HAU22005 Themes in Irish Art 1

This module presents a thematic introduction to Irish art, architecture and design. Subjects and approaches will be connected across periods and styles – the focus is not on presenting individualised summarized histories but rather considering how aspects of Irish visual history are interconnected and have evolved over time.
- Module Organisers:
- Team taught
- Duration:
- Semesters 1
- Contact Hours:
- 1 lecture per week; 1 seminar per fortnight
- Weighting:
- 5 ECTS
- Assessment:
- Visual exercise and project/essay
- Course open to:
[M=mandatory; O= optional]- Single Honors (O), Joint Honors (O), Columbia dual degree (O), visiting (O), Ancient and Medieval History and Culture (O), open module (O)
Lectures will include the identification of key works of Irish art and architecture, addressing fine, applied and popular artforms. Throughout the course, Irish visual history will be discussed within its artistic, social and cultural contexts and will be cognisant of its place within a broader European perspective.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon the successful completion of this module students should be able to:
- Identify key aspects of Irish art, architecture and design from the early Christian period to the contemporary period
- Identify key developments in how Ireland was (re)constructed as a political, social and cultural entity through art and how its histories have been represented.
- Identify and describe the main stylistic movements and their associated ideologies in Irish visual culture and place same within international contexts.
- Identify and discuss major Irish works and their makers
- Trace how Irish life, the landscape and its buildings have been depicted / constructed from the medieval period to the present