Dunne FF, Winkelmann J, Weaire D, Hutzler S (2019), Implementation of Morse–Witten theory for a polydisperse wet 2D foam simulation, Philosophical Magazine 99 2303–2320
Mughal A, Cox SJ, Weaire D, Burke SR, Hutzler S (2019), Demonstration and interpretation of scutoid cells formed in a quasi-2D soap froth, Philosophical Magazine Letters 98 358
Höhler R, Weaire D (2019), Can liquid foams and emulsions be modeled as packings of soft elastic particles?, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 263 19–37
Dunne FF, Bolton F, Weaire D, Hutzler S (2017), Statistics and topological changes in 2D foam from the dry to the wet limit, Philosophical Magazine 97 1768–1781
Drenckhan W, Hutzler S (2015), Structure and energy of liquid foams, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 224 1–16
Whyte D, Weaire D, Drenckhan W, Hutzler S (2015), The relative energy of fcc and hcp foams, Philosophical Magazine Letters 95 319-323
Meagher AJ, Whyte D, Banhart J, Hutzler S, Weaire D, García-Moreno F, (2015), Slow crystallisation of a monodisperse foam stabilised against coarsening, Soft Matter
Meagher AJ, García-Moreno F, Banhart J, Mughal J, Hutzler S (2015), An experimental study of columnar crystals using monodisperse microbubbles, Colloids and Surfaces A 473 55-59
Hutzler S, Murtagh RP, Whyte D, Tobin ST, Weaire D (2014), Z-cone model for the energy of an ordered foam, Soft Matter 10 7103-7108
Whyte D, Murtagh R, Weaire D, Hutzler S (2015), Applications and extensions of the Z-cone model for the energy of a foam, Colloids and Surfaces A 473 115-122
Murtagh R, Whyte D, Weaire D, Hutzler S (2015), Adaptation of the Z-cone model to the estimation of the energy of a bcc foam, Philosophical Magazine 95 4023–4034
Garcia-Moreno F, Tobin ST, Mukherjee M, Jimènes C, Solòrzano, Kumar V, Hutzler S, Banhart J (2014), Analysis of liquid metal foams through X-ray radioscopy and microgravity experiments, Soft Matter 10 6955-6962
Meagher AJ, Hutzler S, Weaire D, Building the pyramids: perfect bubble crystals, Phil. Mag. 93 4138-4150 (2013)
A. Mughal, H. K. Chan, D. Weaire, S. Hutzler (2012), Dense packings of spheres in cylinders: Simulations, Phys. Rev. E, 85, 051305.
Weaire D, Tobin ST, Meagher AJ, and Hutzler S (2012), Foam Morphology, Foam Engineering Fundamentals and Applications by P. Stevenson (editor), Wiley. (7-26)
Gabbrielli R, Meagher AJ, Weaire D, Brakke KA and Hutzler S (2012), An experimental realization of the Weaire-Phelan structure in monodisperse liquid foam, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 92, 1-6.
Chan HK (2011), Densest columnar structures of hard spheres from sequential deposition, Phys. Rev. E, 84 050302(R).
Meagher AJ, Mukherjee M, Weaire D, Hutzler S, Banhart J and Garcia-Moreno F (2011), Analysis of the internal structure of a monodisperse liquid foam by X-ray tomography, Soft Matter, 7, 9881-9885.
O'Donovan CB and Möbius ME (2011), Spatial correlations in polydisperse, frictionless, two-dimensional packings, Phys. Rev. E, 84, 020302(R).
Tobin ST, Barry JD, Meagher AJ, Bulfin B, O'Rathaille CE and Hutzler S (2011), Ordered polyhedral foams in tubes with circular, triangular and square cross-section, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 382, 24-31.
Mughal A, Chan HK and Weaire D (2011), Phyllotactic Description of Hard Sphere Packing in Cylindrical Channels, Phys. Rev. Lett., 106, 115704.
Hutzler S, Barry J, Grasland-Mongrain P, Smyth D and Weaire D (2009), Ordered packings of bubble in columns of square cross-section, Coll. Surf. A.,344, 37-41.
Mughal A and Weaire D (2009), Curvature in conformal mappings of two-dimensional lattices and foam structure, Proc. R. Soc. A, 465, 219-238.
Van der Net. A, Weaire D and Hutzler S (2009), Rearrangement and elimination of ordered surface layers of crystalline bubble structures due to gas diffusion, Soft Matter, 5, 318-324.
Weaire D (2009), Kelvin's ideal foam structure, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 158, p012005.
Weaire D and Rivier N (2009), Soap, cells and statistics - random patterns in two dimensions (Reprinted from Contemporary Physics, vol 25, pg 59, 1984), Contemporary Physics, 50 (1), 199-239.
Saadatfar M, Barry J, Weaire D and Hutzler S (2008), Ordered cylindrical foam structures with internal bubbles, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 88, 661 - 668.
Barrett D, Daly EJ, Dolan M, Kelly S, Drenckhan W, Weaire D and Hutzler S (2008), Taking Plateau into micro-gravity: the formation of an eight-fold vertex in a system of soap films, Microgravity - Science and Technology, 20, 17-22.
Hutzler S, Saadatfar M, van der Net A, Weaire D and Cox SJ (2008), The dynamics of a topological change in a system of soap films, Coll. Surf. A, 323, 123-131.
Weaire D, editors: Flood R, McCarthy M and Whitaker A (2008), Kelvin and Fitzgerald: Great Irish Physicists, Kelvin: Life, Labours and Legacy, Oxford University Press, 86-93.
Weaire D and Drenckhan W (2008), Structure and dynamics of confined foams: A review of recent progress , Advances in colloid and interface science, 137, 20-26.
Weaire D, Lanlgois V, Saadatfar M, Hutzler S (2007), Foam as granular Matter, Granular and Complex Materials, World Scientific Lecture Notes in Complex Systems (eds. Aste T, Di Matteo T and Tordesillas A), 8, 1-26.
Weaire D, Vaz MF, Teixeira PIC, et al. Instabilities in liquid foams, Soft Matter, 3 (1): 47-57 (2007).
S. Hutzler, D. Weaire, S. J. Cox, A. van der Net and E. Janiaud (2007), Pre-empting Plateau: The nature of topological transitions in foam, Europhys. Lett., 77, 28002.
E. Colle, W. Drenckhan, N. Rivier "The Joule-Thompson throttling of ordered foams"submitted to Coll. Surf. A.
Antje van der Net, Gary W. Delaney, Wiebke Drenckhan, Denis Weaire and Stefan Hutzler (2007), Crystalline arrangements of microbubbles in monodisperse foams, Coll. Surf. A, 309, 117-124.
Van der Net. A, W. Drenckhan, D. Weaire, S. Hutzler (2006), The crystal structure of bubbles in the wet foam limit, Soft Matter, 2: 129-134.
Jurine, S., Cox, S.J. and Graner, F. (2005) Dry three-dimensional bubbles: growth-rate, scaling state and correlations. Coll. Surf. A, 263, 18-26.
W. Drenckhan, S. Cox, D. Weaire (2004), The demonstration of conformal maps with two-dimensional foams, Eur. J. Phys., 25, 429-438.
Vaz, M.F., Cox, S.J. and Alonso, M.D. (2004), Minimum energy configurations of small bidisperse bubble clusters J. Phys: Condensed Matter, 16:4165-4175.
Drenckhan, W., Weaire, D. and Cox, S.J. (2004) The demonstration of conformal maps with two-dimensional foams. Eur. J. Phys., 25:429-438.
S. Hutzler, N. Peron, D. Weaire, W. Drenckhan (2004), The Foam/Emulsion Analogy in Structure and Drainage, Eur. Phys. J. E, 14:381-386.
Cox, S.J., and Graner, F. (2004) Three-dimensional bubble clusters: shape, packing and growth-rate. Phys. Rev. E, 69:031409.
Sun Q., Hutzler S. (2004), Lattice gas simulations of two-dimensional liquid foams, Rheol Acta, 43, 567-574.
Cox SJ, Vaz MF and Weaire D. (2003), Topological changes in a two-dimensional foam cluster, Eur. Phys. J. E 11, 29-35.
Cox SJ and Graner F (2003), Large two-dimensional clusters of equal-area bubbles, Phil. Mag. 83, 2573-2584.
Cox SJ, Graner F, Vaz MF, Monnereau-Pittet C and Pittet N (2003), Minimal perimeter for N identical bubbles in two Dimensions, Phil. Mag. 83, 1393-1406.
Cox SJ and Fortes MA (2003), Properties of three-dimensional bubbles of constant mean curvature, Phil. Mag. Lett. 83, 281-293.
Cox SJ, Weaire D and Vaz MF (2002), The transition from two-dimensional to three-dimensional foam structures, Eur. Phys. J. E, 7, 311-315.
Weaire D, Cox SJ and Graner F (2002), Uniqueness, Stability and Hessian eigenvalues for two-dimensional foam structures, Eur. Phys. J. E 7, 123-127.
Weaire D (1999), The equilibrium structure of soap froths: inversion and decoration, Phil. Mag. Lett. 79, 491-495
Phelan R, Weaire D, McMurry S and Cox SJ (1999), The Deformation of Soap Film Junctions by Applied Forces, Phil. Mag. Lett. 79, 887-896.
Hutzler S, Weaire D and Crawford R (1997), "Moving boundaries in ordered cylindrical foam structures", Phil. Mag. B 75, 845.
Hutzler S, Weaire D and Bolton F, "Model simulations of two-dimensional liquid and solid foams", 15th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, Modelling and Applied Mathematics, ed. by A Sydow, vol. 3, 277-282, Wissenschaft und Technik Verlag, Berlin, (1997)
Pittet N, Rivier N and Weaire D, "Cylindrical Packing of Foam Cells", Forma 10(1), 65-73 (1995). Permission has been granted from Forma to make this paper available for download from here.
Phelan R, Weaire D and Brakke K, "Computation of equilibrium foam structures using the Surface Evolver", Exp. Math. 4 ,181-192(1995).
Hutzler S, Weaire D and Bolton F, "The effects of Plateau borders in the two-dimensional soap froth, III. Further results", Phil. Mag. B 71, 277 (1995).
Weaire D and Fortes MA (1994), "Stress and strain in liquid and solid foams", Adv. in Physics 43, 685.
Weaire D and Phelan R (1994), "A counterexample to Kelvin's conjecture on minimal surfaces", Phil. Mag. Lett. 69, 107-110.
Weaire D, Hutzler S and Pittet N, "Cylindrical Packings of Foam Cells", Forma 7(3), 259 (1992). Permission has been granted from Forma to make this paper available for download from here.
Haffner B, Dunne F. F., Burke SR, Hutzler S (2016), Ageing of fibre-laden aqueous foams, Cellulose 24 231--239
Tobin ST, Weaire D, Hutzler S (2014), Theoretical analysis of the performance of a foam fractionation column, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 470 20130625
Hutzler S, Tobin ST, Meagher AJ, Marguerite A, Weaire D. (2013), A model system for foam fractionation, Proc. R. Soc A 469: 20120727 (15 pages).
Vandewalle N, Caps H, Delon G, Saint-Jalmes A, Rio E, Saulnier L, Adler M, Biance A L, Pitous O, Cohen Addad S, Hohler R, Weaire D, Hutzler S, Langevin D (2011), Foam Stability in Microgravity, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 327, 012024.
Hutzler S, Lösch D, Carey E, Weaire D, Hloucha M and Stubenrauch C (2011), Evaluation of a steady-state test of foam stability', Philosophical Magazine, 91, 537-552.
Carrier V, Hutzler S and Weaire D (2008), Observations of a variety of drainage patterns in bamboo foams,, Europhysics Letters,83, 54005, (5 pages).
Hutzler, S., Weaire, D., Saugey, A., Cox, S. and Peron, N. (2005) The physics of foam drainage. Proc. 52nd SEPAWA Congress, Wuerzburg , ed. K. Henning, p191-206.
Vincent Carrier, Stefan Hutzler and Denis Weaire (2007), Drainage of foams with regularly spaced parallel soap films, Coll. Surf. A, 309, 13-19.
Peron N, Cox SJ, Hutzler S and Weaire D (2007), Steady drainage in emulsions: corrections for surface Plateau borders and a model for high aqueous volume fraction, Eur. Phys. J. E, 22, 341-351.
Hutzler S, Cox SJ, Janiaud E and Weaire D (2007), Drainage induced convection rolls in foams, Coll. Surf. A, 309, 33-37.
Cox SJ, Alonso MD, Weaire D and Hutzler S (2006), Drainage induced convection rolls in foams I: Convective bubble motion in a tilted tube, Eur. Phys. J. E, 19, 17-22.
Hutzler S, Cox SJ and Wang G (2005), Foam drainage in two dimensions. Coll. Surf. A, 263, 178-183.
Cox, S.J., Weaire, D. and Verbist, G. (2004), Comment on "Foam imbibition in microgravity. An experimental study" by H. Caps, H. Decauwer, M.-L. Chevalier, G. Soyez, M. Ausloos and N. Vandewalle, Euro. Phys. J. B, 40:119-121.
Cox SJ, Bradley G, Hutzler S and Weaire D (2001),Vertex corrections in the theory of foam drainage, J. Phys: Condens. Matter 13, 4863-4869.
Kern N and Weaire D (2003), Approaching the dry limit in foam, Phil. Mag. 83, 2973-2987.
Hutzler S and Weaire D (2000), Foam coarsening under forced drainage, Phil. Mag. Lett. 80, 419-425.
Hutzler S, Weaire D and Shah S (2000), Bubble sorting under forced drainage, Phil. Mag. Lett. 80, 41-48.
Weaire D, Hutzler S and Verbist G, "De schone schijn van schuim " (in Dutch), Chemisch2Weekblad 9, 12-13 (2000).
Cox S J, Weaire D, Hutzler S, Murphy J, Phelan R and Verbist G, Applications and generalisations of the foam drainage equation, Proc. Roy. Soc. 456, 2441-2464 (2000).
Stoyanov S, Dushkin C, Langevin D, Weaire D and Verbist G, "Effect of the Rheology on Foam Drainage", Langmuir 14, 4663-4665 (1998).
In het Panhuis M, Hutzler S, Weaire D and Phelan R, "New variations on the soap film experiments of Plateau: I. Experiments under forced drainage", Phil. Mag. B 78, 1-12 (1998).
Hutzler S, Weaire D and Crawford R, "Convective instability in foam drainage", Europhys. Lett. 41, 461-465 (1998).
Hutzler S, Findlay S, Weaire D and Verbist G, "Watch your head: new experiments and theory on foam drainage", Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the European Brewery Convention Foam Subgroup, p.41-52, Zouterwoude, The Netherlands (1997).
Weaire D, Hutzler S, Verbist G and Peters E A J F, "A review of foam drainage", Advances in Chemical Physics 102, 315-374 (1997).
Weaire D, Pittet N, Hutzler S and Pardal D, "Steady-State Drainage of an Aqueous Foam", Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 2670 (1993).
Heitkam S, Drenckhan W, Titscher T, Weaire D, Kreuter DC, Hajnal D, Piechon F, Fröhlich J (2016), Elastic properties of solid material with various arrangements of spherical voids, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 59, 252-264.
Sexton MB, Möbius ME and S Hutzler (2011), Bubble dynamics and rheology in sheared two-dimensional foams, Soft Matter, 7, 11252-11258.
Barry JD, Weaire D and Hutzler S (2011), Nonlocal effects in the continuum theory of shear localisation in 2d foams, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 91, 432-440.
Barry JD, Weaire D and Hutzler S (2010), Shear localisation with 2D Viscous Froth and its relation to the Continuum Model, Rheologica Acta, 49, 687-698.
Weaire D, Barry JD and Hutzler S (2010), The continuum theory of shear localization in two-dimensional foam, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 22, 193101 (22pp).
Cox SJ, Weaire D and Mishuris G (2009), The viscous froth model: steady states and the high-velocity limit, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 465 (2108), 2391-2405.
Weaire D, Clancy RJ and Hutzler S (2009), A simple analytical theory of localisation in 2d foam rheology, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 89, 294-299.
Weaire D, Clancy RJ and Hutzler S (2009), The origin of the strain-rate discontinuity in 2D foam rheometry with circular geometry, archived. (download example simulations A and B).
Weaire D and Rivier N (2009), Soap, cells and statistics - random patterns in two dimensions (Reprinted from Contemporary Physics, vol 25, pg 59, 1984), Contemporary Physics, 50 (1), 199-239.
Weaire D (2008), The rheology of foam, Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science, 13, 171-176.
Weaire D, Hutzler S and Langlois VJ (2008), Proceedings of the XVth International Congress on Rheology, Monterrey 2008, American Institute of Physics, New York, 833-835.
Weaire D, Hutzler S, Langlois VJ and Clancy RJ (2008), Velocity dependence of shear localisation in a 2D foam, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 88, 387-396.
Weaire D and Drenckhan W (2008), Structure and dynamics of confined foams: A review of recent progress , Advances in colloid and interface science, 137, 20-26.
Langlois VJ, Hutzler S and Weaire D (2008), Rheological properties of the soft disk model of 2D Foams, Phys. Rev. E, 78, 021401.
Drenckhan W, Ritacco H, Saint-Jalmes A, Saugey A, McGuinness P, van der Net A, Langevin D, Weaire D (2007), Fluid dynamics of rivulet flow between plates, Phys. Fluids, 19, 102101.
Weaire D, Hutzler S, Drenckhan W, Saugey A and Cox SJ (2006), The rheology of foams, Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 133 100-105.
E. Janiaud, D. Weaire and S. Hutzler (2007), A simple continuum model for the dynamics of a quasi-two dimensional foam, Coll.Surf.A, 309, 125-131.
Clancy R.J., Janiaud E., Weaire D. and Hutzler S. (2006), The response of 2d foams to continuous applied shear in a Couette rheometer, Eur. Phys. J. E, 21, 123-132.
E. Janiaud, D. Weaire and S. Hutzler (2006), Two-Dimensional Foam Rheology with Viscous Drag, Phys. Rev. Lett., 93, 18303 (2006).
Caps, H., Cox, S.J., Decauwer, H., Weaire, D. and Vandewalle, N. (2005) Capillary rise in foams under microgravity. Coll. Surf. A, 261, 131-134.
Cox, S.J. (2005), A Viscous Froth Model for Dry Foams in the Surface Evolver. Coll. Surf. A, 263:81--89.
Elias F, Bacri J-C, Flament C, Janiaud E, Talbot D, Drenckhan W, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Magnetic Soap Films and Magnetic Soap Foams, Coll. Surf. A, 263, 65-75 (2005).
Drenckhan, W., Cox, S.J., Delaney, G., Holste, H. and Weaire, D. (2005), Rheology of ordered foams -- on the way to Discrete Microfluidics. Coll. Surf. A, 263:52-64.
Repetowicz P, Hutzler S and Richmond P, Dynamics of money and income distributions, Physica A, 356, 641-654 (2005).
Rioual F, Hutzler S and Weaire D, Elastic dilatancy in foams: a simple model, Coll. Surf. A, 263, 117-120 (2005).
Sun Q and Hutzler S, Studying localised structural changes in 2d liquid foams using a hybrid lattice gas model, Coll. Surf. A, 263, 27-32 (2005).
Cox SJ, Neethling S, Rossen WR, Schleifenbaum W, Schmidt-Wellenburg P and Cillliers JJ (2004), A theory of the effective yield stress of foam in porous media: the motion of a soap film traversing a three-dimensional pore.Coll. Surf. A, 245,143-151.
Cox SJ, Weaire D and Glazier JA (2004), The rheology of two-dimensional foams.Rheol. Acta., 43, 442-448.
Weaire D, Kern N, Cox SJ, Sullivan JM and Morgan F. (2004), Pressures in periodic foams. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 460, 569-579.
Kern N, Weaire D, Martin A, Hutzler S and Cox SJ (2004), Two-dimensional viscous froth model for foam dynamics, Phys. Rev. E., 70, 041411.
Hutzler S and Weaire D, "Buckling properties of 2D regular elastomeric honeycombs", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 9, L323 (1997)
Phelan R, Weaire D, Peters E and Verbist G, "The conductivity of a foam", J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 8, L475-482 (1996)
Hutzler S and Weaire D, "The osmotic pressure of a two-dimensional disordered foam", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 7, L657 (1995)
Weaire D, Findlay S and Verbist G, "Measurement of foam drainage using AC conductivity", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 7, L217 (1995)
Hutzler S, Verbist G, Weaire D and Van der Steen JA", Measurement of foam density profiles using AC capacitance", Europhys. Lett. 31, 497 (1995).
Saadatfar M, Mukherjee M, Madadi M, Schröder-Turk G E, Garcia-Moreno F, Schaller F M, Hutzler S, Sheppard A P, Banhart J and Ramamurty U (2012), Structural and finite element analysis of tomographic data for closed cell aluminum foam subject to uniaxial compression, Acta Materialia, 60, 3604-3615.
Saadatfar M, Garcia-Moreno F, Hutzler S, Sheppard AP, Knackstedt MA, Banhart J and Weaire D (2009), Imaging of metallic foams using X-ray micro-CT, Coll. Surf. A., 344, 107-112.
Saadatfar M, Hutzler S and Weaire D (2008), Foams, Trinity College Dublin: interconnect, Scientific Computing and Visualisation Newsletter, 2 (September 2008), p 8-9.
Brunke, O., Hamann, A., Cox, S.J. and Odenbach, S. (2005), Experimental and numerical analysis of the drainage of aluminium foams. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17:6353-6362.
Banhart J and Weaire D, "On the road again: metal foams find favor", Physics Today, July, 37-42 (2002).
Weaire, D., Cox, S.J. and Brakke, K. (2005) "Liquid foams -- Precursors for Solid Foams", in Cellular Ceramics: Structure, Manufacturing, Properties and Applications, P. Colombo and M. Scheffler (eds). Wiley.
Banhart J, Baumgaertner F, Cox SJ, Kronberg B, Langevin D, Odenbach S, Weaire D and Wuebben T, "Development of advanced foams under microgravity", In Proc. 1st Intl. Symp. Microgravity Research and Applications in Physical Sciences and Biotechnology, Sorrento, Italy, September 2000, 589-596 (2001).
Weaire, D., Hutzler, S., Cox, S., Kern, N., Alonso, M.D. and Drenckhan, W. (2003), The Fluid Dynamics of Foams. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 15 : S65-S73.
Weaire D and Hutzler S, Dilatancy in liquid foams, Phil. Mag., 83, 2747-2760 (2003).
Drenckhan W, Elias F, Hutzler S, Weaire D, Janiaud E and Bacri, J-C, Bubble size control and measurement in the generation of ferrofluid foams, J. Appl. Phys. 93, 10078--10083 (2003).
Cox, S.J., and Verbist, G. (2003) Liquid flow in foams under microgravity. Microgravity Sci. Tech., XIV/4:45-52.
Cox SJ, Bradley G and Weaire D, Metallic foam processing from the liquid state: the competition between solidification and drainage, Euro. J. Phys: Appl. Physics 14 ,87-97 (2001).
Weaire D, A commentary on the historical background to the modern study of foam structures, Phil. Mag. 93 4132-4137 (2013)
Weaire D (2009), Kelvin's ideal foam structure, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 158, p012005.
Weaire D, editors: Flood R, McCarthy M and Whitaker A (2008), Kelvin and Fitzgerald: Great Irish Physicists, Kelvin: Life, Labours and Legacy, Oxford University Press, 86-93.
Weaire D, Donegan JF and Florides P, Unknown Genius, Physics World, December 2012, p 26-30
Florides P, Weaire D and Donegan JF, Edward Hutchinson Synge (1890-1957) - a fragmentary life, "Hutchie - The life and works of Edward Hutchinson Synge", eds. Donegan JF, Weaire D, Florides P, Living Edition, Poellauberg, Austria (2012), p 1-49
Weaire D, Hutchie, "Hutchie - The life and works of Edward Hutchinson Synge", eds. Donegan JF, Weaire D, Florides P, Living Edition, Poellauberg, Austria (2012), p 147
2017 · 8: Cooper MJ, Davis EA, Schuster PM, Weaire D (2017), Proceedings of the First International Conference on the History of Physics—Trinity College Cambridge,
Burke SR, Möbius ME, Hjelt T, Hutzler S (2019), Properties of lightweight fibrous structures made by a novel foam forming technique, Cellulose 4 2529-2539
Hutzler S, Foams — Think bubbles, Chemistry & Industry 49 (2013)
Weaire D, A Fresh Start for Foam Physics, Science, 340, 693 (2008)
Weaire D and Hutzler S (2009), Foam as a complex system, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21, 474227 (4pp).
Drenckhan W, Dollet B, Hutzler S, Elias F (2008), Soap films under large amplitude oscillations, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 88, 669-6
Banhart J, García-Moreno F, Hutzler S, Langevin D, Liggieri L, Miller R, Jalmes AS and Weaire D (2008), Foams and emulsions in space , Europhysics News, 39, 26-28.
Andersson M, Banhart J, Caps H, Durian D, Garcia-Moreno F, Hutzler S, Kronberg B, Langevin D, Pitois O, Saadatfar M, Saint-Jalmes A, Vandewalle N, Vignes-Adler M, Weaire D (2008), Foam Research in Microgravity, Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Physical Sciences in Space, 22-10-2007 - 26-10-2007 , Journal of The Japan Society of Microgravity Application 25, 241-244.
Van der Net. A, Blondel. L, Saugey. A, Drenckhan. W (2007), Simulating and interpretating images of foams with computational ray-tracing techniques, Coll. Surf. A, 309, 159-176.
Visualization of sound waves using regularly spaced soap films, Eur. J. Phys. 28: 755-765 (2007).
Qicheng Sun and Stefan Hutzler (2007), Light scattering through 2D Plateau borders and foams, Coll. Surf. A, 309, 182-188.
S. Hutzler, ' Bubbles ', Physics Review, 16 (4), 16-17.
McGuinness P, Drenckhan W and Weaire D (2005), The optimal tap: three-dimensional nozzle design, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 38, 3382-3386.
Weaire, D. and Cox, S. (2005) Foams in Microgravity, Proc. XXI Intl. Congress Theo. Appl. Mech. W. Gutkowski and T. Kowalewski (eds), Warsaw, Poland.
Durand M., Sadoc JF and Weaire D. (2004), Maximum electrical conductivity of a network of uniform wires: the Lemlich law as an upper bound, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A. 460, 1269-1284.
W. Drenckhan, D. Weaire (2004), "Some confluences of art and science in the physics of foams", Journal of ISIS - Symmetry, 1-4:54-57
W. Drenckhan, S. Hutzler, D. Weaire, Foam Physics: the simplest example of soft condensed matter, Modern Trends of Physics Research 2004, AIP.
W. Drenckhan, S. Gatz, D. Weaire (2004), "Wave patterns of a rivulet of surfactant solution in a Hele-Shaw cell", Phys. Fluids, 16(8):31115-3121.
D. Weaire, S. Hutzler, W. Drenckhan, S. Cox, M.-D. Alonso, W. Drenckhan (2002),The fluid dynamics of foams, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15, 65-73.
Hutzler S, Weaire D, Elias F and Janiaud E (2002), Juggling with bubbles in cylindrical ferrofluid foams, Phil. Mag. Lett. 82, 297-301.
Weaire D, Cox SJ, Hutzler S and Bradley G, Foams in Microgravity, J. Phys. IV France 11, 213-220 (2001).
Passerone A and Weaire D, "Interfaces, Foams and Emulsions". In A World Without Gravity SP-1251. ESA, The Netherlands. pp. 241-253 (2001).
Weaire D and Hutzler S, "Making, Modelling and Measuring Foams", Europhysics News 30, 3, 73-75 (1999) .
Hutzler S, "Book review: Food Emulsions and Foams (Ed. by E. Dickinson)", J. Sci. Food Agric. 79, 1317-1318 (1999) .
Weaire D, Hutzler S, Banhart J, Phelan R and Verbist G, "Foams in Microgravity", Annals of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts 22, 20-26 (1998) .
Weaire D and Hutzler S, "Nonlinear phenomena in soap froth", Physica A 257, 264-274 (1998).
Hutzler S, "The Physics of Foams" (PhD thesis), Verlag MIT Tiedemann, Bremen, ISBN 3-9805748-4-9 (1997).
Bolton F, "PLAT: a computer code forsimulating two-dimensional liquid foams" (1996).
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Winkelmann J, Mughal A, Weaire D, Hutzler S, (2019), Equilibrium configurations of hard spheres in a cylindrical harmonic potential, EPL 127 44002
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Chan HK (2013), A hybrid helical structure of hard sphere packing from sequential deposition, Phil. Mag. (Special issue: International Workshop on Packing) (in press)
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Bois A, Garcia-Roger EM, Hong E, Hutzler S, Irannezhad A, Mannioui A, Richmond P, Roehner BM, Tronche S (2019), Congenital anomalies from a physics perspective. The key role of ‘‘manufacturing’’ volatility, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 537 122742
Bois A, Garcia-Roger EM, Hong E, Hutzler S, Irannezhad A, Mannioui A, Richmond P, Roehner BM, Tronche S (2019), Infant mortality across species. A global probe of congenital abnormalities, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 535 122308
Whyte D, Didkovsky N, Hutzler S (2018), Zero Waste: Mapping the Evolution of the Iterative Sight-Reading of a Piano Score, Music Theory Spectrum 40 302-313
Newell F, Murtagh R, Hutzler S (2014), Does the Perceptual Discriminability of Spatial and Dynamic Patterns Shape our Preferences?, Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society — 55th Annual Meeting 19 158-159
Newell F, Murtagh R, Hutzler S, A role for Gestalt principles of organisation in shaping preferences for non-natural spatial and dynamic patterns, Perception 42 European Conference on Visual Perception ECVP Abstract Supplement, 113.
Tobin ST, Meagher AJ, Bulfin B, Möbius M and Hutzler S (2011), A public study of the lifetime distribution of soap films, American Journal of Physics, 79, 819-824.
Bergin SD, Weaire D, Hutzler S (2014), The drop heard round the World, Physics World, May 2014, 26-29
Hutzler S, Fractal Ireland, Science Spin, issue 58, May/June, 19-20 (2013)
Weaire D, O'Connor S (2013), False starts and dead ends: the Irish contribution to late 19th century spectroscopy, The roots of physics in Europe - echophysics, ed. P.M. Schuster, Living Edition, Poellau, Austria, p 113-123
Donegan JF, Weaire D, Florides P (eds.) (2012), Hutchie - The life and works of Edward Hutchinson Synge, Living Edition, Poellauberg, Austria.
Chan HK (2011), A General Conductivity Expression for Space-charge-limited Conduction in Ferroelectrics and Other Solid Dielectrics, Ferroelectrics – Characterization and Modeling,(Editor: Lallart M), InTech, Croatia. (467-490)
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Weaire D (ed.) (2009), George Francis Fitzgerald, Living Edition, Poellauberg, Austria.
Weaire D and Hutzler S (2009), Foam as a complex system, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 21, 474227 (4pp).
Aste T and Weaire D (eds.) (2008), The Pursuit of Perfect Packing (2nd Edition), CRC Press, Taylor and Francis.
Coleman J N, Fleming A, Maier S, O´Flaherty S, Minett A, Ferreira M S, Hutzler S and Blau WJ, Binding Kinetics and Spontaneous SWNT Bundle, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 108, 2004, p3446 - 3450 (2004).
Kilbride B E, Coleman J N, Fraysse J, Fournet P, Cadek M, Drury A, Hutzler S, Roth S and Blau WJ, Experimental observation of scaling laws for alternating current and direct current conductivity in polymer-carbon nanotube composite thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 92, 2002, p4024 - 4030 [also in "Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology", September 30, 2002, Volume 6, Issue 14]
Aref H, Hutzler S and Weaire D (2007), Toying with physics, Europhys. News, 38, 23-26.
Hutzler S., Delaney G., Weaire D., MacLeod F. (2004), Rocking Newton's cradle, Am. J. Phys., 72 (12): 1508-1516.