Economic Integration and New Firm Formation: Evidence from the United
Kingdom and Ireland
JEL Classification L10 and R11
Andrew E. Burke
Department of Economics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland
The paper examines the impact of economic integration on
enterprise in a small open economy. The paper analyses large, small and total
new company registrations in Ireland. It examines the impact of spill-overs from
the United Kingdom labour market and product market on Irish firm formation. The
study finds that negative labour market spill-overs dominate positive product
market spill-overs so that a net negative effect results from Irish - British
economic integration. The results indicate that enterprise in peripheral
economies may be more vibrant if product market integration is introduced before
labour market integration. The paper also finds enterprise to be positively
affected by the number of university graduates in the labour force. House prices
are found to
This paper has been funded by the Arts and Social
Sciences Benefactions Fund, Trinity College Dublin. The author would like to
thank his research assistant lan Minch, and Mike Harrison and Patrick Paul
Walsh, as well as various seminar participants for useful comments. As usual, a
disclaumer applies.