This module presents a thematic overview of the global intersections and relationships of Western visual and material culture across a range of historically located examples.
- Module Organisers:
- Team taught
- Duration:
- Semester 2
- Contact Hours:
- 1 lecture per week; 1 seminar per fortnight
- Weighting:
- 5 ECTS
- Assessment:
- Course work
- Course open to:
[M=mandatory; O= optional]- Single Honors (M), Joint Honors (O), Columbia dual degree (O), Ancient and Medieval History and Culture (O), Art History as a minor (O), visiting (O);
Topics are explored in this module under the broad themes of appropriations and the ‘other’ and cultural geographies. Through these lenses lectures will explore topics as diverse as orientalism, photography and colonialism and globalization and contemporary art and what they reveal about cultural transmission through the ages.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon the successful completion of this module students should be able to:
- Identify key developments in the internationalisation of European art;
- Identify factors influencing the circulation of ideas, artists, and artefacts in a “global” context;
- Identify and discuss a number of key works which exemplify the phenomenon of cultural intersection;
- Identify and understand the processes and institutions which mediate cultural intersections;
- Identify and engage with key art-historical texts relating to the global turn in the discipline of art history.