Core Staff
Dr. Christian Kerskens, Principal MRI Physcist
Mr. Sojo Joseph, Radiographer
Dr. Sarah McElroy, Siemens Scientist at Trinity
MRI Management Committee
The MRI facility is managed by this committee. This committee evaluates discounted scanning applications. The current committee members are:
Rhodri Cusack (Chair)
Andrew Harkin
Arun Bokde
Ciaran Conneely
Christian Kerksens
Clare Kelly
Richard Reilly
Sojo Joseph
Rob Whelan
Enna-Louise D'Arcy (Agenda and Minutes)
Directory of Users and Associates
Name | Role | Department | Interests |
Alan Stone | Postdoc | Biomedical Engineering, TCD | Developing new MRI methods to quantify physiology in the human body and translating these methods into the clinc |
Andrew Harkin | PI | Pharmacology, TCD | Neuropharmacology, Animal models of CNS disorders, 7T imaging |
Arun Bokde | PI | Psychiatry, TCD | neuroimaging, neurodevelopment, depression, dementia |
Bill Morrisey | Group leader | Glanbia | Food additives and nutraceuticals with neuroprotective or enhancing effects on human cognition |
Brain Lawlor | PI | GBHI, TCD | Neuroscience of dementia prevention. |
Brooke Tornifoglio | Graduate student | Biomedical Engineering, TCD | DTI, quantitative measures, |
Chiara Caldinelli | Graduate student | Psychology, TCD | Infant neuroimaging |
Christian Kerskens | Physicist | TCIN, TCD | quantum coherence, quantum biology |
Claire Gillan | PI | Psychology, TCD | big data, psychiatry, prediction, habits, goal-directed control, antidepressant, machine learning |
Clare Kelly | PI | Psychology and Psychiatry, TCD | task, task-free, & naturalistic viewing analysis, big data, techniques and methods, programming
Clíona O'Doherty | Research Assistant | Psychology, TCD | Investigating how deep neural networks can help in Neuroimaging of the ventral visual stream |
Connie Sanchez Morillo | Group leader | Alkermes Inc | Diagnostics in pre-clinical and clinical cohorts |
David Henshall | PI | Future Neuro SFI Centre | Noise-sensitive cohorts including ADHD, Psychosis, Depression and Alzheimer’s Disease. Future planned work on blood-brain barrier dysfunction. |
David Loane | PI | Biochemistry and Immunology, TCD | Traumatic brain injury, chronic neurodegeneration, dementia, neuroinflammation, pre-clinical animal models |
Declan McLoughlin | PI | St. Patricks University Hospital | Clinical MRI in collaboration with other European and American centres of excellence. |
Eleanor Molloy | PI | Tallaght Hospital | Consequences of neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy, characterised using resting state and functional MRI. |
Feng Deng | Graduate student | Psychology, TCD | brain mechanism, neuroimaging, machine learning/deep learning, computational modelling |
Fiona Newell | PI | Psychology, TCD | Cognitive neuroscience approach to research on multisensory perception in humans |
Geraldine Boylan | Director, PI | INFANT Centre, UCC | Characterising perinatal brain injury using structural, diffusion and functional MRI, and to develop deep learning algorithms to analyse infant MRI data (SFI-funded DELPHI project) |
James Murphy | Group leader | Impact Gumshields Inc. | Printed and machined MRI mouthmolds |
Jane McGrath | PI | Psychiatry, TCD | Precursors of ADHD in infancy |
John Butler | PI | TU Dublin | Mathematical methods to model human perception and decision making, in healthy adults, and those with clinical diagnoses such as autism and dystonia.
Kathy Ruddy | PI | TCIN, TCD | Neuroimaging, EEG, Brain computer interface, stroke, MR-spectroscopy
Lorina Naci | PI | Psychology, TCD | neuroimaging, cognition |
Louise Gallagher | PI | Psychiatry, TCD | Childhood and adolescent psychiatry, and in particular autism and ADHD
Mani Ramaswami |
PI | Genetics, TCD | Homeostatic mechanisms that match inhibition with excitation are essential for habituation and memory silencing, both of contribute to multiple cognitive processes known to be altered in psychiatric conditions (e.g. autism and PTSD).We will utilise paradigms developed by collaborators in Oxford and Birmingham using similar scanners to investigate mechanisms, functions and dysfunctions of inhibitory homeostasis with funding from the Wellcome Trust and other agencies.
Mary Cannon |
PI | RCSI | Developmental research programme in psychosis, (iHEAR ERC Consolidator).
Massimilliano Bianchi | Director | Transpharmation | Drug discovery in psychiatric (depression and schizophrenia) and neurodegenerative (Alzheimer’s, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Parkinson’s) diseases.
Matthew Campbell | PI | Genetics, TCD | Clinical research programmes in my lab that are focused on understanding the nature and etiology of repetitive mild traumatic brain injury on regulation of the blood brain barrier".
Megan Ni Bhroin | Graduate student | Psychiatry, TCD | I'm interested in the functional network architecture of neonate encephalopathy patients. I use rs-fMRI to measure the resting state networks and use graph methods to quantify the global structure of the brain. I also plan to investigate the linear association between the functional connectome and inflammatory markers.
Michael Hutchinson | PI | St. Vincent’s Hospital | Movement disorders especially the imaging of our noise sensitive cohorts in Dystonia and Multiple Sclerosis.
Michael Rowan | PI | TCD | Pathways in the brain affected in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Nicola Taylor | Graduate student | Psychology, TCD | Disorders of consciousness, Covert consciousness, fMRI
Nigel Vahey | Postdoc | Psychology, TCD | Addiction; impulsivity; habits |
Owen Smith | PI | UCD, Research Lead for new National Children’s Hospital | Cutting-edge neuroimaging methods for infant and pediatric MRI in Dublin will provide an excellent foundation for powerful academic-clinical collaborations at the National Children’s Hospital, which will be Europe’s largest pediatric hospital when it opens in 2020.
Paul Dockree | PI | Psychology, TCD | MRI voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping, characterise lesions in stroke, TBI and tumour resection patients and how they related to dissociable aspects of sustained attention impairment.
Redmond O’Connell | PI | Psychology, TCD | Neural mechanisms of decision making. Decision making capabilities in several noise sensitive cohorts including ADHD, normal aging and dementia, work that will be greatly facilitated by the new low noise MRI scanner.
Rhodri Cusack | PI | Psychology, TCD | neurodevelopment; MRI acquisition and analysis methods
Richard Carson | PI | Psychology, TCD | human motor control; cognitive neuroscience; ageing; stroke; ALS
Richard O'Conaill | Postdoc | Psychology, TCD | Neurodevelopmental disorders, developmental cognitive neuroscience, clinical phenotyping, neural biomarkers
Richard Reilly | PI | Biomedical Engineering, TCD | electrophysiology and MR based imaging of movement disorders. Active implantable devies and neuroimaging based objective measure for their evaluation
Robert Johnston | Graduate student | Biomedical Engineering, TCD | Atherosclerosis, Arterial Structure, Computational Biomechanics, Diffusion MRI
Tim Lynch | PI | MMUH | Rare diseases. |
Veronica O’Keane | PI | Psychiatry, TCD | Interested in BOLD measurements, bt-ASL and spectroscopy and the enhancements the new scanner can offer in these areas will be particularly important.