6th International Society for Intermedial Studies Conference
In Between and Across: New Directions, Mappings and Contact Zones

Trinity College Dublin: Arts Building and Long Room Hub 1-2-3 September 2022
The 6th conference of the International Society for Intermedial Studies focuses on concepts of ‘inbetweenness’ and ‘moving across’. These two spatial metaphors capture the tension between stasis and fluidity that underlies all intermediality. The need to map these shifting spaces, to chart directions, and to see where, and how, these inbetween zones connect to other neighbouring spaces has become critical. Intermedial ‘inbetweenness’ is now a mainstream, rather than marginal, phenomenon, and, as academic disciplines themselves become more fluid, this is an exciting time to explore and re-explore this territory together during this conference.
To register for the conference, and for the conference dinner (separate registration), please see below.
For more information on the conference, please find:
The Conference Programme here.
The Call For Papers (now closed) here.
The EDI policy here.
Conference Registration
Conference fees include Conference Participation, Tea & Coffee, Lunch Breaks and the Conference Reception (Evening of 1st September). Please let us know at intermedialconference2022@tcd.ie if you need any assistance in terms of access, personal support, or other specific requirements.
Fees are charged at:
Please note that conference registration will be open until 5pm on 8th August 2022.
It is possible to register after this date - the fee for which is €190.
Please click below to register after 5pm on the 8th August:
Should you need any further information, please contact us at intermedialconference2022@tcd.ie
We look forward to welcoming you in Dublin!