The Examination Papers for the Whately Professorship of Political Economy:
Responses of a Science and Ideology to the Great Irish Famine
JEL Classification N01
Nien-hê Hsieh
Department of Economics, Harvard University, Cambride MA 02138, USA.
Founded in 1832, the Whately Professorship of Political Economy
at Trinity College, Dublin was the first chair of its kind in Ireland, and the
examination papers given to its potential holders uniquely document the criteria
for mastery of political economy in nineteenth century Ireland and Britain.
Noting the lack of an impact by the Great Irish Famine on these criteria, I
demonstrate how a belief in the scientific status of political economy explains
this observation. I conclude by relating this explanation to current debates
surrounding the role of economic thought in responses to the Famine.
I thank R.D.C. Black and Cormac O Grada for fruitful
discussions, and Lisa Finneran for her support and editorial help. I am indebted
to Antoin Murphy for his suggestion that the examination papers might reveal
something significant in relation to the Great Irish Famine.