Freedom of Information
This page describes the main function of the Junior Dean and the types of information held by the Dean's office . For a full description of TCD's Freedom of Information policy see the FOI website at this link.
The Junior Dean is responsible for enquiring into an alleged breach of discipline by a student and for taking further action in accordance with the College Statutes. For minor offences this may result in a fine being imposed upon a student. For major offences such as plagiarism this can result in a student being expelled from college. Permission is also required from the Junior Dean to hold parties and similar events on campus. The Junior Dean is supported by a number of Assistant Junior Deans and Executive Officer.
Current Junior Dean: Professor Tim Trimble
Information Held
The records held by the Junior Dean include: Records of who is residing in rooms on campus. Full records of all major discipline cases. Short records of minor discipline cases. Records relating to the operation of the service including those concerning accounts, correspondence, and planning matters.
Person Responsible for FOI related to Junior Dean Queries
The Junior Dean is the principal. Appeals should be directed to the Vice Provost. In all cases queries under the Freedom of Information Act should initially be addressed to the College's Freedom of Information Officer. See particulars here.
It is hoped that most of the information people require can be found in this website or by informally contacting the Junior Dean, or one of the Assistant Junior Deans.