M.Sc. in Immunology

Is this course for me?
The course is open to scientific, medical, dentistry and veterinary graduates and will accommodate students from several backgrounds who wish to progress from introductory level Immunology to advanced clinical and applied Immunology. The rate of progress and depth of the advanced modules will also suit students who may have graduated with an Immunology degree, but who wish to explore the subject in more breadth and detail before committing to a Ph.D. Successful applicants will hold a third level, minimum Upper Second Class Honours degree (2.1) in Medicine, Veterinary Science, Dentistry, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Immunology, or Biochemistry. Medical graduates must have a M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., or equivalent from a recognised medical school. Veterinary graduates must have B. Vet. Sci. from a recognised veterinary school.
Applications for admission to the course are made through the online geneSIS system normally not later than 30 June of the academic year. Late applications will be considered provided places are available.
Course structure
Students take modules totalling 90 ECTS. Taught core modules of 60 ECTS and Research Project/Dissertation Module of 30 ECTS are all obligatory. Each masters student is also required to undertake a twelve week research project and submit a dissertation based on the outputs from this research project by 20 June.
Course flier
Download the 2022 course flier
1 year full-time
Contact information
Course location: Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Pearse St., Dublin 2
Course Directors: Prof. Cliona O’Farrelly and Dr. Nigel Stevenson
Contact email: MSc.Immunology@TCD.ie
Register your interest
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