Dr. James Hanrahan
Associate Professor, French
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
James Hanrahan, Paris blows its top, The Irish Times, 2024, p24 - 24
James Hanrahan, L'édition critique et l'intention de l'auteur dans les Œuvres complètes de Voltaire, Revue Voltaire, 23, 2024, p35 - 46
Reimagining the cri public: Voltaire and Public Opinion before Calas in, editor(s)Gillian Pink and Thomas Wynn , L'écriture est la peinture de la voix: Essays in honour of Nicholas Cronk, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2024, pp216 - 232, [James Hanrahan]
James Hanrahan, Les Hystériques: en attendant Freud. Par Jean-Christophe Abramovici, Review of Les Hystériques: en attendant Freud, by Par Jean-Christophe Abramovici , French Studies, 77, (4), 2023, p24 - 24, p668
James Hanrahan, Les Remontrances (Europe, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle), by Ullrich Langer and Paul-Alexis Mellet , French Studies, 77, (2), 2023, p304
Political Turmoil in Voltaire's Vision and Revision of the Fronde in, editor(s)Síofra Pierse and Emma Dunne , Turmoil: Instability and insecurity in the eighteenth-century Francophone text, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2022, pp63 - 79, [James Hanrahan]
Voltaire: Histoire de la guerre de 1741, The Literary Encyclopedia,, The Literary Dictionary Company Limited, 2022, [James Hanrahan and Janet Godden]
Voltaire: Précis du siècle de Louis XV, The Literary Encyclopedia,, The Literary Dictionary Company Limited, 2022, [James Hanrahan and Janet Gooden]
James Hanrahan, Voltaire et son lecteur: essai sur la séduction littéraire, by Sylvain Ménant , French Studies, 76, (4), 2022, p663-664
Voltaire, Histoire de la guerre de 1741 , James Hanrahan and Janet Godden, (Complete Works of Voltaire), Oxford:, Voltaire Foundation, 2020, - i-xxxv, 1-505
Voltaire, Précis du siècle de Louis XV, James Hanrahan and Janet Godden, (Complete Works of Voltaire, vol.29B), Oxford:, Voltaire Foundation, 2020, - i-xxxiii, 1-484
James Hanrahan, Review of Voltaire in Holland, 1746-1778, by Kees Van Strien , Revue Voltaire, 19, 2019
Voltaire, Précis du siècle de Louis XV, James Hanrahan and Janet Godden, (Complete Works of Voltaire, vol.29A), Oxford:, Voltaire Foundation, 2019, -
James Hanrahan, Review of uvres complètes de Voltaire, vol.60B, uvres de 1764-1766, by Lorenzo Bianchi, John Renwick et al (eds) , French Studies, 2019
Diderot on Origins, a zone d'ombre of Enlightenment Thought in, editor(s)James Hanrahan and Síofra Pierse , The Dark Side of Diderot, Oxford and Bern, Peter Lang, 2016, pp147 - 167, [James Hanrahan ]
James Hanrahan, Review of Droit et philosophie à la lumière de l'Encyclopédie, by Luigi Delia , French Studies, 70, (2), 2016, p107-108
James Hanrahan and Síofra Pierse, The Dark Side of Diderot / Le Diderot des ombres, Bern, Peter Lang, 2016, 1 - 260pp
Le Cri des nations, James Hanrahan and Andrew Hunwick, Complete Works of Voltaire,Writings of 1769 (IIA), David Adams, Simon Davies, et al[ed/s], (Complete Works of Voltaire), Oxford:, Voltaire Foundation, 2015, 247 - 279
James Hanrahan , Voltaire et le voyage "philosophique" de l'Amiral Anson, Revue Voltaire, 15, 2015, p105 - 119
The removal of the pays de Gex from the Cinq grosses fermes (1760-1775), James Hanrahan , Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire, Oeuvres de 1775, Oxford:, Voltaire Foundation, 2014, 1 - 37
Writings on the pays de Gex salt indemnity in, editor(s)James Hanrahan , Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire, Oeuvres de 1775-1776, Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2014, pp231 - 271, [Voltaire]
Voltaire and the tithes of Ferney, James Hanrahan , Complete Works of Voltaire, writings of 1763-1764, Simon Davies, James Hanrahan et al.[ed/s], (Complete Works of Voltaire), Oxford:, Voltaire Foundation, 2014, 197 - 241
Privilèges, Christiane Mervaud et al., uvres complètes de Voltaire, Questions sur l'Encyclopédie, par des amateurs (VIII), 43, Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2013, pp20 - 30, [James Hanrahan ]
Texts on the Decroze case and the parish church at Ferney in, editor(s)David Williams et al , Complete Works of Voltaire, Writings of 1760-1762 (II), Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2013, pp369 - 426, [James Hanrahan]
James Hanrahan, Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire, vol.25, Essai sur les moeurs, ch.103-162, 2013, - pp41-72 and pp369-380
James Hanrahan, Review of Voltaire et l'écriture de l'histoire: un enjeu politique , by Myrtille Méricam-Bourdet , French Studies, 67, (1), 2013, p99-100
Voltaire's texts on the Hume-Rousseau affair in, editor(s)James Hanrahan, Graham Gargett et al. , uvres complètes de Voltaire, Writings of 1766 (I), Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2013, [James Hanrahan ]
Au roi en son conseil; Petit écrit sur l'arrêt du conseil du 13 septembre 1774, Nicholas Cronk, uvres complètes de Voltaire/Complete Works of Voltaire, 76, Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2013, pp403 - 437, [James Hanrahan]
uvres complètes de Voltaire 42B, Nicholas Cronk, Christiane Mervaud, Questions sur l'Encyclopédie, par des amateurs, 42B, Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2012, [James Hanrahan ]
Voltaire et le coup Maupeou in, editor(s)John Renwick , Voltaire, la tolérance et la justice , Louvain, Peeters, 2011, pp273 - 289, [James Hanrahan]
Irish Journal of French Studies, Special Issue: Intellectuals and Public Opinion: A Transhistorical Perspective, (2011), 131pp, James Hanrahan and Mairéad Ní Bhriain, [eds]
James Hanrahan, Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire, vol.24, Essai sur les moeurs, ch.68-102, 2011, - pp.493-536
Nicholas Cronk and Christiane Mervaud, 'A Significant Enlightenment Text Fallen between the Cracks of Editorial History', Eighteenth-Century Studies, 45, (1), 2011, p157 - 160
Voltaire's texts for the pays de Gex in, editor(s)Voltaire Foundation , Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire, Oeuvres de 1767-1768, Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2011, pp1 - 37, [James Hanrahan]
James Hanrahan and Mairéad Ní Bhriain, Intellectuals and Public Opinion: An Evolving Dynamic, Irish Journal of French Studies, 10, 2011, p1 - 18
James Hanrahan, Un texte inédit de Voltaire: le Nouveau mémoire du sieur Decroze, Revue Voltaire, 10, (10), 2010, p269 - 282
James Hanrahan, Review of uvres complètes de Voltaire, vol.28B, uvres de 1742-1745 (II), by David Williams (ed.) , Modern Language Review , 105, (4), 2010, p1157-1158
James Hanrahan, Review of La Fureur de nuire: échanges pamphlétaires entre philosophes et antiphilosophes (1750-1770), by Olivier Ferret , French Studies, 63, (1), 2009, p91-92
James Hanrahan, Review of Les Salons de Diderot: Théorie et écriture, by Pierre Frantz and Elisabeth Lavezzi , French Studies, 63, (3), 2009, p341-342
James Hanrahan, Review of The Cambridge Companion to Voltaire, by Nicholas Cronk (ed.) , H-France.net Review, December 2009, 2009, pn/a
James Hanrahan, Review of State and Society in Eighteenth-Century France, by Stephen Miller , French Studies, 63, (3), 2009, p347-348
Literary crimes and innovation against punishment: Voltaire and the censorship authorities before 1750 in, editor(s)Louise Hardwick , New Approaches to Crime in French Literature, Thought and Culture , Bern, Peter Lang, 2009, pp137 - 150, [James Hanrahan]
James Hanrahan, The Cambridge Companion to Voltaire, Nicholas Cronk (ed), H-France.net Review, 9, (154), 2009, p666 - 669
James Hanrahan, Voltaire and the Parlements of France, Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2009
James Hanrahan, Review of The Libertine Colony: Creolization in the Early French Caribbean, by Doris Garraway , Forum for Modern Language Studies, 44, (1), 2008, p92
Creating the 'cri public': Voltaire and public opinion in the early 1760s in, editor(s)Nicholas Cronk , Les années 1760-1770: une grande décennie voltairienne. Mélanges offerts à John Renwick, Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2008, pp145 - 158, [James Hanrahan]
James Hanrahan, Review of Medievalism and manière gothique in Enlightenment France, by Peter Damian-Grint , French Studies, 62, (2), 2008, p215-216
James Hanrahan, Review of Blackmail, Scandal, and Revolution: London's French libellistes, 1758-92, by Simon Burrows , French Studies, 62, (3), 2008, p342-343
Appealing and appearing to 'reason': Voltaire's political pamphlets of 1771 and public opinion in, editor(s)Ursula Haskins Gonthier , Opinion, nature, culture, Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2007, pp31 - 40, [James Hanrahan]
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
James Hanrahan, Reason and unreason, Review of Dark Brilliance: The Age of Reason from Descartes to Peter the Great, by Paul Strathern , Irish Times, (1 June 2024), 2024, p17
James Hanrahan, Equality: a self-evident truth?, Review of Equality: The History of an Elusive Idea, by Darrin McMahon , Irish Times, (10 August 2024), 2024, p16
James Hanrahan, Vincent Cossarutto, Voltaire au service du roi, Review of Voltaire au service du roi. Un pamphlétaire politique au temps de la Révolution Maupeou, 1770-1775, by Vincent Cossarutto , Revue Voltaire, 21, 2023, p419-420
James Hanrahan, Figures du moi et environnement naturel au XVIIIe siècle. Par Jean-Luc Guichet, Review of Figures du moi et environnement naturel au XVIIIe siècle, by Par Jean-Luc Guichet , French Studies, 76, (4), 2022, p24 - 24, p671-672
James Hanrahan and Janet Godden, Voltaire's Précis du siècle de Louis XV , Enlightenment Workshop: Voltaire's Précis du siècle de Louis XV (2019-2020), Oxford, 8 March 2021, 2021, Voltaire Foundation
James Hanrahan, Thinkers of our Time: Voltaire, Thinkers of our Time: Voltaire, The British Academy, London, 3 March 2020, 2020, British Academy
Manu Braganca and James Hanrahan, ADEFFI 20th Anniversary Annual Conference 2018: 'Etats présents, états futurs', 19-20 October 2018, 2018, University College Dublin
Geneviève Guétemme and James Hanrahan, ADEFFI Annual Conference 2017: Ecritures des mobilités, 26-28 October 2017, 2017, Université d'Orléans
James Hanrahan , Modern and Contemporary History in Voltaire's Précis du siècle de Louis XV, Besterman Enlightenment Workshop 2016, Besterman Centre for the Enlightenment, University of Oxford, 29 February , 2016, Besterman Centre for the Enlightenment
James Hanrahan, Précis du siècle de Louis XV: histoire ou patchwork historique?, Le Siècle de Louis XIV, ou, Voltaire historien de la modernité, Grande Ecurie du château de Versailles, 4 December 2015, 2015, Centre de recherche du château de Versailles
Nicholas Cronk and James Hanrahan, Voltaire historian of modernity, 19-20 November 2014, In:Voltaire historian of modernity, 2014, Maison francaise d'Oxford and Voltaire Foundation, University of Oxford
James Hanrahan and Sylvie Lannegrand, ADEFFI Annual Conference 2014, 17-19 October 2014, In:Origins/Origines, 2014, Trinity Long Room Hub
James Hanrahan and Síofra Pierse, Conference: The Dark Side of Diderot, 7 June 2013, 2013, UCD Newman House
James Hanrahan , Conference: Du bon usage de Rousseau, 13 September 2012, 2012, Trinity Long Room Hub
TCD SHARP Conference Committee, SHARP Annual Conference 2012, 26-29 June 2012, In:The Battle for Books, 2012, Trinity College Dublin
Phil Dine, James Hanrahan, Mairéad Ní Bhriain, Conference: Intellectuals and Public Opinion from Voltaire to Sartre, 4-5 September, 2009, 2009, NUI Galway
James Hanrahan, Voltaire et les parlements, Revue Voltaire, 2008, - 443-47
Research Expertise
My research focuses on the literature, history, politics and culture of Enlightenment France. My doctoral research focussed on Voltaire and his relationship with the supreme courts of ancien régime France. I contribute as an external editor to the Complete Works of Voltaire, published by the Voltaire Foundation, Oxford. As well as having written critical introductions to Voltaire's pamphlets on the pays de Gex, I was part of a team of academics annotating the definitive editions of the Essai sur les moeurs. I am also interested in and have published on the concept of public opinion and its impact on politics and society, from the eighteenth century up to the present. I have co-edited a critical edition of Voltaire's Précis du siècle de Louis XV and Histoire de la guerre de 1741 and I'm currently researching the concept of origins in Enlightenment thought.Projects
- Title
- Voltaire historian: Constructing contemporary history in the Enlightenment
- Summary
- Principal Investigator: Professor Nicholas Cronk (Voltaire Foundation, University of Oxford) The aim of this project is to come to a better understanding of Voltaire's overall philosophical project, by focusing on a neglected aspect of his work: his determination to write "modern" history. Much of his historical writing, especially in the earlier years, is devoted to the modern world. Voltaire first explores the defining characteristics of the modern world (the benefits of trade, the scientific revolution, religious toleration) in a book about England (Lettres philosophiques), before studying the flourishing culture of France during the previous century (Le Siècle de Louis XIV). He then extends this exploration, forwards into modern France (Précis du Siècle de Louis XV), and outwards into the recent history of the whole world (Essai sur les moeurs). My role is as co-editor (with Janet Godden, Voltaire Foundation) of a critical edition of the Précis du Siècle de Louis XV, which will be part of the Complete Works of Voltaire.
- Funding Agency
- Leverhulme Trust
- Date From
- 1/01/2013
- Date To
- 31/12/2015
Awards and Honours
IRCHSS CARA 3-year Post-doctoral Fellowship
Voltaire Foundation Visiting Scholar, Linacre College, University of Oxford
Leverhulme Trust PhD Studentship, University of Edinburgh
Trustee - Board of Directors of Alliance française Ltd.
Member of the Digital Voltaire Advisory Group, Voltaire Foundation, University of Oxford
Member of the Advisory Board of The Complete Works of Voltaire
President of ADEFFI (Association des études françaises et francophones d'Irlande): http://www.adeffi.ie
Vice-President of ADEFFI (Association des études françaises et francophones d'Irlande): http://www.adeffi.ie
Secretary of ADEFFI (Association des études françaises et francophones d'Irlande): http://www.adeffi.ie
'Membre ordinaire' of the committee of ADEFFI (Association des études françaises et francophones d'Irlande): http://www.adeffi.ie