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Economic Analysis A

Module Code: ECU33011

Module Title: Economic Analysis A

  • ECTS Weighting: 5
  • Semester/Term Taught: Semester 1
  • Contact Hours: 22 hours of lectures and 4 hours of tutorials
  • Module Personnel: Lecturer - Professor Michael Wycherley

Learning Outcomes

  • Be actively conversant with the terminology of macroeconomics; Interpret macroeconomic data;
  • Synthesize a broad range of topics in modern macroeconomics

Module Learning Aims

This module builds on the foundations of ECU22011 & ECU22012 Intermediate Economics, developing some of the topics from that module, and introducing some new ones.

Module Content

Macroeconomics: intertemporal consumption and labour supply; investment theory; money demand; the analysis of business cycles; monetary policy; fiscal policy.

Recommended Reading List

No prescribed text, readings and cases will be provided by the lecturer throughout the module.

Module Pre Requisite

ECU22011 & ECU22012 Intermediate Economics

Assessment Details

50%: Assignment; late submissions that have not been agreed in writing beforehand will be penalized 10% per day.

50%: Examination

Module Website
