Our Research Programmes
The School has for a number of years, been highly active in offering a rich and diverse programme of events ranging from workshops, lunchtime and one-day research seminars to international conferences, which alongside its publications, has helped establish the School as the leading centre for educational research in Ireland.
Applications are welcome from suitably qualified graduates wishing to pursue M.Litt. or PhD level research within the School of Education. Applications should be made directly to the Graduate Studies office, Trinity College Dublin. Find out more about our Doctoral programmes.
The School has a thriving and vibrant research culture organised around two College research centres and four research groups.
The School is also a member of the prestigious Trinity Long Room Hub Arts & Humanities Research Institute, Trinity Research In Social Science Centre (TRiSS) and Trinity Research in Childhood Centre (TRiCC).
More research topics

Research Ethics
Trinity College Dublin requires that prior to a research study commencing, ethical review is carried out for all proposed research involving human subjects that is conducted by staff and students.

Trinity Papers
The appearance of Trinity Education Papers revives a tradition of publishing within the School of Education that goes back to the publication of Studies in Education in the 1980s and 1990s.

Annual Postgraduate Research Conferences
Masters and Doctoral researchers from the School of Education host an annual PGR Conference in May each year. An opportunity for students to explore and exchange views and discussions of their research.