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In brief...

1. TCMRS Conference 15-17 September 2022: 'Emmanuel-Philibert de Pingon (1525-1582) et son temps', Trinity College Dublin.

2. TCMRS Research Seminar: Trinity Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Research Seminar (dates and titles to be confirmed)

3. Chaucer Seminar. Please see below.

4. TCMRS Publications: July-December 2022: invitation for second annual round of submissions to the Centre's refereed book series: ‘COURT CULTURES OF THE MIDDLE AGES AND RENAISSANCE’ ( Please consult our designated page, 'Publications', for further details.

For our recent publication, Vera Amicitia, ed. Petrizia Piredda and Mathias Roick, please see below.

5. Book launch Thursday 15 September 2022 (Senior Common Room, Trinity College Dublin) presided over by Professor John O'Brien (University of Durham) in the presence of the Italian, French, Swiss and Moroccan Embassies:

-Marc-Claude de Buttet: Œuvres poétiques I: Le Premier Livre des vers (1560) (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2022)

-Marc-Claude de Buttet: Œuvres poétiques II: Le Second Livre des vers (1560) (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2022)

-Marc-Claude de Buttet: Œuvres poétiques III: Les Vers de circonstance (1559-1575) et divers autres vers (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2022)

-Sarah Alyn Stacey and Joanna Poetz (eds) New Perspectives on Heretical Discourse and Identities The Waldensians in Historical Context Oxford, 2021. X, 360 pp.,. Medieval and Early Modern French Studies. Vol. 19 pb. ISBN 978-1-78997-714-1

6. Recommendations: Dr David Starkey's YouTube channel #Davidstarkey #Davidstarkeytalks #History

Further details...

1. TCMRS Conference 15-17 September 2022: 'Emmanuel-Philibert de Pingon (1525-1582) et son temps', Trinity College Dublin.


Emmanuel-Philibert de Pingon (1525 – 1582)
 et son temps

15-17 SEPTEMBER 2022

Illustration taken from Pingon's Serenissimorum Sabaudiae Principum, Ducumque Statuae, rerumque gestarum imagines, cum inscriptionibus, et epigrammatibus (1572);  gravure figurant dans le Serenissimorum Sabaudiae Principum, Ducumque Statuae, rerumque gestarum imagines, cum inscriptionibus, et epigrammatibus (1572); Archivio di Stato di Torino (Sez. Corte, Storia della Real Casa, inv. 101, Cat. II, Storie Generali, fasc. 2).

Emmanuel-Philibert de Pingon (1525-1582) was a court poet, diplomat, and historiographer at the Court of Savoy under Duke Emmanuel Philibert. He was a key observer of the major political developments of the XVIth century, both within the Duchy of Savoy and at a broader European level, as reflected primarily in his autobiographical Hic vita mea (1566) and his Latin and French poetry. He was also actively engaged in these developments through his diplomatic roles (notably on behalf of Jacques de Nemours and Duke Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy), his engagement with the Court of Savoy and the Court of France at a time of considerable political tension, and his wide circle of influential friends and acquaintances who included Michel de L’Hospital, Nostradamus, Jean de Boyssonné, Louis Milliet and the poet Marc-Claude de Buttet. His close relationship with the Duchess of Savoy, Marguerite de France, to whom he dedicated much of his poetry, is particularly significant. 

The Trinity Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Trinity College Dublin is organizing a three-day conference around the figure of Emmanuel-Philibert de Pingon with a view to shedding further light on his life and the socio-political and cultural European context in which he operated. A major aim of the conference is to highlight the wealth of archival material in Chambéry, Annecy, Turin, and Geneva relating to Savoy in this period. It is anticipated that the proceedings will be published.


Day 1: Thursday 15 September 2022

2.00 p.m. Welcome:  Mariam Diallo and Clovis Lereculeur, Cultural Service, French Embassy to Dublin; Marco Gioacchini, Director of the Italian Institute of Culture/Cultural Attaché to the Italian Embassy in Dublin.

Panel 1: Chair: Ms Alexandra Corey (Trinity College Dublin)

2.15 p.m.-2.45 p.m. Dr Toby Osborne (University of Durham): The House of Savoy against the Medici: Filiberto Pingone’s contribution to the debates on royalty and status’.

2.45 p.m.-3.15 p.m. Professor Jean Balsamo (Université de Reims): 'Culture de cour et culture de robe à Chambéry dans l’entourage de la famille Pingon : Les Gordiens et Maximins, ou l’ambition (1589) d’Antoine Favre.

3.15p.m.-3.45 p.m. Refreshments.

3.45 p.m.-4.15 p.m. Dr Graeme Murdock, FTCD (Trinity College Dublin): ‘Savoy's borderlands: the complex legacies of the Treaty of Lausanne’.

4.15 p.m. -4.45 p.m. Questions and discussion.

6 p.m. Reception and book launch in the Senior Common Room (Front Square, Trinity College Dublin)

Day 2: Friday 16 September 2022

Panel 2: Chair: Dr Sarah Alyn Stacey, FTCD (Trinity College Dublin)

10.00 a.m. - 10.30 a.m. Dr Grégoire Oguey (University of Fribourg/Archives de l’État-République et Canton de Neuchâtel): ‘Le voyage épigraphique d'Emmanuel-Philibert de Pingon chez les Helvètes en 1552’(delivered via Zoom).

10.30 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. Ms Alexandra Corey (Trinity College Dublin):Voices from the Sepulcher: An analysis of Emmanuel-Philibert de Pingon’s Elegy on the Death of Marguerite de France (Ms. X9)’.

11 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. Refreshments.

Panel 3: Chair: Dr Toby Osborne (University of Durham)

11.30 a.m. - 12.00 noon. Dr Cristina Maritano (Palazzo Madama, Museo Civico d'Arte Antica, Turin): ‘The drawings of Emmanuel Philibert de Pingon, « antiquitatis cultor »’ (delivered via Zoom).

12.00 noon- 12.30 p.m. Federico de Giulì, Marina Locandieri, and Luca Emlio Brancati (Independent researchers): ‘The restoration of the Pingon home’.

12.30 p.m. – 1.00 pm: Questions and discussion.

1.00 p.m.- 2.00 p.m.: Lunch in the 1592 Dining Room (entrance via the Dining Hall, Front Square) [by invitation].

Panel 4: Chair: Professor John O'Brien (Universty of Durham

2.00 p.m. - 2.30 p.m. Mr Pierre de Pingon (Independent Researcher): ‘Emmanuel Philibert de Pingon: généalogie familiale et carrière professionnelle’ (delivered via Zoom).
2.30 p.m. - 3.00  p.m: Dr Marianne Cailloux (Université de Lille): ‘Circulations artistiques sur les territoires de Savoie au temps de Pingon: centres, marges et cultures visuelles au XVIe siècle’ (delivered via Zoom).

3.00 p.m.- 3.15 p.m. Questions and discussion.

3.15 p.m. – 3.45 p.m. Refreshments.

3.45 p.m. - 5.00 p.m. Visit to the Old Library, Trinity College Dublin.

Day 3: Saturday 17 September 2022

Panel 5: Chair: Dr Graeme Murdock, FTCD (Trinity College Dublin)

10.00 a.m. - 10.30 a.m. Professor John O’Brien (University of Durham): ‘Les manuscrits autographes de Jehan Piochet de Salins (1532-1624): quel témoignage pour quelle cause ?’. 

10.30 a.m.– 11 a.m. Mr Nicolas Broisin (Université Grenoble Alpes - LARHRA): ‘Between king and dukes. The young Emmanuel-Philibert de Pingon in the occupied States of Savoy (1536-1559)’ (delivered via Zoom)

11 a.m.- 11.30 a.m. Dr Sarah Alyn Stacey, FTCD (Trinity College Dublin): ‘Un intime d’Emmanuel-Philibert de Pingon: Marc-Claude de Buttet et sa poésie politique’.

11.30 a.m. - 12 noon Questions and discussion.

12 noon -1.30 p.m. Visit to Marsh’s Library.

1.30 p.m. End of conference




Image result for chaucer images

The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, in conjunction with The Chaucer Hub, is delighted to announce its eleventh series of The Chaucer Seminar. This Seminar will be led, as previously, by Dr Gerald Morgan, Director of the Centre's Research Network Chaucer in Context and Director of the Chaucer Hub. Although it is aimed primarily at post-graduates, undergraduates* and members of the public with a good knowledge of Chaucer are most welcome to attend. The Seminar will focus on close textual analysis, sources and recent criticism. The Seminar will run on a weekly basis in Michaelmas Term and Hilary Term.

To attend, please contact Dr Sarah Alyn Stacey, French Department/Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies;; tel. 896 2686


The Trinity Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies is delighted to announce the publication of the tenth book in its series,Vera Amicitia, ed. by Patrizia Piredda and Mathias Roick. Bringing together the work of a cluster of eminent scholars in the field, this volume examines the meaning of the notion of friendship from both a philosophical and a philological perspective. It addresses the influence of such classical authors as Plato, Aristotle, Seneca, Cicero and Plutarch on Renaissance authors such as Erasmus, Thomas More, Montaigne, and Johannes Caselius. For further details see: and also our designated 'Publications' page.


Madame Mariam Diallo (French Embassy) opens the conference Emmanuel-Philibert de Pingon 15-17 September 2022

Conference Emmanuel-Philibert de Pingon 15-17 September 2022 (Professor John O'Brien, Dr Sarah Alyn Stacey, Alexandra Corey)

Conference Emmanuel-Philibert de Pingon 15-17 September 2022 (Professor John O'Brien, Dr Sarah Alyn Stacey)

Alexandra Corey chairs a session. The conference was organised around the key figure of her doctoral research, Emmanuel-Philibert de Pingon (1525-1528)

The reception for the conference and book launch in the Senior Common Room

Mr Marco Gioacchini, Director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Dublin, at the reception

Mrs Salima Ben Ahmed, Deputy Head of Mission of the Moroccan Embassy, Mr Marco Gioacchini, Director of the Italian Cultural Institutes, and Dr Paule Salerno O'Shea at the reception

A selection of the publications of the Trinity Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

A special thanks to the Trinity Trust for its invaluable assistance with the publication of some of the books in the Centre's refereed book series, 'Court Cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance'.

Professor John Of Brien (University of Durham) launches Dr Sarah Alyn Stacey's four volumes in the Senior Common Room on 15 September 2022. The assistance of the Trinity Trust and the Centre national du livre is warmly acknowledged by the author.

All photographs of the conference, reception and launch by courtesy of Yellow Glove Productions, UK

Other events [page under construction]


Launch of Truthe is the bestE (Master's Lodgings, Balliol College, Oxford). Editors Dr Gerald Morgan and Nick Jacobs with A.V.C.Schmidt



Last updated 12 February 2025 by Sarah Alyn Stacey (Email).