Technical Papers Series - 1997
- 97/1 Görg, H.; Killen, L. and Ruane, F.
Non-Standard Employment in Irish Manufacturing: Do Firm Characteristics Matter?
(published in Labour, Vol. 12, No. 4, 1998)
- 97/2 Görg, H. and Ruane, F.
Measuring Sectoral Patterns of US Investment in EU Member Countries, 1983-1994
- 97/3 Ramaswamy, K. and Waldron, P.
Looking for Spot in the Presence of Futures
- 97/4 Purfield, C. and Waldron, P.
Extending the Mean-Variance Framework to test the Attractiveness of Skewness to Lotto Players
- 97/5 O'Donnell, M.
The Changing Commodity Structure and Destination of Irish Exports 1972-90
- 97/6 Harrison, M. and Treacy, G.
On the Small Sample Distribution of the R/S Statistic
(published in Economic and Social Review, Vol. 28, 1997, pp. 357-380)
- 97/7 Konings, J. and Walsh, P.P.
The Effect of Real Exchange Rate Movements on the Life Expectancy of Manufacturing Plants in Ireland, 1973-94
- 97/8 Walsh, P.P. and Whelan, C.
Price Dispersion and Strategic Outcomes: An Analysis of the Irish Independent Grocery Sector
- 97/9 Meyler, A. and Strobl, E.
Regional Employment Performance of Irish Industry, 1972-96: A Job Flow Analysis
Policy Papers Series - 1994
- 97/1 Fingleton, J.
Standards of Competition in the Irish Economy
(published in Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, Vol. XXVII, 1997, 87-124)
- 97/2 O'Hagan, J.
Taxation and the Consumption of Tobacco
- 97/3 Görg, H. and Ruane, F.
Reflections on Irish Industrial Policy towards Foreign Direct Investment
- 97/4 Lehmann, H.; O'Flaherty, J. and Walsh, P.P.
Structural Adjustment and Regional Long Term Unemployment in Poland
- 97/5 Kearns, A. and Ruane, F.
"To R&D or not to R&D, that is the Question": A Firm Level Study of Employment Growth in the Irish Manufacturing Sector, 1986-1995
Last Updated 09-11-04
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