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Research Seminar Series 2009-2010

Seminars are held on Tuesdays 12.30 to 2 pm in IIIS Seminar Room, unless otherwise indicated

Seminar Organisers:

Date Speaker Title
29 Sep Kevin O'Rourke
The Great Depression and the 2008 Credit Crisis: Lessons of the 1930's for Today
6 Oct
Geary Institute Seminar Room UCD
Dublin Economics Seminar
(Joint TCD / UCD Seminar)
13 Oct Gerard Caprio
(Williams College)
'Anatomy of a Crisis: Murder, Suicide, or Accidental Death?'
20 Oct Alan Barrett
'Estimating the Impact of Immigration on Wages in Ireland'
27 Oct Christopher Ksoll
'Selecting Good Caretakers: The Impact of Family Networks in Tanzania on Orphans' Education'
3 Nov Peter Dunne
(Central Bank of Ireland)
'The Intrinsic Value of the DOW: This Time with Feeling'
17 Nov Keyu Jin
'Industrial structure and financial capital flows'
24 Nov
**Postponed to a Later Date**
Philip Lane
'Capital flows and the crisis'
26 Nov
Note: Special Time 14.00 - 15.30
Todd Sorensen
(UC Riverside)
'The Effect of Immigration on Ethnic Composition and Occupational Reallocation '
1 Dec Pedro Teles
(Bank of Portugal and UCP)
'Monetary policy and the financing of firms'
8 Dec Gerald Willman
(KU Leuven)
'Trade, education, and the shrinking middle class'
15 Dec Colm Harmon (UCD) 'The Impact of Parental Income and Parental Education on the Schooling of Children'
21 Jan Hylke Vandenbussche
(UC Louvain)
'Anti-dumping protection hurts exporters: firm-level evidence from France'
26 Jan Sarah Parlane
'Optimal initial public offering design with aftermarket trading'
29 Jan
Note: Special Time 13.00 - 14.30
Pasquale Tridico
(Università degli Studi di Roma 3)
"Trajectories of socio-economic models and development in transition economies in the 20 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall"
2 Feb Stephan Litschig
'The effect of fiscal transfers on local public services and living standards: quasi-experimental evidence from Brazilian municipalities'
5 Feb
Note: Special Time 15.00
Peyton Young
(Nuffield College, Oxford University)
Innovation Diffusion in Heterogeneous Populations: Contagion, Social Influence, and Social Learning
9 Feb Jean-Jacques Herings
(Maastricht University)
'Non-cooperative Support for the Asymmetric Nash Bargaining Solution'
16 Feb Ethan Ilzetzki
'How big are fiscal multipliers?'
23 Feb Paola Conconi
Policymakers' Horizon and Economic Reforms
9 March Tobias Broer
(IIES, Stockholm University)
'Domestic or global imbalances? Rising inequality and the fall in the US current account'
23 March Andrew Oswald
(University of Warwick)
'Emotional Prosperity: Biomarkers, Economic Markers, and the Stiglitz Commission on Human Progress'
30 March Gerard Padro i Miguel
Joint seminar Economics/Political Science
'The Political Economy of Indirect Control'.
6 April
Martina Bjorkman (Bocconi)
3 May Pedro Carneiro
(University College London)
11 May Filipa Sá
(Trinity College - University of Cambridge)
2 June Frederico Finan (UCLA) “Political Persistence and Economic Development Evidence from Brazil's Transition to Democracy'.
8 June
Christopher Bowdler
(University of Oxford)
15 Jun Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes
(San Diego State)
'Remittance income volatility and labor supply in Mexico'

All seminars are joint seminars with Department of Economics & IIIS unless otherwise indicated.