March 2025
TCIN are pleased to announce Neuroscience Day 2025 which will be held in the Tercentenary Hall (TBSI) on June 4, 2025. There will also be satellite events held in the Knowledge Exchange and Lloyd building. Programme details to follow shortly.
December 2024
Construction commenced on a Magnetically Shielded Room (MSR) in the Lloyd building which will house a new Magnetoencephalography (MEG) system that will measure the magnetic fields arising your brain's electrical activity. The system will be launched in summer 2025.
March 2024
A succesful Neuroscience research day was held in TBSI on March 5 with the theme Molecules to Mind. The exciting programme and videos of talks are available.
Oct 2022
A Young Neuroscience Investigator Symposium is starting today led by early career researchers from TCIN & Neuroscience Ireland with an exciting programme of events.
May 2021
TCIN awarded Green Lab status, the first unit in College to achieve this marker of environmental sustainability. The award of a Platinum medal and certificate by My Green Lab is a testament to the hard work and drive of a young researcher led group drawn from across all the PI laboratories of the institute.
Feb 2021
New Siemens Prisma MRI scanner installed at TCD, it is the first Prisma system installed in Ireland and enables strong collaborations with other research sites. It required a temporary road to be built to accomodate a 1,000 Tonne Crane from Kavanaghs which lifted the magnet accross 5 college buildings and lowered the 12 Tonne MRI safely into the basement level of the Lloyd building into a dedicated laboratory prepared in advance with a high level of magnetic shielding, a faraday shield to limit interference and many new services prepared in advance including a dedicated backup chiller.
November 2020
Congratulations to our PIs and their colleagues who contributed to a special issue of Neuron dedicated to the Neurohumanities and highighted here by College with strong contributions from the Institute of Neuroscience and Trinity Long Room Hub. This reflects part of a developing research programme supported by the Welcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund at TCD.
September 2020
TCIN has updated it's plan in line with government public health advice and college procedures. The plan is available for download here.
June 2020
TCIN will commence it's return to work plan from today in a phased manner in line with government public health advice and college procedures. The plan is available for download here.
February 2020
TCIN will hold a 20th Anniversary Symposium on March 5 & 6, 2020. Flier and detailed Programme links for information. Please register here.
February 2020
Congratulations to Lorijn Zaadnoordijk on her new Marie Curie (MSCA) Fellowship studying the influence of Parent-Child interaction on neonatal learning capacities with her colleagues in the Cusack lab at TCIN and with Jean Quigley & Liz Nixon at the Infant Research Centre, School of Psychology.
November 2019
Wellcome Trust ISSF Programme funded through 2021.
Following a successful mid-term review, we are pleased to announce the continuation of Trinity College’s Wellcome Trust-SFI-HRB supported Institutional Strategic Support Fund (ISSF). The programme now runs until 2021. An additional €880,000 (€440,000 from the award, and a further €440,000 from internal matched funding) will allow the ISSF to continue provide opportunities for Trinity Staff to establish (newly appointed young investigators) or expand research programmes as well as a to engage in a variety of interdisciplinary research, discourse or public engagement in areas of interest to the Wellcome Trust. In particular the programme will grow its highly successful cross-disciplinary initiative “Neurohumanities” and Public Engagement programme, by supporting activities that link Neuroscience & Medicine to the Humanities. The ISSF programme is directed by Mani Ramaswami, Director Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience (TCIN) in coordination with Prof Jane Ohlmeyer, Director Trinity Long Room Hub (TLRH) and with Science Gallery Dublin (SGD).
A call for proposals will be announced shortly.
November 2019
Prof Ruth Byrne's new book on Thinking, Reasoning & Decision Making in Autism has just been published.
October 2019
Professor Mani Ramaswami represented a TCIN team that secured one of the awards for its Ultra Low Noise Digital 3T MRI project.
Rhodri Cusack, Thomas Mitchell Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at Trinity, chairs the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience (TCIN) MRI interest group and will implement the vision for the new state of the art MRI facility, connecting it with clinical and fundamental researchers in Ireland and in SFI centres such as INFANT.
October 2019
Ruth Byrne has been invited by the ERC to chair the advanced grants panel on ‘The human mind and its complexity’ in 2020-2021.
September 2019
Research Night: Nadja Enz, a PhD research student in the Whelan lab demonstrating brain function for our visitors on the media ceiling, GBHI, Lloyd building.
August 2019
In Praise of Walking: The New Science of how We Walk and why It’s Good for Us, Book by Shane O'Mara. Podcasts & media coverage below.
July 2019
TCD based researchers raise awareness of rare brain disorder in children.
July 2019
TCIN PI, Professor Tomás Ryan, has been elected as the new Chair of the European FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence.
June 2019
Dr Kathy Ruddy of TCIN has been awarded an HRB Emerging Investigator Award.
May 2019
Prof. Marina Lynch to be awarded the Irish Society for Immunology medal for her research exploring the earliest stages of Alzheimer's Disease. Presentation and lecture at Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Pearse Street on Wednesday, May 1st , 6:30pm (Irish Times April 25)
April 2019
Acting the clown can help people who have suffered a stroke or who have dementia, according to research conducted by Dr Brandao, an Atlantic Fellow in the Global Brain Health Institute. (Irish Independent April 28)
Recent TCIN Publications
Please click here for Pubmed updates
Media Coverage
August 2019- Media Coverage for In praise of walking:
The Times, The Guardian, The Irish Times, Evening Standard, The Irish Independent, New Scientist, Twitter, Today FM, Radio1
Oct 2018- TCIN researcher describes beating addiction on Today FM
June 2018- TCIN study led by Prof Declan McLoughlin finds similar outcomes for voluntary and involuntary ECT treatment reported in The Times.
May 2018- Link between long-term memory and neurodegenerative disease shown by TCIN researchers.
April 2018- Prof Rhodri Cusack awarded ERC grant to measure the hidden changes in mental representations during infancy on rte news.
Feb 2018- Dr Ed Lalor speaks about recent research in the press and radio showing a brain signal for speech comprehension.
Jan 2018- Dr Tomas Ryan at SFI President of Ireland Future Research Leaders Award ceremony in Aras an Uachtarain
ISSF Award
TCD was awarded a Wellcome Trust-SFI-HRB co-funded Institutional Strategic Support Fund (ISSF) grant in 2016 to (i) provide seed funding to starting academic staff working in areas of interest to the Wellcome Trust; (ii) promote strategic international collaborations and engagements in Neuroscience and the Humanities; and (iii) build a new programme in Neurohumanities and Public Engagement.
This collaborative grant, connecting the Long Room Hub, Science Gallery Dublin and the Institute of Neuroscience, as well as other areas of College is held by Prof Mani Ramaswami of TCIN. The award is housed and administered in the institute. Calls for applications for funding will be announced periodically, but ad hoc applications will also be considered.
For additional information please see the TCD Wellcome Trust ISSF website or
contact Dr. Aisling Hume at or +353 1 896 4411