Technical Papers Series - 1995
- 95/1 Burke, A.E.
- The Dynamics of Product Differentiation in the British Record Industry
- 95/2 Konings, J. and Walsh, P.P.
The Effect of Foreign Competition on UK Firm Level Employment: Theory and Evidence
- 95/3 Harrison, M.J., Strobl, E. and Walsh, P.P.
The Impact of Discriminatory Legislation on Irish Female Unemployment Flows
- 95/4 Brülhart, M.
Scale Economies, Intra-Industry Trade and Industry Location in the "New Trade Theory"
- 95/5 Brülhart, M.
Industrial Specialisation in the European Union: A Test of The "New Trade Theory"
Policy Papers Series - 1994
Last Updated 09-11-04
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