the effects of different types of political advertising on Irish voters. To understand the impact of differential advertising, the analysis will estimate within-group treatment effects on vote preference and between-group treatment effects on voter attitudes. With the growing influence of online advertising, Ireland has been moved from a political system with strict regulation of all available media (i.e. TV and radio) to one in which an unregulated 'wild west' of online advertising is available to political actors. This rapid change in the regulatory landscape makes this research a timely contribution.
- Funding Agency
- Arts and Humanities Benefactions Fund
- Date From
- 01/12/20
- Title
- Networked Coordination of Industrial Relations
- Summary
- The NETWIR project aims to shed light on actual mechanisms that industrial relations actors deploy to solve coordination problems by applying a new methodology to the field of industrial relations and in particular, to the analysis of collective bargaining coordination, Social Network Analysis
- Funding Agency
- European Commission - DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion (agreement number VP/2018/0023).
- Date From
- 2017
- Date To
- 2020
I have been elected to and am serving as Treaurer of the Political Studies Association of Ireland Executive Committee. Specifically in this role, I have led on the development of two new inclusion awards, one domestic and one international in orientation, to support the representation of those from diverse and less traditional backgrounds at the PSAI's annual conference. I am currently working towards developing a PSAI Research Support scheme for Early Career and Postgrad researchers. I am also leading on the development of a new PSAI podcast series for which I will be co-host and producer to offer an important venue for accessible and engaging discussion of current political issues with Irish and international social scientists which can illustrate the contribution of the PSAI and expand its public footprint. I also chair the Farrell Book Prize Committee for the PSAI. In 2024, I was a conference organiser for the 2024 PSAI Annual Conference hosted by Trinity.
Awards and Honours
Political Studies Association of Ireland Elizabeth Meehan Prize for Best Conference Paper
College Trinity Excellence in Teaching Award Winner 2022-23
School of Social Sciences and Philosophy Trinity Teaching Excellence Award Winner 2022-23
Winner: National Forum for Teaching and Learning/Union of Students Ireland Teaching Hero Awards 2020/21
Special Commendation: Trinity College Dublin Provost's Teaching Award 2018/19
Winner of the Political Studies Association of Ireland Teaching and Learning Award 2019
TCD Dermot McAleese Award for Teaching Excellence 2017
Winner of Teresa Brannick Medal for Research Methods 2016 from the University College Dublin School of Business and Human Sciences
Political Studies Association of Ireland, Serving as Treasurer
American Political Science Association
European Consortium for Political Research
European Political Science Association