Lecture 3.
The farm problem

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What we want to learn about this topic

Short introduction to the issues

The farm problem model

A common structural characteristic of developing and industrial country economies is the declining share of economic activity contributed by the agricultural sector, whether measured in terms of GDP or employment. This declining share implies that resources must be re-allocated from the farm to nonfarm sectors and, in a market economy, this implies that labour returns to agriculture will lag behind labour returns in the nonfarm economy to provide an incentive for this to happen. From a farm perspective, it is not surprising that the problem of low (and unstable) incomes is defined as a problem (the 'farm problem') but how justified is public intervention to raise farm returns? In this lecture we cover:

Reasons why farm incomes may lag behind nonfarm incomes

The pattern of adjustment

Reading suggestions

For a discussion of the farm problem model, see
Gardner, B., 1992, Changing economic perspectives on the farm problem, Jnl. Econ. Literature 30, March, pp. 62-101
(read first part of this article, pp. 62-85, ignore last section on US farm policy).

For discussion of the pattern of agricultural adjustment in Ireland over the past decade, see
Crowley, C., Meredity, D. and Walsh, J., 2004. Population And Agricultural Change In Rural Ireland, 1991 To 2002, Teagasc.