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Cell Analysis Facilities

The state-of-the-art Trinity Cell Analysis Technologies in the School of Biochemistry and Immunology is a consolidated research technology service, incorporating world-class infrastructure and facilities.
It is led by the Director of Research Technology (Dr Barry Moran) and includes cytometry, histology, microscopy, imaging and analytical instrumentation, with associated expertise. Facilities include the Flow Cytometry Facility, the Microscopy and Imaging Facility, and the Biological Transmission Electron Microscopy (bioTEM) Facility. The cores are housed in custom-built laboratory space within the Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, each with an experienced manager. Additional specialist technologies in the School include Seahorse instrumentation, Mabtech FluoroSpot and ELISpot, the Samplix Xdrop microfluidic encapsulating system, as well as the Agilent Ultra High Field 800 MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) system.