Postgraduate Courses

Online M.Sc/Postgraduate Diploma in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technology
This course is designed to provide new skills and knowledge of the pharmaceutical sciences to those coming from a non-pharmacy background and to equip them for the challenge of QP responsibility in the pharmaceutical industry.
Duration: Two Years

Online Postgraduate Certificate in Statistics
This course is intended for graduates of disciplines, other than statistics, who want to develop and deepen their knowledge of statistical methods for solving problems involving data arising in business and industry, in public service agencies or in research.
Duration: One Year

Online M.Sc or Postgraduate Diploma in Social Policy and Practice
This course aims to provide graduates from all disciplines with the opportunity to develop their understanding of the role that social policies play in developing functioning and just societies. Students will consider these in addressing some of the ‘wicked problems‘ that contemporary societies face.
Duration: One Year

Online Postgraduate Certificate in Dementia
Graduates of this course, in applying their learning, will be enabled to promote and develop excellence in dementia care in their practice setting thus ensuring that people with dementia live a dignified and meaningful life.
Duration: One Year

Online Pg. Certificate/Pg. Diploma/M.Sc in Advanced Radiotherapy Practice
This postgraduate online education programme aims to develop student’s knowledge and skills in the advanced radiation therapy management of cancer patients and to enable students to critically evaluate and participate in research in this area.
Duration: One Year

Online Pg. Certificate/Pg. Diploma/M.Sc in Managing Risk and System Change
This online course is relevant to safety-critical industries across the globe and focuses on people already in work, who have responsibility for managing risk, change, safety, quality, planning, and system design.
Duration: One Year

Online Postgraduate Diploma/Certificate in Clinical Exercise
The overall objective of this postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Exercise is to enable clinicians to prescribe exercise as a disease preventative and treatment modality in a safe, effective, and scientific manner.
Duration: One Year

Online M.Sc. in Child Protection and Welfare
The online MSc in Child Protection and Welfare is open to students who have completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Child Protection and Welfare with a 2.1 or better result. The MSc is designed to build on the Postgraduate Diploma and aims to develop applied research skills in the field of child protection and welfare and is delivered completely online.
Duration: One Year

Online Postgraduate Cert in Ageing Health and Wellbeing in Intellectual Disability
This interdisciplinary course will develop and strengthen the skills, competencies and knowledge of students, thus enabling them to promote and develop excellence in the delivery of care for people with an intellectual disability. Students will explore the physical health, policy and complex care needs of people with intellectual disabilities. The course will prepare them as leaders in quality and person-centred care for people with intellectual disabilities as they age.
Duration: One Year
Course Trailers
Watch the videos below for more information on what to expect from each course.