Ms. Ruth Sheehy
Research interests
My principal research interests have been in religious art in Ireland in the twentieth century. In particular, I have worked extensively on the oeuvre of the Irish artist Richard King (1907-74) who was originally a pupil of Harry Clarke (1889-1931). My study of King’s work has incorporated his stained glass windows in Ireland and abroad as well as his Stations of the Cross and crucifixes in a variety of media. I have also studied his illustrations for The Capuchin Annual and The Father Mathew Record. I have done research into the archive of The Harry Clarke Stained Glass Studios in the Manuscripts & Archives Research Library at TCD where I have studied the work of Richard King, William Dowling (1907-80) and Terence Clarke (1917-68) in particular. More recently, I have worked on the liturgical art of Richard Enda King (1943-95) in Ireland. I am also a member of Arts & Spirituality Ireland (ASI) and of the Irish Association of Art Historians.
- 'The Life and Work of Richard King: Religion, Nationalism and Modernism' which will be published as part of the 'Reimagining Ireland' series by Peter Lang International Academic Publishers provisionally in 2019.
- ‘The Liturgical Art of Richard Enda King (1943-1995) in Ireland’, Artefact, Issue Seven/2013, published in December, 2014
- Contributor to ‘Art Researchers’ Guide to Dublin’, ARLIS UK & Ireland, 2013
- ‘The Art of Richard King Nazareth House’, Studies, Autumn, 1995’
- ‘Richard King’s Fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary’, Studies, Spring, 1994
Contact Details
History of Art Department
Trinity College
Dublin 2