Junior Dean: Prof Donall Mac Donaill
The Junior Dean is responsible for enquiring into alleged breaches of discipline by a student and for taking further action in accordance with College regulations and statutes.

Student Discipline
The Office of the Junior Dean is charged by the Board of the College with the general oversight of student conduct. To that end the Board has authorised the imposition of a series of sanctions in cases which are brought before the Junior Dean's Office. For minor offences this may result in a fine being imposed upon a student. For major offences such as plagiarism this can result in a student being expelled from college - more information.
Students may have no more that 1 overnight guest and they must be signed in before 12 midnight. Guests may be signed in here. Guests not signed in will not be admitted at Front Arch. You are responsible for your guest. Anyone who is not signed in must be out of your rooms and College by 12 midnight.
Students wishing to host a party require permission from the Junior Dean. Applications for permission should be made at least seven working days in advance to the Enquiries Office through the electronic form in the case of residences on Campus and reception at Trinity Hall in the case of residents at Hall
Individuals or groups wishing to hold events on College property (indoor or outdoor) on or off the main campus are required to make an application, normally ten working days in advance to the Enquiries Office. Application may be made via this electronic form
It is an established practice in Trinity that recognised student societies and other recognised student capitated bodies (e.g. Students’ Union) invite speakers on different topics. College acknowledges the independence of recognised student societies and recognised capitated bodies in deciding who to invite as a speaker. This is not something College interferes with, subject to the laws of the land being adhered to by the event organisers and/or speakers.
Where an event deals with a particularly contentious issue, it is wise for organisers to not only engage with the Trinity Enquiries team about their proposed event, but to also engage with other relevant areas in Trinity for advice (e.g., Dean of Students, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Office), as well as with other recognised student societies and student capitated bodies who may be impacted by the subject of the event.
For more on this subject, please review our guidelines here.