Hermathena - A Trinity College Dublin Review

- Editor: Professor Monica Gale, Department of Classics
- Book Reviews Editor: Dr Charlie Kerrigan, Department of Classics
- Editorial Office: Dr Selga Medenieks Department of Classics
2025 Prices
An annual subscription covers two issues and includes the cost of postage
- Annual Subscription: €60.00
- Single Issue: €30.00
- Back Issue: €30.00
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- ISSN 0018-0750
Recent Issues
No. 207 (Winter 2019)
- Hesiod, Op. 750-752. Paul O’Mahoney
- War, Wisdom, and other gods: philological allegory in the Argonautica by Orpheus. Alexandra Madeła
- Tibullus 2 and 2.4: going for broke. John Henderson
- Living philosophical fiction: Plato’s myth of Er in the Clementina. Benjamin De Vos
- Greek inscriptions in Ireland, Part III: Trinity College Dublin. Peter Liddel
No. 206 (Summer 2019)
- Bright stars and wide whorls. Paul T. Keyser
- Versaque … Arctos erat: Ovid’s Callisto. Melissande Tomcik
- Locating theatre in Herodotus’ Histories. Irene Stone
- & Book Reviews
Nos 204-205 (Summer-Winter 2018)
Elite responses to the rise of Achaemenid Persia. Edited by Selga Medenieks
- Acknowledgements. Selga Medenieks
- ‘ἐμήδισαν προθύμως οὐδ᾽ ἔτι ἐνδοιαστῶς’: Thessalian Medism and its repercussions. Emma Aston
- Silk purses and sows’ ears: Thebans, Boeotians, and the second Persian invasion 480-479 BCE. Samuel D. Gartland
- Milesian elite responses to Persia: the Ionian Revolt in context. Alan M. Greaves, John Brendan Knight, and Françoise Rutland
- The only one to medise? Notes on the career of King Demaratus of Sparta. Marcello Lupi
- Religious responses in Babylonia to the rise of Persia. Selga Medenieks
- The paradox of allegiances: Alexander I of Macedon and Persian power. E. P. Moloney
- Egyptian elites before the Persian conquest. Alexander Schütze
- ‘Our court shall be a little academe’: Judaean elites and the Persian Great King in the early Persian Empire. Jason M. Silverman
Nos 202-203 (Summer-Winter 2017)
The epistolary Cicero: further readings in the Letters. Edited by Roy Gibson and Ruth Morello
- Introduction. Ruth Morello with Roy Gibson
- Taking no interest in Atticus. John Henderson
- The first person in Cicero’s letters to Atticus. G. O. Hutchinson
- Un-parallel lives? The younger Quintus and Marcus Cicero in Cicero’s Letters. Rhiannon Ash
- Pro Marcello without Caesar: grief, exile and death in Cicero’s Epistulae ad familiares 4. Roy Gibson
- Further voices and familiar perspectives in Cicero’s Letters. Ruth Morello
- Last but not least: ad M. Brutum. Christopher Whitton
- Cicero the satirist? Scurrilous poses in the Letters. Amanda Wilcox
- What do (Cicero’s) letters count as evidence for? Andrew Riggsby
Nos 200-201 (Summer-Winter 2016)
Essays in honour of Brian McGing
- Preface. Monica Gale
- Reminiscences of Brian. Paul Cartledge
- East and West: lines of communication between Alexander and the Greeks. Shane Wallace
- Reading the Roman-Jewish treaty in 1 Maccabees 8: narrative, documents, and Hellenistic historical culture. Duncan E. MacRae
- Philo as rhetorician: diatribe moments in the De Abrahamo. John Dillon
- Plutarch and the Roman triumph. Judith Mossman
- The Emperor, the Jews, and the anatomy of Empire. Mark Humphries
- ‘Don’t forget the stone itself’: a Near Eastern threshold in the temple of the Lydian goddess. Selga Medenieks
- From quarry to metropolis: the journey of an Egyptian granite column from Mons Claudianus in Egypt to the Pantheon in Rome. Hazel Dodge
- A new inscription from Liverpool and its afterlife: World Museum, Liverpool Peter Liddel and Polly Low
No 199 (Winter 2015)
- Crowing over Kebriones the Diver: Iliad 16.740-50, Augustan poetry, and traditions of the Troad
David Braund
- Socrates framed: a cross-dialogue narrative in Plato
E. E. Pender - Julius Caesar and the Roman stasis
Ayelet Peer - Aurelius Victor and the ending of Sallust’s Jugurtha
Justin A. Stover and George Woudhuysen - The epic hero as sacrificial victim: Patroclus and Palinurus
Sergios Paschalis - Tacitus in Italy: between language and politics
Salvador Bartera - Stephen and Aubrey de Vere translate Horace
Julian D. Reynolds - Review of Jeffrey M. Duban. The Lesbian Lyre: Reclaiming Sappho for the 21st Century.
GEORGE L. HUXLEY - Review of Sean Sheehan. A Guide to Reading Herodotus’ Histories.
Elizabeth Irwin and Thomas Harrison (eds). Interpreting Herodotus.
No 198 (Summer 2015)
- Ἔπεα πτερόεντα again: a cognitive linguistic view on Homer’s ‘winged words’. Fabian Horn
- Platonist Brahmans? Platonic metaphors in Refutation of All Heresies 1.24. Donald L. Ross
- Martial’s farm in the window: the case for urban agriculture in ancient Rome.Tracey E. Watts
- & Reviews
Nos 196-197 (Summer-Winter 2014)
The Roman Civil Wars: A House Divided. Edited by Richard Westall
- Introduction. Richard Westall
- The construction of one’s enemies in civil war (49-30 BCE). Hannah Cornwell
- The logic of violence in Roman civil war. Carsten H. Lange
- Cassius Dio 41.43: religion as a liability in Pompey’s civil war. Lindsay G. Driediger-Murphy
- Pietatis Imago. Roger Pitcher
- The Lex Pedia of 43 BCE and its aftermath. Kathryn Welch
- Quintus Fufius Calenus: a forgotten career. Anna B. Miączewska
- Family matters: Velleius Paterculus and the Roman civil wars. Marius Gerhardt
- Caesar prophesies the future: Sallust Catiline 51.35-6. An exercise in historiography. Martin Stone†
- Varro on civil war: Book 4 of De vita populi Romani. Antonino Pittà
- The flight from Rome in January 49 BCE: rhetorical patterns in the narratives of Lucan and Cassius Dio. Stefano Poletti
- Pompeius at Pelusium: the death of the Roman lord of Asia. Richard Westall
No. 195 (Winter 2013)
- The Philosopher in Plato’s Sophist. Alex Priou
- Soul, Causation and Evil: Is Plato’s ψυχή indeed κινήσεως ἁπάσης αἰτία and τῶν πάντων αἰτία? Viktor Ilievski
- Phineus’ Perpetual Night: Ovid, Metamorphoses 7.2–4 and Apollonius, Argonautica 2.178–497. Brian D. McPhee
- Ciris 80: an emendation. Boris Kayachev
- & Reviews
No. 194 (Summer 2013)
Fabellae Dublinienses Revisited and Other Essays in Honour of Marvin Colker. Edited by Anna Chahoud
- Preface. Anna Chahoud
- The ‘Colker catalogue’: a brief history. Jane Maxwell
- TCD MS 115: an Ovid for the Middle Ages. John Scattergood
- Oliver of Cologne’s Historia Damiatina: a new manuscript witness in Dublin, Trinity College Library MS 496. Thomas W. Smith
- TCD MS 602 and the transmission of Petronius in England in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Giulio Vannini
- How much of the Satyrica do we read in Petronius Redivivus (TCD MS 602)? Ornella Rossi
- A note on Quintus Curtius and Gellius in TCD MS 602. Silverio Franzoni
- A pseudo-classical dialogue in TCD MS 632. Anna Chahoud and Ernesto Stagni
- Edward Lovett Pearce and the ‘Bath of Augustus’ (Fagel I.1.95). Edward McParland
- & Reviews
No. 193 (Winter 2012)
Places, Spaces, and Monuments in the Poetry of the First Century BC
- Editorial: Space, Place and Literary Topographies
- World under Construction: Space and Difference in Lucretius, De Rerum Natura I. Eva Marie Noller
- Maenius absentem Novium cum carperet (Horace, Satires 1.3.21): Characters, Places, Monuments. Claudia Conese
- omne patens: Reading Narrative Space in Ovid's Heroides. Bethany Flanders
- & Reviews
No. 192 (Summer 2012)
- Witches in time and space: Satire 1.8, Epode 5 and landscapes of fear. Marguerite Johnson
- From Energeia to energy: Plotinus and the formation of the concept of energy. Paul Kalligas
- The necessity of philosophy. John Dillon
- & Reviews
No. 191 (Winter 2011)
Philosophy and Mathematics II: Selected Papers from the John J. Cleary Memorial Conference. Edited by Peter D. Larsen and Eleni Kaklamanou
- Euclid's context principle. Peter Simons
- Wittgenstein, constructivism, and mathematical proof. Thomas McNally
- The provision of mathematics support and the role of the history of mathematics. Ciarán Mac an Bhaird
- Filling the Void: the application of Free Logic to programming. Hugh Gibbons
- & Reviews
No. 190 (Summer 2011)
Philosophy and Mathematics I: Selected Papers from the John J. Cleary Memorial Conference. Edited by Peter D. Larsen and Eleni Kaklamanou
- Introduction. Peter D. Larsen and Eleni Kaklamanou
- Proportion and Mathematics in Plato's Timaeus. S. Glenn
- Aristotle on Mathematical and Eidetic Number. Daniel P. Maher
- Russell and the Transfinite. James Levine
- & Reviews
No. 189 (Winter 2010)
(containing essays arising from an all-day seminar held in the Centre for the Study of the Platonic Tradition in Trinity College, Dublin, given by the distinguished Russian Platonist Professor Yury Shichalin and a group of his students, on the subject of the Platonic Corpus and our understanding of its composition)
- Introduction. John Dillon
- On the new approach to the chronology of the Corpus Platonicum. Yury Anatolievich Shichalin
- On the position of Crito in the Corpus Platonicum. Anastasia Zolotukhina
- Concerning the date of Plato's Phaedrus. Anna Usacheva
- Elenchus and Diairesis in Plato's Sophist. Olga Alieva
- Some Support from Computational Stylistics. Harold Tarrant
- & Reviews
No. 188 (Summer 2010)
- Memories of Kythera: an address. G. L. Huxley
- Problems in the Satires of Horace. E. Courtney
- An invocation of Chrestos in Magic. The question of the orthographical spelling of Chrestos and interpretation issues in PGM XIII.288-95. Eleni Pachoumi
- Comparing and connecting myths. G. L. Huxley review of Bruce Louden, Homer's Odyssey and the Near East.
- & Reviews
No. 187 (Winter 2009)
- 'The fox knoweth many things, the hedgehog one great thing': the relation of philosophical concepts and historical contexts in Plato's Dialogues. Michael Erler
- The ethics of descent in Plotinus. Euree Song
- Dr Johnson and the Irish. Niall Rudd
- Defining and displaying the human body: collectors and Classics during the British Enlightenment. Ellen Adams
- Notes on a biography of C. M. Bowra. G. L. Huxley
- & Reviews
No. 186 (Summer 2009)
- A possible Mesopotamian origin for Plato's World Soul. Leon Crickmore
- Reading Socrates in Plato's Dialogues (Stephen MacKenna Lecture, Dublin, January 2009). Christopher Rowe
- Reason in check: the scepticism of Sextus Empiricus. Daniel Vázquez
- A note on the name Hermathena and its lepidopteran namesakes. Eileen Kelly
- & Reviews