Professor Christine Casey
Professor of Architectural History
Research interests
I am an architectural historian with a particular interest in the relationship of architecture and decoration and the role of craftsmanship in architectural production. My research has developed from an initial focus on Irish eighteenth-century architecture to a broader interest in European early modern architecture. In 2019 I received an Irish Research Council Advanced Laureate Award for a four-year project entitled ‘Craft value: the agency and impact of craftsmanship in the architecture of Britain and Ireland, 1680-1780’. This research explored the relationship between design and making in the architecture of early modern Britain and Ireland.(https://craftvalue.org/). In 2023 I was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for a five-year research project on interdependence in architectural production entitled STONE-WORK (https://www.tcd.ie/news_events/articles/2023/prof-christine-casey-wins-prestigious-erc-advanced-grant-/).
Selected Publications
- Christine Casey and Melanie Hayes, editors, Enriching architecture: craft and its conservation in Anglo-Irish building production, 1660-1760, London, University College London Press, 2023. https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10162056/
- Christine Casey and Patrick Wyse Jackson editors, The Museum Building of Trinity College Dublin (Dublin, 2019) 386pp.
- Making magnificence: architects, stuccatori and the eighteenth-century interior, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2017
- Christine Casey & Conor Lucey(eds), Decorative plasterwork in Ireland and Europe, Dublin, Four Courts Press, 2012,266pp.
- C. Casey ed., The eighteenth-century Dublin town house (Dublin, 2010) xxiii + pp.286
- C. Casey, An introduction to the architectural heritage of County Louth, National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (Dublin, 2008) 132pp

- C. Casey, Dublin (New Haven & London, 2005) 756pp
- C. Casey, Newly discovered building accounts for Charlemont House and the Casino at Marino’,, Apollo, CXL, (448), 1999, p42 – 50
- C. Casey, 'A Dublin pirate at the Huntington', Huntington Library Quarterly,, 61, (1), 1999, p93 – 99
- C. Casey, 'The Regency House in Ireland', The Regency Great House, Oxford University, edited by Malcolm Airs , University of Oxford, 1998, pp39 - 48
- C. Casey, De architectura: an Irish eighteenth-century gloss, Architectural History, xxxv, 1994, p80 - 95

All of my teaching is in architectural history and historiography. For junior freshmen I deliver a survey course in European architecture. Two current optional courses cover respectively Italian architecture 1400-1680 and European architecture 1800-2000. My senior sophister class on Irish architecture and ornament relates directly to current research and involves the students directly in developing the topic. Current post-graduate students are working on Irish architectural topics of the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Dr. Casey on the TCD Research Support System
Contact Details
Department of the History of Art and Architecture,,
Trinity College,
Dublin 2.
Telephone: 00 353 1 8963176
Fax: 00 353 1 8961438
Email: caseych@tcd.ie