Department of Economics News
Research Insights: Income Inequality in Ireland by Barra RoantreeThis month in Research Insights, we speak to Professor Barra Roantree about his paper published in Fiscal Studies in June 2024. In this paper, Prof Roantree examines income inequality in Ireland from 1987 to 2019. Click here to read what we found out.
Professor Marvin Suesse discusses Trump's trade strategy in The Globe and MailProfessor Marvin Suesse wrote an opinion piece for The Globe and Mail called "Decoding Trump's trade strategy: The historical pattern beneath the headlines". The article is available to read with a free registered account.Professor Sharyn O'Halloran speaks to The Journal's Explainer podcastProfessor Sharyn O'Halloran spoke to The Journal's The Explainer podcast on Friday about tariffs and what they mean for today's global economy. What are the pros and cons, and is there an end goal that Trump has in mind? Click here to listen to the episode.
SER Annual Debate Series 2025This past month saw the Student Economic Review annual debates take place. These were held in collaboration with the Hist and the Phil. The first debate was against Cambridge and the second debate was against Harvard. More information about the debates can be found by clicking here.
Professor Michael King to present at UN Commission on the Status of WomenProfessor Michael King has been invited to speak at the 69th UN Commission on the Status of Women to share findings from his work on Malawi. The event titled "Women's Empowerment within Social Protection Programming" will take place at the Permanent Mission of Ireland to the UN in New York on Wednesday, 12th March.Call for Papers: Irish Public Economics WorkshopProfessor Barra Roantree is co-organising the second annual Irish Public Economics Workshop on the 1st and 2nd of September 2025. Papers can be submitted on the theme of "New Horizons in Public Finance" by the 14 April 2025. Click here for more information.
Professor Ronan Lyons Discusses Rents on RTÉ Radio 1Professor Ronan Lyons was a guest on RTÉ Radio 1 Morning Ireland yesterday. He discusses his report that revealed advertised rents rose by 5.7% in 2024. Ronan explained why Dublin's rental price inflation has been catching up with the rest of the country.
Call for Papers: Workshop on International Macroeconomics and FinanceWe are pleased to announce the first edition of the Workshop on International Macroeconomics and Finance, jointly organised by the IM-TCD and the Swiss National Bank. The event will take place in Zurich on Friday 14 November 2025. All papers should be submitted no later than 15 June 2025.Prof Davide Romelli Selected as Member of Monetary Policy Expert Panel for European ParliamentProfessor Davide Romelli and his team have been selected as members of the new Monetary Policy Expert Panel of the ECON Committee for a four-year period. The Panel has been a standard feature of parliamentary scrutiny of the ECB monetary policy since the euro was launched, by providing independent expertise to the Committee for each Monetary Dialogue.
Sarah Cunningham and Ronan Lyons Awarded Research Ireland Research Ally Award for CEPHCongratulations to CEPH Administrative Officer Sarah Cunningham and Professor Ronan Lyons on their Research Ireland Research Ally awards. These awards are made to mark the crucual role played by higher education personnel in supporting the academic research community across all career levels.
The Alice Murray Distinguished Scholar Lecture on 27 February 2025Professor Jane Humphries will give the Alice Murray Distinguished Scholar Lecture (organised by CEPH) on Thursday 27 February at 5pm in the Neill Lecture Theatre of the Long Room Hub. Register your attendance by clicking here.Prof Nicola Fontana Awarded the Montias PrizeProfessor Nicola Fontana and his co-authors Guido Tabellini and Tommaso Nannicini were awarded the Montias Prize by the Association for Comparative Economic Studies for their paper "Historical Roots of Political Extremism". The award recognises the top article published in the Journal of Comparative Economics in 2022 and 2023.
Economics Seminar with CEPH: Professor Jean LacroixWe look forward to welcoming Professor Jean Lacroix (Université Paris-Saclay) on Wednesday 22 January for his seminar on "The Bankruptcy Express" in the TRiSS Seminar Room.
Call for Papers: Women in Macro 2025We are pleased to announce the first Women in Macro Workshop on 25 April 2025, organised by IM-TCD, in partnership with the Irish Society for Women in Economics. Click here for more details.
Research Insights: NovemberThis month, Tara Mitchell and Carol Newman took part in our Research Insights feature. They spoke about their joint paper "Group Incentives for the Public Good: A Field Experiment on Improving the Urban Environment". The paper was published in the World Bank Economic Review in November.MSc Economic Policy Info Session 15 January 2025We are now accepting applications for the MSc Economic Policy for 2025. Closing deadline is 31 July 2025. The Information Session has been scheduled for 15 January 2025 in the Jonathan Swift Theatre. Click here to register.
The Department of Economics is Hiring Assistant ProfessorsThe Department of Economics is looking for three Assistant Professors in 2025. The closing date for applications is the 6 January 2025. More details can be found by clicking here.
Prof Jenny Aker delivers TIME Annual Lecture 2024Professor Jenny Aker of Cornell University delivered "The Mobile Phone Revolution in Africa" as part of the TIME Annual Lecture yesterday, 26th of November. Professor Michael King, Director of TIME, moderated the event.CEPH has launched season 2 of Everything Economic History PodcastCEPH has launched season 2 of their podcast 'Everything Economic History', following a successful first season. This season includes discussions on wealth, inequality and some savvy business tips from top historians around the world.
Professor Davide Romelli discusses independence of the Federal Reserve Bank in Financial TimesProfessor Davide Romelli discusses the threats to the Federal Reserve Bank under Trump in a new article in the Financial Times.
Simone Arrigoni, Ph.D. candidate on the job marketSimone Arrigoni is our newest Ph.D. candidate on the job market. His job market paper examines how income inequality within foreign economies affects the transmission of US monetar policy shocks to their economic activity.2024 TIME Annual Lecture Speaker AnnouncedJenny Aker, Professor of Development Economics at Cornell University, will deliver a lecture on "The Mobile Phone Revolution in Africa: Successes, Failures and the Future" at the 2024 TIME Annual Lecture on November 26th at 6.30pm in the Swift Theatre, Arts Building. Click to RSVP.
Professor Ronan Lyons writes about Nepal's rapid housing provision in The CurrencyProfessor Ronan Lyons writes about Nepal's ability to build homes at twice the rate of Ireland in a new column in The Currency. He suggests that Ireland could take a leaf out of Nepal's book and become literate in land values.
New Article by Professor Jian Cao published in Political Analysis"Dynamic Synthetic Controls: Accounting for Varying Speeds in Comparative Case Studies" is co-written by Thomas Chadefaux and published in Political Analysis. This paper examines synthetic controls and how they do not account for the different speeds at which units respond to change.
39th Session of the SER Announces 2024-2025 CommitteeThe 39th Session of the Student Economic Review (SER) has announced its new committee for 2024-2025. Aoife O'Connor is the new General Manager and Piotr Górecki is this year's editor.
New article by Professor Maylis Avaro published in The Journal of Economic HistoryProfessor Maylis Avaro has published "Zombie International Currency: The Pound Sterling 1945-1971" in Cambridge University Press The Journal of Economic History. The paper examines the international role of the sterling during the Bretton Woods era.
October Research Insights: Ronan C. LyonsThis month we spoke to Professor Ronan C. Lyons about his research paper "Housing prices, costs, and policy: The housing supply equation in Ireland since 1970". He explained why he wrote this paper and the impact he sees it having on the real world.
Professor Marvin Suesse presents the first lecture of the Democracy at a Crossroads seriesOn Thursday, October 3rd, Professor Marvin Suesse (Postgraduate Director) presented "The Wealth Divide: Has Inequality Doomed the 2024 Elections?", a public lecture as part of the School of Social Sciences and Philosophy's Autumn Lecture Series.
Fiscal Policy, Financial Sector Policy and Economic Growth: Celebrating Patrick HonohanOn Friday, September 27th, a conference was held in the RIA, jointly organised by the ESRI and IM-TCD in honour of Patrick Honohan and his contributions to Irish economic policy.
Professor Barra Roantree speaks to the Oireachtas on CFI-ESRI reportProfessor Barra Roantree was invited to give evidence to the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Social Protection, Community and Rural Development on the subject of the CFI-ESRI report on poverty. The report was co-authored by Professor Roantree, director of the joint ESRI-TCD MSc in Economic Policy
Gita Gopinath of the IMF speaks at TrinityGita Gopinath, First Deputy Managing Director of the IMF, led a Grattan Talk in the Trinity Long Room Hub yesterday for an audience of undergraduate students and Department of Economics staff. The event was opened by Head of Department Agustín Bénétrix.
New Article by Professor Ronan Lyons published in Energy Economics in September 2024"Better energy cost information changes household property investment decisions: Evidence from a Nationwide experiement" is co-authored with James Carroll, Eleanor Denny (of Trinity College Dublin) and Ivan Petrov. It is the first paper to conduct a large controlled field trial for residential properities covering a nationwide market.
Irish Public Economics Workshop took place on 30-31 August 2024The inaugural Irish Public Economics Workshop (IPEW) took place in TCD on August 30, with the support of the Irish Research Council, the Foundation for Fiscal Studies, the Department of Economics at TCD and the School of Economics at UCD. It saw 18 research papers presented, alongside keynote lectures.
Department welcomes new staff for 2024/25 academic yearWe would like to wish a very warm welcome to all of our new academic staff in the Department of Economics and the School of Social Sciences and Philosophy! Best of luck in the new academic year and beyond!
ESRI and Professor Barra Roantree publish fourth annual report on poverty, income inequality and living standardsProfessor Barra Roantree, director of the joint ESRI-TCD MSc in Economic Policy at TCD is co-author of this new report that details 230,000 children are currently estimated to experience material deprivation. Other key findings include the pandemic has had a damaging effect on life satisfaction and civic participation.
Professor Agustín Bénétrix published in Economic Policy"Automatic for the (tax) people: Information sharing and cross-border investment in tax havens" is co-written by Lorenz Emter and Martin Schmitz. The paper examines the impact of international automatic exchange of information treaties on cross-border investments in tax havens.
New Article by Professor Davide Romelli published in JIMF in August 2024"Exploring the informativeness and drivers of tone during committee meetings: The case of the Federal Reserve" is co-written with Hamza Bennani. The authors suggest that tone is useful in predicting future policy decisions in the FOMC.
Professor Davide Romelli interviewed in Le Monde about central bank independenceLe Monde has published an article “Central bankers' independence is under growing political pressure” in which journalist Eric Albert interviewed Professor Davide Romelli on current and future challenges facing independent central banks.
August Research Insights: Simone ArrigoniOur new Research Insights series puts the focus on our Department's research output, events and conferences. This month, we spoke to Simone Arrigoni, fourth year PhD Candidate in Economics, about his research and the incredible achievement of having three papers published before defending his PhD.
TIME launches 6-week online course for Autumn 2024TIME has launched a 6-week online course called Impact Evaluation Methods: An Interactive and Collaborative Course and a follow-on 1-week module called Impact Evaluation Methods in Global Health. The application deadline is 1st October and the start date is 15th October.
Professor Davide Romelli published in Journal of European Public Policy"Empowering Women in Central Banking" is co-written with Andreas Kern and Bernhard Reinsberg. The article hypothesises that appointing women to central bank leadership positions during sovereign financial distress signals a policy change to bolster monetary policy credibility.
Professor Ronan Lyons presents at NBER Summer Institute 2024Professor Ronan Lyons attended the National Bureau of Economic Research Summer Institute on 24th July 2024. His co-author, Allison Shertzer, is pictured presenting their working paper "The Price of Housing in the United States, 1890-2006".
New Article by Professor Selim Gulesci published in American Economic Journal in June 2024"Childcare, Labor Supply, and Business Development: Experimental Evidence from Uganda" is co-written with Kjetil Bjorvatn, Denise Ferris, Selim Gulesci, Arne Nasgowitz, Vincent Somville and Lore Vandewalle. They offered a childcare subsidy, an equivalent cash grant, or both to mothers of three-to-five-year-old children and looked at the effects on the household.
Professor Davide Romelli to present at ERMAS 2024 later this weekProfessor Davide Romelli will be presenting his paper "Warning Words in a Warming World: Central Bank Communication and Climate Change" on July 26th at ERMAS 2024 conference in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, hosted by the Babeş-Bolyai Unviersity and the National Bank of Romania.
Read the 2023/24 School alumni newsletter hereRead about all the major goings-on from the School of Social Sciences and Philosophy and it's constituent Departments over the past academic year here.
Professor Barra Roantree writes about the proposed cuts to the inheritance tax in The Irish TimesShould inheritance tax be cut in the budget? Professor Barra Roantree argues that at a time when public services are stretched, infrastructure is creaking and the average incomes are stagnating, proposals to cut this tax represents a strange set of priorities.
Professor Barra Roantree discusses what we might expect in the government Summer Economic StatementProfessor Barra Roantree joined Morning Ireland on RTE Radio 1 this morning to discuss what we might expect to see in the government's Summer Economic Statement later today.
Professor Barra Roantree publishes article in Fiscal Studies"Income Inequality in Ireland, 1987-2019" highlights an aspect of the Irish experience that does stand out as quite remarkable: how broad-based and inclusive growth in household disposable income was over the last three decades.
Research finds Dublin 2nd most expensive European city to build apartmentsDublin is the second most expensive place to build apartments, after Zurich, according to a new construction cost report published today by Professor Ronan Lyons and the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland.
Democracy At A Crossroads: Public Autumn Series 2024Are societies on the verge of breaking apart due to growing inequality? Will populist leaders exploit these divisions, or can we work towards a more equitable society? Join Dr. Marvin Suisse on Thursday, October 3, as he explores how global economic inequality impacts elections and shapes our socio-political landscape. Tickets available now.