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Professor Katrin Wendland
Professor of Mathematics (2020), Pure & Applied Mathematics


October 1996: Diploma (Mathematics) at the University of Bonn, Germany; supervisor: Werner Müller; topic: regularized determinants, Ray-Singer analytic torsion and Quillenmetric, particularly their dependence on the metric ("Analytic Torsion and Critical Metrics")
September 2000: Ph.D. (Physics) at the University of Bonn, Germany; supervisor: Werner Nahm; title: "Moduli spaces of unitary conformal field theories"
2000-2002: Post Doc in Prof. Louise Dolan's group in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at UNC Chapel Hill, USA
2002-2005: Lecturer at the Mathematics Institute of the University of Warwick, UK
2005-2006: Senior Lecturer at the Mathematics Institute of the University of Warwick, UK (Aug-Dec 2004: Visiting research scholar in the Math/Physics Research Group of the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, PA, USA
2005-2006 on leave from the University of Warwick as Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the UNC Chapel Hill, NC, USA)
2006-2011: Full Professor (W3) at the Mathematics Institute of the University of Augsburg, Germany, holding the Chair for Analysis and Geometry
2011-2021: Full Professor (W3) at the Mathematics Institute of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany, research group for Mathematical Physics
since 01.01.2022: Full Professor in Pure Mathematics at the School of Mathematics of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Publications and Further Research Outputs

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Ron Donagi, Adrian Langer, Piotr Sułkowski, Katrin Wendland(ed.), String-Math 2022, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, 107, American Mathematical Society, 2024, vii+294 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2024

Florian Beck, Ron Donagi, Katrin Wendland, Folding of Hitchin systems and crepant resolutions, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2022, (11), 2022, p8370 - 8419 Journal Article, 2022

Anne Taormina, Katrin Wendland, SU(2) channels the cancellation of K3 BPS states, JHEP, 2020, p184 - 215 Journal Article, 2020

Anne Taormina, Katrin Wendland, The Conway Moonshine Module is a Reflected K3 Theory, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys., 24, (5), 2020, p1247 - 1323 Journal Article, 2020

Katrin Wendland, Hodge-elliptic genera and how they govern K3 theories, Commun. Math. Phys., 368, 2019, p187 - 221 Journal Article, 2019

Anne Taormina, Katrin Wendland, Not Doomed to Fail, JHEP, 2018, 2018, p62 - 71 Journal Article, 2018

Katrin Wendland, K3 en route From Geometry to Conformal Field Theory, Summer School "Geometric, Algebraic and Topological Methods for Quantum Field Theory", Villa de Leyva, Colombia, 2013, World Scientific, 2017, pp75 - 110 Conference Paper, 2017

Snapshots of Conformal Field Theory in, editor(s)D. Calaque and Th. Strobl , Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Field Theories, Mathematical Physics Studies, Springer, 2015, pp89 - 129, [Katrin Wendland] Book Chapter, 2015

Anne Taormina, Katrin Wendland, A twist in the M24 moonshine story, Confluentes Mathematici, 7, (1), 2015, p83 - 113 Journal Article, 2015

Anne Taormina, Katrin Wendland, Symmetry-surfing the moduli space of Kummer K3s, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, String-Math 2012, Bonn, Germany, 2012, 90, 2015, pp129 - 153 Conference Paper, 2015

Matthias Gaberdiel, Anne Taormina, Roberto Volpato, Katrin Wendland, A K3 sigma model with Z28 : M20 symmetry, JHEP, 1402, 2014, p22 - 73 Journal Article, 2014

Anne Taormina, Katrin Wendland, The overarching finite symmetry group of Kummer surfaces in the Mathieu group M24, JHEP, 1308, 2013, p152 - 211 Journal Article, 2013

Anda Degeratu, Katrin Wendland, Friendly giant meets pointlike instantons? On a new conjecture by John McKay, LMS Lecture Notes Series, Moonshine - The First Quarter Century and Beyond, A Workshop on the Moonshine Conjectures and Vertex Algebras, Edinburgh, 372, 2010, pp55 - 127 Conference Paper, 2010

Katrin Wendland, On the geometry of singularities in quantum field theory, Hindustan Book Agency, International Congress of Mathematicians, Hyderabad, August 19-27, 2010, 2010, pp2144 - 2170 Conference Paper, 2010

Ron Donagi, Katrin Wendland, On orbifolds and free fermion models, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 59, 2009, p942 - 968 Journal Article, 2009

Ron Donagi, Katrin Wendland(ed.), From TQFT to tt* and integrability, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, University of Augsburg, Germany, 78, May 25-29, 2007, American Mathematical Society, 2008, viii+304 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2008

Katrin Wendland, A Family of SCFTs hosting all very attractive relatives of the (2)4 Gepner model, JHEP, 0603, 2006, p102 - 147 Journal Article, 2006

Katrin Wendland, Superconformal orbifolds involving the fermion number operator, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A., 19, 2004, p3637 - 3667 Journal Article, 2004

Daniel Roggenkamp, Katrin Wendland, Limits and Degenerations of Unitary Conformal Field Theories, Commun. Math. Phys., 251, 2004, p589 - 643 Journal Article, 2004

Werner Nahm, Katrin Wendland, Mirror Symmetry on Kummer Type K3 Surfaces, Commun. Math. Phys., 243, 2003, p557 - 582 Journal Article, 2003

Katrin Wendland, Orbifold Constructions of K3: A Link between Conformal Field Theory and Geometry, Contemp. Math., 310, 2002, p333 - 358 Journal Article, 2002

Werner Nahm, Katrin Wendland, A Hiker's Guide to K3. Aspects of N=(4,4) Superconformal Field Theory with Central Charge c=6, Commun. Math. Phys., 216, 2001, p85 - 138 Journal Article, 2001

Katrin Wendland, Consistency of Orbifold Conformal Field Theories on K3, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys., 5, 2001, p429 - 456 Journal Article, 2001

Sayipjamal Dulat, Katrin Wendland, Crystallographic Orbifolds: Towards a Classification of Unitary Conformal Field Theories with Central Charge c=2, JHEP, 0006:012, 2000, p12 - 58 Journal Article, 2000

Werner Müller, Katrin Wendland, Extremal Kaehler metrics and Ray-Singer analytic torsion, Contemp. Math., 242, 1999, p135 - 160 Journal Article, 1999

Katrin Wendland, Werner Müller, Critical metrics with respect to Ray-Singer analytic torsion and Quillen metric, Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser., Analysis, numerics and applications of differential and integral equations, 379, 1998, pp245 - 250 Conference Paper, 1998

Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications

Boris Dubrovin, Claus Hertling, Ian A.B. Strachan, Katrin Wendland(ed.), Singularity Theory and Integrable Systems, Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 9, (2), 2012, 1361-1404 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2012

Katrin Wendland, Mathematical Foundations of Conformal Field Theory and Applications, COPROMAPH International School, Cotonou, Benin, Oct 26 - Nov 4, 2012, 2012 Conference Paper, 2012

Katrin Wendland, Annette Werner, Facettenreiche Mathematik, Vieweg+Teubner, 2011, 469 pagespp Book, 2011

Gavin Brown, Anda Degeratu, Katrin Wendland(ed.), Mini-Workshop: Higher dimensional elliptic fibrations, Oberwolfach Reports, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, 7, (4), 2010, 2651-2680 p Proceedings of a Conference, 2010

Daniel Roggenkamp, Katrin Wendland, Decoding the geometry of conformal field theories, Bulgarian Journal of Physics, Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics VII, Varna, Bulgaria, 35, (s1), 2008, pp139 - 150 Conference Paper, 2008

Katrin Wendland, On Superconformal Field Theories Associated to Very Attractive Quartics, Frontiers in Number Theory, Physics and Geometry II, edited by Pierre Cartier, Bernard Julia, Pierre Moussa, Piere Vanhoeve , Springer, 2007, pp223 - 244 Conference Paper, 2007

Katrin Wendland, On degenerating sequences of CFTs and their geometric interpretations, Oberwolfach Report, Geometry and duality in string theory, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, 24/2004, 2004, pp1301 - 1302 Conference Paper, 2004


Awards and Honours

Elected as Professorial Fellow of Trinity College Dublin 2023

Appointed as Honorary Adjunct Professor at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) 2023

Invited plenary speaker of the Annual Meeting of the German Mathematical Society (DMV), Ilmenau, Germany 2023

Teaching award of the "Fachschaft Mathematik", Freiburg University, with the lecture course "Complex Analysis" (presented via screen-cast) 2020

Scored second in the teaching award of the "Fachschaft Mathematik", Freiburg University, with the lecture course "Complex Analysis" 2018

Invited main speaker for the 2018 "Gauss-Vorlesung" of the German Mathematical Society (DMV) 2018

Portrayed in the exhibition "Women of mathematics throughout Europe" 2016

Elected Full Member of the "Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz" 2013

Elected Fellow of the American Mathematical Society in Recognition of Distinguished Contributions to the Profession 2013

Invited sectional speaker in Mathematical Physics at the International Congress of Mathematicians 2010 in Hyderabad, India 2010

Awarded the "Medal for Special Merits for Bavaria in a United Europe" (Medaille für besondere Verdienste um Bayern in einem vereinten Europa) by the Bavarian Minister for Federal and European Affairs 2009

Awarded a Starting Independent Researcher Grant by the European Research Council 2008

Granted title and status of Associate Fellow, Department of Mathematics, University of Warwick, UK 2008

Appointed to Associate Professor with tenure, Mathematics Department, UNC Chapel Hill, USA (declined) 2006