M.Sc. in Immunotherapeutics

The School of Biochemistry & Immunology is at the forefront of immunological research worldwide. In a recently published analysis by Clarivate Analytics, three Trinity immunology academics are in the top 1% of researchers worldwide based on number of citations. The new M.Sc. in Immunotherapeutics is an innovative and multidisciplinary postgraduate degree designed to provide graduates with in-depth specialist knowledge in the fundamentals and development of immunotherapeutics through research-led teaching and practical training.
Is this course for me?
The M.Sc. in immunotherapeutics is open to scientific, medical, dentistry, veterinary and engineering graduates who wish to obtain in-depth knowledge of immunotherapeutics, fundamental immunology and the advanced technologies that underpin immunotherapeutic development. The M.Sc. programme is particularly suitable for graduates who wish to enter the biopharma/immunotherapeutic industry or wish to continue further academic research. Successful applicants will hold a third level minimum Upper Second Class Honours degree (2.1) in immunology, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology, veterinary science, dentistry, medicine, engineering or a related subject.
Applications are made through the online genesis system not later than 30th June of the academic year.
Course structure
The M.Sc. course is a full time 1-year programme consisting of 60 ECTS taught modules and a 30 ECTS project placement and dissertation. The following modules are mandatory and comprise the taught components of the course: Fundamental Immunology, Advanced Technologies, Immunotherapeutics, Innovation and Drug Development, Entrepreneurial Action, Research in Action, Bioinformatics and Statistics. A unique element of the M.Sc. is a 6-month project placement in relevant industry in collaboration with an academic member of staff.
1 year full-time
Contact information
Course Location: Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Pearse St. Dublin 2
Course Co-ordinator: Assistant Professor Jerrard Hayes
Course Director: Professor Cliona O’Farrelly
Contact email: Immunotherapeutics.MSc@tcd.ie
Register your interest
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The support of the Chemical Computing Group (https://www.chemcomp.com/) by providing the MOE software suite for teaching is gratefully acknowledged.