Hannes OpelzAssistant Professor

Contact: Dr. Hannes Opelz
Broadly speaking, my research focuses on twentieth- and twenty-first century French thought and aesthetics. Methodologically, my work combines a variety of theoretical and analytical tools (drawn from, among other fields, mimetic theory, deconstruction, myth studies, philosophies of science and technology, gender studies, and environmental humanities). Recent publications include special journal issues on Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe (L'esprit créateur, 2017) and Catherine Malabou (MLN, 2022). I have also published essays on Maurice Blanchot, and more recently, on science fiction.
My undergraduate teaching relates essentially to modern French philosophy, literature, politics, cinema, and translation. I also teach postgraduate modules on the relationship of philosophy to aesthetics, myth, technology, neurobiology, and Gaia theory.
Current projects
I am currently working on two separate book projects: a monograph on Maurice Blanchot and a book-length study of Alex Garland's cinematic and TV work.
Principal investigator/mentor for postdoctoral projects
I am (or have been) PI/mentor for the following postdoctoral projects funded by the Irish Research Council (IRC):
- Project title: “Time and the Other Capitalism: The Pasts, Presents and Futures of Work”, led by Dr Anne Mulhall (2020-2022), Government of Ireland Irish Research Council (IRC) Postdoctoral Fellow.
- Project title: “Xenogenesis: Octavia Butler, Gateway for Racial and Gender Aliens at IMMA”, led by Dr John Wilkins (2022-2024),Enterprise Partnership IRC Postdoctoral Fellow, mentored in partnership with the Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA).
PhD supervision
- Project title: “De-zoning Science Fiction — Spatiality, Technology, and Ecology in the Work of Alain Damasio”, led by Giaime Lazzari (2024-2028), Pichois Doctoral Award Holder.
Administrative responsibilities
- Senior Fresh (second-year) Coordinator, French Department
- Foundation Scholarship Senior Fresh (second-year) Coordinator, French Department
- The French Seminar @ Trinity Co-organiser, French Department
- Director of Postgraduate Programmes in Identities and Cultures of Europe (MPhil, Diploma, Certificate), School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies.