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Student Economic Review (SER) > Past Issues
Applied Economics
- Economic Growth as a Policy Objective, Alan White (PDF 140KB)
- A Note on Equality as a Policy Objective, Patrick McColgan (PDF 106KB)
- The Harberger Triangle Re-Visited, Elaine Ryan & Carol O'Sullivan (PDF 146KB)
- Farm Supports: An Agenda for Reassessment, Michelle Brennan (PDF 243KB)
Development Economics
- The International Narcotics Trade- The Case of Three Less developed Countries, Tadhg Cashman (PDF 173KB)
- Is Development Economics a Dying Subject?, Maura Conneely (PDF 164KB)
- Development Against Women in Sub-Saharan Africa, Lisa Finneran (PDF 185KB)
European Survey
- The Impact and Implications of European Economic Integration, Ann Keegan (PDF 493KB)
- GATT or CAP: Must the EC decide?, Kevin Hannigan (PDF 261KB)
Financial Economics
- Risk, Expected Return and Expected Utility, Kevin Murray (PDF 144KB)
- A Short Lesson in Financial Futures, Ciaran John O'Neill (PDF 236KB)
- Informational Efficiency, Bubble and the 1987 Crash, Dan Ryan (PDF 344KB)
Methodology & Foundations
- Of Astrology, Sherlock Holmes and Econometrics, Lisa Finneran (PDF 188KB)
- The Ricardian Theory of Rent - A Reappraisal of Fundamentals, Ross Maguire (PDF 188KB)
- The Practice and Prospects of Econometrics, Neil Sherlock (PDF 160KB)
- The Rhetoric of Economics, Paul O'Connell (PDF 201KB)
Monetary Economics
- The Monetarist's Nemesis, Paul O'Connell (PDF 290KB)
- Fixed Exchange Rates and European Monetary Union, Philip Lane (PDF 247KB)
- Mercantilism- An Early Manifestation of Economic Nationalism, Orla McKeon (PDF 264KB)
Student Economic Workshop
- Proceedings of the Student Economic Workshop, Billy Stamp (PDF 38KB)
The Irish Economy
- Planning Permissions and the Optimal Capital Stock, Colm O'Reardon (PDF 198KB)
- Income Taxation in Ireland, Sinead Grennan (PDF 188KB)
- The 1991 Budget, Tony Lynch (PDF 198KB)
- The Irish Labour Market-Time to Reassess Supply Side Policies, Billy Stamp (PDF 201KB)
- A Note on the Irish Health Care System, Corinna Hopkins (PDF 121KB)