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On March 12-14, 2025

Trinity Celebrates the 220th anniversary of W. R. Hamilton and 20th anniversary of the Hamilton Mathematics Institute TCD (HMI)

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Conference Programme 13-14 March 2025

Location: Exam Hall, TCD

Thursday, 13 March, 2pm - 3pm
Speaker: Maxim Kontsevich (IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, France)
Title: Resurgence in Quantum Mechanics

Thursday, 13 March, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Speaker: Andrei Okounkov (Columbia University, New York, USA)
Title: The Eisenstein spectrum

Thursday, 13 March, 7pm
Public lecture: Nigel Hitchin (Oxford, UK)
Title: William Rowan Hamilton

Friday, March 14, 10.00am - 11.00am
Speaker: Erik Verlinde (University of Amesterdam, Netherlands)
Title: Strings, Black Holes and Entropy

Friday, March 14, 2pm - 3pm
Speaker: Gregory Gabadadze (New York University, Simons Foundation, New York, USA)
Title: Quantum Anomaly Actions and Cosmology

Friday, March 14, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Speaker: Jocelyn Bell Burnell (Oxford, UK)
Title: How some curious squiggles came to be understood; the discovery of pulsars


Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, DBE, FRS, FRSE, FRAS, Oxford University, UK

Copley Medal of Royal Society of London (2021); Michael Faraday Prize of Royal Society of London (2010); Royal Medal (2015); Grande Medaille of the French Academy of Sciences (2018); Special Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics (2018); Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society (2021); Cunningham Medal of Royal Irish Academy (2023).


Gregory Gabadadze, (New York University, Simons Foundation, New York, USA)

Professor of Physics (New York University), Dean for Science (New York University), Senior Vice President (The Simons Foundation).


Nigel Hitchin, FRS, Oxford University, UK

Savilian Professor of Geometry Emeritus (1619), Oxford University; Sylvester Medal of the Royal Society of London (2000); London Mathematical Society Polya Prize (2002); Shaw Prize (2016).


Maxim Kontsevich (IHES, Bures-sur-Yvette, France)

AXA-IHES Chair for Mathematics, Institute des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES); Fields Medal (1998); Shaw Prize (2012); Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics (2012); Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics (2014); Henri Poincare Prize (1997); Crafoord Prize (2008).

Bio on MacTutor

Andrei Okounkov (Columbia University, New York, USA) (454KB,PDF)

Samuel Eilenberg Professor of Mathematics, Columbia University, New York; Fields Medal (2006); European Mathematical Society Prize (2004); Member of the US National Academy of Sciences (2012).

Bio on MacTutor

Erik Verlinde (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Alfred P. Sloan Fellow (1990), Fellow of the Royal Dutch Society (1993), Pioneer Award (1999), Advanced Grantee of European Research Council (2010), Spinoza Prize (2011), Gravitation Grantee of Dutch Research Organisation (2012).


Sir Michael Atiyah, Chairman of HMI Founding Board, speaks about W. R. Hamilton at CERN (October 2006).