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Completed Theses


Name Title Supervisor Funding

Vilhena, Larissa 

The Moxon Tennyson: Illustration as Art Object

Angela Griffith

IRC post-graduate scholarship (2019-2023)

Osgood, Siobhan

The architecture of the Great Northern Railway

Christine Casey

Trinity College Postgraduate Research Studentship

Ní Lideadha, Sorcha


Peter Cherry

IRC Postgraduate Scholarship (2017-2021)

Luttmann, Nele

German architects in Britain and Ireland 1700–1750

Christine Casey

IRC Postgraduate Scholarship (2019-2023)


The collecting practices of Isabel de Farnesio, Queen of Spain: A contextualisation in terms of gender, taste and title

Peter Cherry

Rosemary Mulcahy doctoral fellow (2019-2023)

Dolan, Ana

The Irish High Crosses in post-medieval Ireland

Rachel Moss


Baker, Hannah

A Revaluation of Sarah Cecilia Harrison’s (1863-1941) contribution to Visual and Political Culture in Ireland and Britain, as an Artist, a Promoter of the Fine Arts and a Social Reformer

Angela Griffith

IRC Funding: September 2020 - August 2023


Name Title Supervisor Funding

Carey, Christine

The Art of Constructing La Città Santa: The Patronage of Pope Gregory XIII (1572-1585)

Peter Cherry


Donnelly, Paul

Harry Clarke Studios and the Irish American Church; Making, Meaning and Identity

Angela Griffith



Name Title Supervisor Funding

Sánchez-Migalon Cano, Fernando

The Power of Display: Exhibition Cultures and Exhibited Cultures in Ireland 1973-2011

Yvonne Scott

IRC Postgraduate Scholarship (2017-2019)


Name Title Degree Supervisor

Shorthall, William

The Early Irish Free State Government and the Visual Arts


Angela Griffith


Name Title Degree Supervisor

Durkan, Aisling

Eighteenth-Century Drogheda: Building a Provincial Town


Christine Casey

Gillis, John

The Faddan More Psalter


Laura Cleaver


Name Title Degree Supervisor

Baker, Nina

The Impact of Commentary on Text and Image in Early Thirteenth Century Bibles Produced in France

M. Litt.

 Laura Cleaver

Campbell, Susan

A Cross-Disciplinary Investigation into the ‘Aesthetic of Disorder’ in Contemporary Western Art


Yvonne Scott

Mortensen, Kerstina

Into the Void: Translating Text and Image in Nordic Art 1890-1910


Yvonne Scott

Murphy, Alexandra

Doing it for themselves: Artist-Run Gallery Spaces in Contemporary Ireland

Ph. D.

Yvonne Scott



Name Title Degree Supervisor

Badzmierowska, Karolina

Digital Approaches to the History of Art and Architecture Online


Peter Cherry/Hugh Denard

Sedovic, Katherine

Mythical King or Laical Christ Figure? The Marrying of the Sacred and the Secular in Fourteenth Century French Arthurian Illuminations


Laura Cleaver


Name Title Degree Supervisor

Brady, Aoife

Guido Reni: Workshop Practices and Painting Techniques


Peter Cherry

Gleeson, Jennifer

The Significance of Studs in Insular Art, 7th to 12th Centuries


Rachel Moss

McCrossan, John

Francesco Borromini's Drawings of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane in the Context of Architectural Practice in 17th-Century Rome


Christine Casey

McGee, Caroline

Catholic Church Architecture and Art Industry in Ireland, 1850-1922


Christine Casey


Name Title Degree Supervisor

Hayes, Melanie

Cross Currents in Domestic Development: the Town House in London and Dublin, 1720-1760


Christine Casey

Hill, Judith

The Uses of Gothic in Irish Domestic and Ecclesiastical Architecture, 1785-1829


Christine Casey

Thomas, Karl

The Artist's Biography as a Source of Meaning


Yvonne Scott


Name Title Degree Supervisor

Fitzgibbon, Jennifer

Mobile encounters: artists’ mobility between Ireland and Britain and the development of performance, video and multimedia practices (1975-1999)


Yvonne Scott

Milligan, Kathryn

Depicting Dublin: Representations of the City in Irish Art


Yvonne Scott

Purkayasth, Sayandeep

A Hierarchical Image Processing Approach to Analysis of Early Medieval Manuscript Art


Laura Cleaver / John Dingliana


Name Title Degree Supervisor

Campbell, Myles

English Architects in Ireland, c.1830-1875


Christine Casey

Dornan, Antoinette

The Houses of the Augustinian canons in Ireland


Rachel Moss

Galavan, Susan

A Study of the Victorian Suburban House in Dublin


Christine Casey

Ralph, Karen

Prestige, Power and Patronage: Commissioning Illuminated Manuscripts and Material Culture in Late Medieval Ireland


Rachel Moss / Philip McEvansoneya


Name Title Degree Supervisor

Durkan, Ciaran

Painting della Natura: The importance of nature in the art of painting in Seventeenth century Rome


Peter Cherry

Evangelisti, Isabella

The Nude in Modern Irish Art: Tradition and Transgression. An exploration of themes and trends in the representation of the nude in twentieth century Irish art.


Yvonne Scott

Hidalgo, Beatriz

Drawing in Spain in the Eighteenth Century at the Court of Madrid


Peter Cherry

Humphries, Jane

(Re)imagining the domestic in contemporary Irish Art


Yvonne Scott

Kelly, Tara

Products of the Celtic Revival: Facsimiles of Irish Archaeological Metalwork and Jewellery, 1890-1940


Philip McEvansoneya

Thomas, Colleen

Beyond the Desert: The Narrative Composition of Medieval Images for the Hermits Paul and Antony Receiving Bread from the Raven


Roger Stalley / Laura Cleaver


Name Title Degree Supervisor

Behan, Avril

An empirical approach to the study of Irish Medieval Ecclesiastical Architecture in Connaught and Ormond using Geomatics techniques


Rachel Moss

Connaughton, Jill

Personal Devotional Objects and the iconography of the Passion in Ireland, 1537-1800


Rachel Moss

Hand, Tony

The Kilkenny Marble Works: A family business enterprise


Edward McParland

Lüdicke, Wolf

Imitation, novelty and eclecticism in the architecture of Domenichino


Edward McParland

Nic Ghabhann, Niamh

Reconstruction of the Gothic past – cultures of conservation


Roger Stalley


Name Title Degree Supervisor

Hodson, Thomas

Life and Works of Georges Jeanniot (1848-1934)


Philip McEvansoneya

Molesworth, William

The patronage and collecting activities of the Molesworth Family


Philip McEvansoneya

Narkiewicz, Frances

Liturgy and Architecture in Medieval Ireland, ca 100 – ca. 1315: Evidence from the Diocese of Killaloe


Roger Stalley

O'Boyle, Aidan

The assembly, display and dispersal of Irish collections 1750-1950


Philip McEvansoneya

Rowley, Ellen

The culture of architecture in Dublin 1940-1965: a study of architectural discourse, key competitions and buildings of health, home and worship


Edward McParland


Name Title Degree Supervisor
D'Alton, Martin Conor The Architecture of the Leix Offaly Plantations M.Litt RS
Griffith, Angela Mary Irish Printmaking from 1880-1970 Ph.D PC
Unkel, Jill Elizabeth The Architectural Patronage of the Early Anglo-Norman Lords of Ireland Ph.D RS
Whitty, Audrey The Albert M Bender Collection of Asian Art in the National Museum of Ireland and his literary and artistic contacts in Ireland and Asia PhD PMcE


Name Title Degree Supervisor
Hurley, Livia Public and Private Improvements in eighteenth-century Ireland: the case of the Conynghams of Slane, 1703-1821 M.Litt EMcP
Kinsella, Stuart An architectural history of Christ Church Cathedral Dublin c.1540-1870 PhD RS
McCarthy, Patricia The planning and use of space in Irish houses, 1730-1830 PhD EMcP
Montague, John Philip John Rocque's 1756 Exact Survey of the city and suburbs Dublin, as evidence for the Archaeology of the mid-eighteenth century city PhD EMcP


Name Title Degree Supervisor
O'Donovan, Danielle Building the Butler Lordship, 1405-c.1552 PhD RS


Name Title Degree Supervisor
Eckett, Jane The life and career of an Irish Flower Painter, Moyra Barry (1885-1960): Flower Painting and Cultural Conservatism in Early Twentieth Century Ireland MLitt YS
McCullen, John Landscape History and Management of the Phoenix Park, 1800-1880 PhD EMcP