HMI Structure and Governance
The HMI Founding Director is Professor Samson Shatashvili who has overall responsibility for the scientific mission of the Institute. The HMI has an Advisory Board and an Executive Committee drawn from the academic staff of the School of Mathematics.
HMI Advisory Board
- Maxim Kontsevich IHÉS
- Andrei Okounkov Columbia
- Volker Schomerus DESY
- Samson Shatashvili ex officio as Director, HMI
- Yuri Tschinkel ex officio, Simons Foundation
- Michael Bershadsky as Patron, Renaissance Tech, formerly of Harvard
Past Members of the HMI Advisory Board
- Sir Michael Atiyah Hon.MRIA, FRS, Former President of the Royal Society
- Ludwig Faddeev For.Mem.RS, Director of the Euler Mathematics Institute (St.Petersburg)
- Peter Goddard FRS, Professor and Former Director of the IAS (Princeton)
- Friedrich Hirzerbruch Hon.MRIA, ForMemRS, Founding Director, Max Planck Institute (Bonn)
HMI Executive Committee
- Samson Shatashvili University Chair of Natural Philosophy (1847) & Director
- Sinead Ryan Professor of Theoretical High Energy Physics
- Ruth Britto Associate Professor in Mathematics
- Sergey Mozgovoy J.L.Synge Assistant Professor in Mathematics
HMI Simons Visiting Professors
- Anton Alexeev University of Geneva
- Anne Moreau University Paris-Saclay
- Erik Verlinde University of Amsterdam