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Whately Memorial Fund

A moderatorship prize of €64 is awarded each year from the Whately Memorial Fund to the first moderator in Economics, provided that a first class moderatorship is obtained. It was established in 1871 by subscription in memory of Richard Whately, Archbishop of Dublin, to promote the study of political economy.

Bastable Prize

This prize of €127 was founded in 1933 by subscription in memory of Charles Francis Bastable, Professor of Political Economy 1908-32 and Regius Professor of Laws 1882-1932. It is awarded to the candidate placed first at the moderatorship examination in economics (joint or single honors), provided sufficient merit is shown.

Sinead Darcy Prize

This prize was founded in 2011 in memory of Sinead Darcy, a Trinity economics student who graduated in 1994 and who had a distinguished career in regulatory economics. It is awarded annually to the student who performs at the highest level in the Junior Sophister module in Industrial Economics: Competition, Strategy and Policy. Value, €150.

P.J. Drudy Prize in Economics

The Drudy Prize in Economics was founded in 2008 by Professor P.J. Drudy to encourage the study of social and economic development in less developed countries. It is awarded annually on the recommendation of the Department of Economics to the continuing Junior Sophister student who performs at the highest level in the Junior Sophister module in the Economics of Less Developed Countries. Value, €100.

Harry Hartford Prize

This prize was founded by a gift from Harry Hartford, a Trinity economics graduate of 1982. It is awarded annually, from 2007-16 inclusive, on the recommendation of the Department of Economics, to the Junior Sophister student who performs at the highest level in the Junior Sophister Economic Analysis module. Value, €500.

Terence Gorman Prize

This prize was founded in 2006 by a bequest from Mrs Dorinda Gorman in memory of her husband, the distinguished economist W.M. (Terence) Gorman, a Trinity economics graduate of 1948. It is awarded annually, on the recommendation of the Department of Economics, to the Junior Sophister student who performs at the highest level in the Junior Sophister Econometrics module. Value, €1,000.