Academic Staff
- Rooms are located in 1 College Green unless otherwise stated. View directions.
Constantine BoussalisHead of Department of Political Science, Associate Professor in Environmental Politics & Quantitative Methods, Calendar change Coordinator, TRISS representative
Office Hours: 6.04 (by appointment)
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Constantine is an Associate Professor, current Head of the Political Science Department (2024-27) and a Fellow of the College, where he has been a faculty member since 2014. He is currently a member of the School Executive Committee. His research centres on environmental politics, political communication, and computational social science. Prior to joining Trinity, he held research and teaching positions at Harvard Law School, Loyola Marymount University, and La Sierra University. Constantine is a published author in leading journals, including American Political Science Review, Journal of Politics, and Political Communication, with his work being featuring in media outlets such as The Washington Post and The Guardian. He has received several prestigious awards, such as the APSA’s Walter Lippmann Best Article Award in Political Communication and has led research initiatives funded by the European Commission, Irish Research Council, and the NORFACE Network. -
Gizem ArikanAssociate Professor, School Director of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
Office hours: 4.02 (Thursdays 11.30am - 1.30pm)
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Gizem is an Associate Professor and currently a member of the School Executive Committee in her role as Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Her main fields of study are political psychology and political attitudes. Gizem’s substantive research interests include religiosity, authoritarian values, and attitudes towards democracy. She also conducts research on attitudes towards economic inequality and political attitudes of religious-minority immigrants. Gizem’s work has been published in American Political Science Review, British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, Political Psychology, and Political Behavior among others. She is also winner of Turkish Academy of Sciences 2015 Young Scientist Outstanding Achievement Award (GEBIP) and Science Academy Young Scientist Award 2016. She is actively engaged with the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) and is currently the Director of the ISPP Academy (formerly Summer Academy), which trains early career scholars in cutting-edge research in the area of political psychology. -
Jiwon BaikAssistant Professor, Friday Seminar Convenor (MT), Associate Director ASDS (HT)
Office hours: 5.05 (Fridays 2-4pm)
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Jiwon is an Assistant Professor. Her research aims to understand why and how the state creates new markets and the impact this has on existing political dynamics among economic actors. To answer these questions, her research engages in themes of state-business relations, political and economic institutions, and practices of state capitalism. At Trinity, Jiwon teacesh or plans to teach courses on Chinese politics, East Asian Politics, business politics, and comparative political economy. -
Noah BuckleyAssistant Professor, Undergraduate Coordinator (teaching)
Office hours: 5.08 (Mondays 3-4pm or by appointment)
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Noah is an Assistant Professor. His research is on corruption, authoritarian politics, political elites, and the politics of Russia and the post-Soviet space. Before joining Trinity as an Assistant Professor, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at NYU Abu Dhabi. Noah's research interests include authoritarian politics and political economy, Russia and the post-communist world, corruption, and political methodology. Current research projects focus on the use of Russian public opinion and arrests of authoritarian elites. Noah currently teaches modules on Russian politics, authoritarian political regimes, and comparative politics. -
Thomas ChadefauxProfessor in Political Science
Office hours: 2 Clare St (by appointment)
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Thomas is a Professor in Political Science and specialises in conflict forecasting, international relations, and political methodology. His research aims to identify patterns that predict conflict, with a focus on understanding political and economic signals preceding crises. Currently, he leads the Patterns of Conflict Emergence (PaCE) project, a five-year initiative funded by the European Research Council. PaCE uses machine learning to analyse diverse data sources---from financial markets to satellite imagery---to uncover recurring patterns that can forecast interstate and civil wars, offering policymakers insights to prevent conflict escalation. Alongside his research, Dr. Chadefaux is a dedicated educator, teaching courses in Conflict Forecasting, International Relations, and Quantitative Methods. His teaching emphasises both theoretical frameworks and practical skills, preparing students to analyse complex global issues with advanced methodologies in political science. -
Raj S ChariProfessor in Political Science; Erasmus and Visiting Students (Incoming) Coordinator
Office hours: 4.04
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Raj is a Professor in Political Science. Born and raised in Canada, studies comparative public policy, with a focus on the regulation of lobbyists and the relationship between business and politics. His seven books have been published with leading presses including Oxford University Press and Manchester University Press and he has 40 papers and book chapters. Current projects include co-editing the Oxford Handbook of Lobbying and its Regulation. He has advised and presented expert evidence globally on lobbying laws, including: the UK, Scotland, the Czech Republic, Serbia, New South Wales, Finland, and the EU. He presently serves as a member of Ireland’s Advisory Council Against Economic Crime and Corruption, whose role is to advise and make proposals on policy responses to combat financial crime and reduce corruption. -
Emanuel ComanAssistant Professor, Visiting students (outgoing) Coordinator
Office hours: 5.06 (Tuesdays 12-2pm)
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Emanuel is an Assistant Professor. He received his Ph.D. from University in North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2012. Prior to joining Trinity he worked as a Lecturer at University of Oxford (2014-2016) and a Post Doctoral Prize Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford (2012-2014). His research focus is on parliaments, party politics, electoral systems and local elections. -
Michelle D'ArcyAssociate Professor, School - EDI Representative, Department Research Committee Representative
Office hours: 4.03 (by appointment)
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Michelle is an Associate Professor. Her research seeks to understand how politics and institutions enable and constrain human development, with an empirical focus on democratization in contemporary sub-Saharan Africa and state-building in early modern Europe. She has been awarded research funding of over €600,000 by the Swedish Research Council and the International Centre for Local Democracy and has conducted fieldwork in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Lesotho. Michelle's work has been published in American Political Science Review, the Journal of Political Economy, the European Journal of Political Research, the Journal of European Public Policy, African Affairs, and Governance. She teaches African politics and the political economy of development to undergraduate and postgraduate students. In 2016 she won the Provost's Teaching Award and the Political Studies Association of Ireland's annual prize for excellence in teaching and learning. In 2018 she was shortlisted for the European Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Social Sciences and Humanities. -
Matthias DillingAssistant Professor, MSc International Politics Associate Director
Office hours: 5.05 (Thursday, 2:30-4:30pm)
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Matthias is an Assistant Professor. His research is on the emergence and resilience of democratic institutions, political parties, and the far right, with a particular interest in how political parties change and adapt to new challenges and what this means for the future of democracy. Matthias is the author of Parties under Pressure: The Politics of Factions and Party Adaptation, published by the University of Chicago Press. His sole- and co-authored work has been published in, among others, the British Journal of Political Science, Political Research Quarterly, Political Studies Review, Social Science History, German Politics and Society, and the Journal of Political Science Education. At Trinity, Dr Dilling teaches modules on comparative politics, far-right politics, and qualitative methods. He previously worked at Oxford University and Swansea University. Matthias' thesis won the Walter Dean Burnham Award by the American Political Science Association. -
Jesse Dillon SavageAssociate Professor, Plagiarism Representative, PhD Committee Coordinator
Office hours: 4.07
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Jesse is Associate Professor in Global Politics. His primary areas of research are in international relations theory and international security. His book, Political Survival and Sovereignty, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2020. His research has also been published in World Politics, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Peace Research, Journal of Conflict Resolution, and the European Journal of International Relations. Jesse previously worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University and Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Melbourne. -
Martyn EganAssistant Professor, Monday Seminar Series Coordinator, Schol Coordinator
Office hours: 0.05 Foster Place (Fridays 2-4pm)
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Martyn is an Assistant Professor. Prior to working in academia, he was a consultant and research analyst in the Middle East and North Africa. His research interests lie in the field of social reproduction and inequality, where he uses primarily Bourdieusian theoretical and methodological approaches (Geometric Data Analysis, Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Principal Component Analysis). He also has an interest in the political economy of accumulation, which he studies from a Marxist/Gramscian perspective. He teaches research design, statistics and dimensionality reduction on the Applied Social Data Science MSc, and research methods in the undergraduate programme. He has also taught comparative Middle Eastern politics for the International Politics MSc. -
Dino HadzicAssistant Professor, School Director of Undergraduate Teaching and Learning
Office hours: 4.05 (by appointment)
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Dino is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, and currently a member of the School Executive Committee in his role as Director of Teaching and Learning (Undergraduate), having joined the department in 2019. Dino specialises in comparative politics and his research and teaching agenda primarily focuses on violent conflict, ethnic politics, and representation. His work has appeared in journals such as the American Political Science Review, the Journal of Politics, the British Journal of Political Science, European Union Politics, Research and Politics, and Political Research Quarterly. -
Alexander HeldAssistant Professor, PhD Course Director
Office hours: 4.06 (by appointment)
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Alexander is an Assistant Professor and was a Fox International Fellow at Yale University in 2018-19. His main research interests are in public opinion, voting behaviour and voter turnout in advanced industrialized democracies, with a particular focus on how we can counter recent trends of citizen political alienation and improve the quality of civic engagement. In his research he primarily uses experiments and quasi-experiments. Some of his work analyses the effect of electoral reforms on inequalities in political participation and election outcomes. Other work studies populist radical right voting and looks, among other things, at how the increasing rental (over)burden fuels populist radical right support. He also conducted research on the relationship between the electoral system, the party system, and electoral accountability. His research has been published or accepted for publication in the American Political Science Review, Political Behavior, Electoral Studies and Research and Politics. -
Lisa KeenanAssistant Professor, Undergraduate Coordinator (exams)
Office hours: Wednesdays (10-11.30am) or by appointment
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Lisa is an Assistant Professor and holds a Ph.D. in Political Science and an M.Litt. in Economics, as well as a B.A. in Economics and Sociology from Trinity College Dublin. Her research interests include Irish politics, gender and politics, and public opinion. She lectures on a variety of topics, including comparative politics, Irish politics, research methods, EU politics, economic development, and public opinion. -
Liam KneafseyAssistant Professor, Departmental Research in Progress Workshop Coordinator, Capstone Coordinator, Friday Seminar Convenor, School Careers Liaison officer
Office hours: 5.04 (Friday 2.15-4pm by appintment)
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Liam is an Assistant Professor. He has strong research focus on political communication, experiments and political violence and his work explores engaging questions such as how media shape attitudes to corporate tax avoidance, how negative campaign ads affect Irish elections, and why the Irish public has strong pro-Palestinian sympathies. Liam has published in Political Research and Methods, Review of International Political Economy and Political Research Exchange. In addition to his research, he is actively involved in teaching and supervising at undergraduate and postgraduate level and in the Political Studies Association of Ireland where he particularly focuses on funding support for postgraduates and early career researchers to support the next generation of scholars. Liam's expertise and commitment to teaching our undergraduate and postgraduate students in particular has earned him recognition in winning a Trinity Excellence in Teaching Award, the USI Teaching Hero Award, and the Political Studies Association of Ireland Teaching and Learning Prize. -
Gail McElroyProfessor in Political Science
On leave
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Gail is a Professor in Political Science, former Head of Department (2013-2015), Head of School (2015-2019) and Dean of the Faculty (2019-2024). She is a political scientist who specialises in the field of comparative politics. She is particularly interested in questions relating to the behaviour of political elites, the nature of public opinion and gender and politics. Some of her best-known earlier work relates to legislative organization in the European Parliament (EP). In more recent years she has developed a research agenda at the intersection of legislative politics, political institutions and voting behaviour. Gail is a member of the Irish Electoral Commission's National Election and Democracy Study Board and is the national coordinator for the Consortium of National Election Studies, the Comparative Candidate Study and the Monitoring Electoral Democracy project. She is a PI on the Irish National Election Study, the Irish Candidate Study and the academic lead on the general election exit poll. -
Sharyn O'HalloranProfessor Of Political Economy, Director of Research
School of Social Sciences and Philosophy
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Sharyn is the SALI Professor of Political Economy (2020), a joint appointment between the Departments of Economics and Political Science, and a Fellow of the College. She is a member of the School Executive Committee in her role as Director of Research. Her research focuses on political economy, trade, and financial regulation. Her current work centres on using artificial intelligence to predict the resilience of democracies to economic crises. She is a member of the Board of Trinity Research in Social Sciences (TRiSS) and an associate researcher with the Central Bank of Ireland and the SFI ADAPT Centre, which specializes in AI-driven digital content technology. -
Tom PaskhalisAssistant Professor in Political Science and Data Science, MSc Applied Social Data Science Course Director
Office hours: 5.07 (Thurs 11-1pm online or in person)
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Tom is an Assistant Professor in Political Science and Data Science; a Visiting Fellow at the Data Science Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); and a Faculty Affiliate at the Center for Social Media and Politics (CSMaP), New York University(NYU). Previously, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at New York University, Center for Social Media and Politics. As a computational political scientist he specialises in political communication, comparative politics and the development and application of new computational methods for textual data and social media. -
William PhelanProfessor In Political Science, MSc in International Politics Course Director, Jean Monnet Chair in EU Politics and Law
Office hours: 5.03 (by appointment)
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William is a Professor in Political Science; a former Head of the Department of Political Science (2018-21); and a Fellow of the College. He researches the law, politics and history of the European Court of Justice. He was director of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence for EU Law, Politics and Constitutional Governance (2020-23). His book Great Judgements of the European Court of Justice was included in the long list for the Inner Temple Book Prize 2022 and selected as a legal book of the year by leading German Law journal JuristenZeitung (2021). -
Peter StoneAssociate Professor
4.08; On research leave
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Peter is Associate Professor in Political Science (Political Theory) and former Head of the Department (2021-24). He was an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Stanford University and a Faculty Fellow at Tulane University’s Center for Ethics and Public Affairs before arriving at Trinity College in 2011. He specializes in political theory, especially democratic theory, theories of justice, rational choice theory, and the philosophy of social science. He is the author of The Luck of the Draw: The Role of Lotteries in Decision Making (Oxford University Press, 2011) and the editor of Lotteries in Public Life: A Reader (Imprint Academic, 2011). He is active in the Political Studies Association of Ireland, having served as Secretary, President, and Vice President. He has also held numerous leadership positions in the Bertrand Russell Society. When not working on political science, he enjoys swing dancing, the music of Leonard Cohen, and the occasional game of poker. -
Jeffrey ZieglerAssistant Professor, MSc Applied Social Data Science Associate Course Director
Office hours: 0.05 Foster Place; By appointment; On research leave
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Jeff is an Assistant Professor in Political Science and Data Science and currently serves as the Director of the Applied Social Data Science Programme. Previously, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Institute for Quantitative Theory and Methods at Emory University. Jeff received his PhD in Political Science from Washington University in St. Louis, where he was also a Graduate Affiliate of the John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics. In his research, Jeff extends quantitative methods to the social sciences, focusing on multi-media data (text, audio, images) and experiments. He applies these techniques to study questions related to political and psychological behaviour.