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Health Economics

Module Code: ECP77313

  • ECTS Credit: 5
  • Mandatory/Optional: Elective module (optional)
  • Period: Semester 3
  • Module Coordinator: Dr Sheelah Connolly
  • Teaching Staff: Dr Sheelah Connolly,  Dr Anne Nolan

Module Content

The Health Economics module will focus on practical applications of economics in the healthcare sector. The module will begin by providing an overview of the Irish healthcare system and place it in an international context. It will then discuss some reasons for government intervention in the healthcare sector and examine the role of policymakers in overcoming market failures and achieving equitable outcomes.

Other topics will include an overview of methods which can help inform the allocation of scarce healthcare resources and evaluate health interventions and programmes. Finally, the module will also examine how incentives for providers and patients affect behaviours.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:

MLO10.1   Apply economic principles to key issues affecting health and  healthcare; 

MLO10.2   Describe the causes of market failure in healthcare and how such failures may be overcome;

MLO10.3   Explain the options available for achieving equity objectives;

MLO10.4   Discuss the main evaluation techniques applied in healthcare;

MLO10.5   Describe the role of incentives in affecting provider and patient behaviour.

Module Assessment

  • Project [40%]: It will involve a practical application of material studied during the module.
  • Coursework/Assignment